Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Day Sixteen

Suratoni Tribe
So we are down to the final ten, and things couldn’t be crazier. The day after Cowin was voted out in a shocker, Ryan was voted out too. Ryan lost by one vote, while Cowin lost in a tiebreaker so obviously this tribe is split down the middle. At this point, one alliance consisted of Jones, Clarke, Dirks and Silas, while the other was Wylie, Trotman, Wilson and Cameron. Damien was gaining the trust of the Pickering guys, while Pitman held no place in either alliance.
Pitman began to talk to Cameron, the other remaining member of the Bash Brothers. He told Cam that it really wasn’t him who voted Cowin off. It could have been Damien, but it also could have been someone else that is unexpected such as Wilson or Trotman. Cameron didn’t think it would be so, but he began to believe Pitman. So now he wasn’t sure at all who helped to vote Cowin out.
Silas and Dirks went and began talking to Trotman about maybe starting a secret alliance with someone like Wylie, but Trotman wasn’t so sure it would be a good idea to go against the Pickering guys, but he felt a special coloured bond with Silas and began to consider his place in the Pickering alliance.
Damien spent some time to consider how he had played the game so far. He had outlasted Cowin, which he never thought possible. He had also been a part of voting Ryan out, a move which he knew was very important not just to him, but to all the Pickering guys. He began to contemplate who should go next, and what he needed to do to stay alive. He knew that most guys had a problem with him on the island because he got into some fights, and talked to everyone (even on both sides… gasp!) He had indeed been conversing with both tribes, which made everyone suspicious of him. But he knew it didn’t necessarily mean that he was “playing” both sides.

Immunity Challenge
Everyone will have to stand on poles suspended over the water. Last one on their pole wins immunity.

An hour passes: some cupcakes are brought out, and not being able to withstand temptation is Wilson.
Two hours pass: a half-chicken dinner is brought out and both Cameron and Clarke jump in for some nice chicken.
Four hours pass: a subway sandwich is brought out and Wylie jumps off.
The six remaining members are each given a coconut. They can throw it at other people to knock them off. Pitman throws at Trotman but misses. Trotman throws back at Pitman, hits him, but Pitman stays on. Silas throws one at Damien but misses. Damien throws one at Dirks and knocks him off. Jones throws his at Trotman and knocks him off too.
8 hours passed: a steak is brought out and Jones jumps in.
Guess what! Instead of the final one person winning immunity, it will be the final three are all immune. So immunity goes to Damien, Silas and Pitman.

Suratoni before Tribal Council
The tribe couldn’t believe it. They knew that the game can change at any moment, but they didn’t know that it would change in the middle of a challenge. Feeling like the biggest dufus, Jones knew that the steak wasn’t worth the win. If he had stayed on a little longer to let the steak entice someone else he would be immune tonight. Cameron pulled Pitman aside. He told Pitman that he believed that he didn’t vote Cowin out, but that Trotman and Wilson were not so trusting of him. They didn’t know him until the merge, and they believed Damien. Meanwhile, Trotman went back over to talk with Silas and Dirks. They told him that they really wanted him to join up with the two of them. Trotman told him that there were still too many people, and that it was not a good time yet to join a three man alliance. They asked him who he was leaning towards for voting off next, and he told them. Wylie and Wilson knew who they thought should go, but unfortunately all three of their first choices were immune so they had to think of who had been the biggest threat so far. Clarke hadn’t done too much so far, and they knew Dirks was a threat. Jones had already won one immunity challenge, and he almost won earlier in the day. It would be a tough choice, and they had to make sure they had everyone on board.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Jones
2nd vote: Cameron
3rd vote: Jones
4th vote: Jones
5th vote: Cameron
6th vote: Jones
7th vote: Jones
And with six votes out of ten, the fifteenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is…
Mike “The Friggin” Jones

meh... he had to get married soon anyway

Monday, May 30, 2005

Day Fifteen

Suratoni Tribe
Tribe life was rocked as Cowin was voted out last night. Half of the tribe didn’t expect it at all, while the other half was reluctant to vote him out. Most of the guys liked Cowin a bunch, but the Tyndale guys knew that the Pickering guys could easily unite around Cowin, and they needed to stop that.
The Pickering guys were furious because they knew that they should have had a numbers advantage going into Tribal council, but they still lost. Cameron in particular was adamant about finding out who the traitor was, and squishing him. In Cameron’s mind however, there wasn’t much debate about who it was.
Damien took Trotman aside and told him that they should stick together because they were probably outcasts out of the Pickering guys. Trotman couldn’t find any trust in Damien and asked him flat-out if he was the one who voted against Cowin. Damien said that it wasn’t him, and that it must have been someone else, but he basically pointed to Pitman. He asked Trotman how he could trust Pitman after just meeting him.
From there, Trotman talked to Wilson, Wylie and Cameron about the fact that they needed to consider that it could have been Pitman, and not Damien. The guys were having a hard time believing that.
Most of the Tyndale guys were pretty excited though after taking this small victory. The “leader” of the Pickering guys was now out, and they felt that the number advantage lied with them now.

Immunity Challenge
There will be an eating challenge. A LOT of fish. The final three people to finish are eliminated. Those who finish early will get to wait for the final people before starting the next challenge, which happens to be a horrible obstacle course. The final 3 people to finish will be eliminated. The final 6 will have to carry 20 buckets filled with rocks 50 metres. The two who finish the quickest will go on to best of five trivial pursuit trivia. The winner wins immunity.

Eating A LOT of Fish
Taking an early lead are Clarke, Pitman, Jones, Trotman, Wylie, Silas. Falling behind are Dirks, Wilson, Cameron, Ryan and Damien. Those with the early leads all finish while, finishing right after is Cameron and Damien.
ELIMINATED: Dirks, Wilson, Ryan

Obstacle Course
Taking the lead is Wylie, Jones, Silas and Trotman, while Cameron, Clarke, Pitman and Damien begin to fall behind. The early lead guys all finish followed by Clarke.
ELIMATED: Cameron, Pitman, Damien

Heavy Buckets
The first two to finish with the heavy buckets are Wylie and Jones.
ELIMINATED: Silas, Clarke, Trotman

1st Question: Jones
2nd Question: Wylie
3rd Question: Wylie
4th Question: Jones
5th Question: Jones

Immunity goes to Jones!

Suratoni before Tribal Council
Since both Damien and now Pitman were seen as outcasts in the tribe, neither side had their full numbers. No one really knew who to trust. The Pickering guys knew who the biggest threats were out of the Tyndale guys (Ryan and Silas.) But they didn’t know who was really on their side. Pitman was being very stubborn with both the Tyndale guys and the Pickering guys because he said that it wasn’t him that voted Cowin out, while the Tyndale guys didn’t know if they could trust him either, because he was in an alliance with the Pickering guys, and still could be.
Pitman maintained that he didn’t vote for Cowin, and told Cameron that he still wanted to stick with the Bash Brothers. Damien began to really talk to each of the Pickering guys alone. He told them all that it wasn’t him, and that he wanted to be part of an alliance with them, but they never gave him a chance. Wilson and Trotman began to believe him, and told Cameron that he should as well.
Ryan confronted Damien about what they had talked about before. Ryan wanted to know if he could get Damien to vote their way, which was leaning towards either Cameron or Wylie. Damien told Ryan that he was all for voting Cameron out, and that he was only playing the Pickering guys. Ryan wasn’t convinced, but he would still need the vote.
Pitman spent a lot of time by himself, because he knew that neither tribe trusted him. He didn’t know now whether to stick with his original alliance, or try to go back to the Tyndale guys.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Cameron
2nd vote: Cameron
3rd vote: Ryan
4th vote: Ryan
5th vote: Ryan
6th vote: Ryan
7th vote: Cameron
8th vote: Ryan
9th vote: Cameron
10th vote: Cameron
That’s five votes Cameron, five votes Ryan.
The eleventh vote and the fourteenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is Ryan Mateulewicz.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Day Fourteen

Suratoni Tribe
Things were pretty hectic after the merge. Everyone was partying getting back in touch with the people they’ve known for years, or even just meeting new people that they only saw from the challenges. For starters, Dirks was very glad to be gone from the Mablevi tribe, because if there had been one more day before the merge, he would have been voted out. He was instantly attached to Clarke, as well as Ryan, Silas and Jones. He thought he had finally found an alliance in this game.
Trotman and Wilson were glad to be with more Pickering guys like Wylie, Cameron and Cowin. Speaking of Cowin, he was beginning to get shaky about his Pickering alliance. He felt that if he was to get in an alliance with Ryan and some other guys, that it could be effective. But that meant that he would have to eventually stab his Pickering friends in the backs. The merge was weird for Clarke because he didn’t know where he stood with the Tyndale guys. They had sort of outcasted him earlier, but they would definitely need him in the early stages after the merge. Damien was having some problems making relationships. He wasn’t really close with any Pickering guys, other than Trotman, and he hadn’t made any lasting bonds with the Runako guys. This could be a problem for him, but he felt that if he didn’t piss anyone off from this point on, he could silently get past the first few votes.

The Immunity Challenge
All twelve members of the newly formed Suratoni Tribe will get onto a 6x6 metre platform. The last castaway on the platform wins immunity. It’s as simple as that. Go!

Right away they all lunged for eachother. Not having very much room for all twelve people, everyone had some action at the beginning. Trotman and Ryan began to grapple right away, with both castaways nearing the edge. Cowin’s strategy was to go for Damien right away, but luckily for Damien, Cowin got into something with Dirks and Clarke together right away. Pitman ran for Trotman and Ryan, knocking both of them into the water. Right after, Wilson ran his hardest right into the back of Pitman, knocking him over the edge as well.
Damien, being very scrappy, was wrestling with Wylie on the floor of the platform. Jones and Cameron began to fight, both nearing an edge as well. Silas and Wilson were hanging out by themselves for the time being, not fighting anyone. Clarke and Dirks began to progress with Cowin, knocking him on the floor, right beside the edge. Cowin threw Clarke right off the edge, but he was too close as Dirks pushed him off, but not before taking Dirks with him. Wilson went to help Wylie with Damien, and they began to move him to edge.
Silas went to help The Jones with Cameron. Silas was able to get leverage on Cameron, and they knocked him down to his knees, and together they pushed him off. The Jones immediately after grabbed Silas and tried to knock him off as well. Silas was able to fight back and he knocked Jones off. Damien was still fighting both Wylie and Wilson, but because he was fighting on the floor, they weren’t able to knock him over the edge. Silas came in and began to grab at Wilson, and pull him towards the edge. As soon as Wilson was gone, Damien got to his feet and grabbed Wylie’s arm, twisting it to gain leverage. Wilson went over the edge by Silas, just before Wylie was knocked off by Damien.
This left only Silas and Damien. Immediately they ran towards eachother, and Damien pulled Silas to the floor and began to twist him in a very unruly manner. Silas, being no slouch began to get out of it, and get on top of Damien. They both were able to stand up, and Damien walked freely right to the edge. Silas walked towards him, and they grapples once more. After taking out Silas’ knees, they both began to fall over the edge. Silas hit the water, as Damien grabbed the edge.
Immunity goes to Damien.

Suratoni Before Tribal Council
Most people may have been planning on voting out Damien on this day, which wrecked all their early plans. Cowin in particular was pissed. Cameron didn’t worry too much however because he knew that they would get their chance soon enough. The two main sides began to wonder who they should vote off. Most of the Pickering guys, like Cameron and Wylie saw Silas and Ryan as the biggest threats, but Cowin, still holding on to his possible alliance with Ryan told the guys that he didn’t want to vote Ryan out. Cowin also liked Silas, but he also knew he could make such a decision for the whole of the Pickering guys. Damien went to the Pickering guys and tried to apologize for whatever he may have said in the past, and that he would gladly vote with them if they would have him. They Pickering guys knew that with Pitman and Damien they had a numbers advantage over the Tyndale guys. Cowin in particular was having a hard time, because he had earlier seen Damien talking to Ryan. But with the numbers advantage, they should be able to vote anyone out, with a 7-5 vote.
The Tyndale guys knew who the biggest threat out of the Pickering guys was: Cowin. They also knew they were outnumbered, and would have a hard time without swaying anyone to their side. Damien had come over to them earlier, and Ryan in particular thought that they could possibly use his vote (seeing as they couldn’t vote him off.) If they could put 6 votes together that would force a tie. They still didn’t know who exactly to vote for, but they didn’t want anyone to unite all the Pickering guys to one alliance, because that would be disaster for all the Tyndale guys. Both tribes would make sure each member of their early alliances would know exactly who to vote for.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Jones
2nd vote: Jones
3rd vote: Cowin
4th vote: Jones
5th vote: Jones
6th vote: Cowin
7th vote: Jones
8th vote: Cowin
9th vote: Jones
10th vote: Cowin
11th vote: Cowin
12 vote: Cowin
Unfortunately there is another tie (however unexpected), and there will have to be a tie-breaker. For each post-merge tie-breaker, there will be a different challenge. For this challenge, each person (Cowin, Jones) will have to answer 5 Africa Trivia Questions. Whoever answers the most correctly will go on to day fifteen. Whoever answers the least correctly will be heading home.
Question One: Cowin: correct. Jones: Incorrect
Question Two: Cowin, Jones: Correct
Question Three: Cowin: Incorrect, Jones: Correct
Question Four: Cowin Incorrect, Jones: Correct
Question Five: Cowin: Correct, Jones: Correct
Final Score: Cowin: 3, Jones: 4
So Andrew Cowin is the thirteenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Day Thirteen... The Merged Tribe

Upon the beginning of day 13, all the tribes were called together for what they thought would be an early morning immunity challenge. It turned out that there would be no immunity challenge today, and that from now on they would be known as the Suratoni Tribe. The new tribe is as follows...

Bryant Trotman - He just barely made it this far, seeing as Mablevi went down to three members. His athletic ability was key to Mablevi, we will see if the merged tribe sees him as a threat.

Mike Wilson - He hasn't been very strong in the immunity challenge, but his niceness paid off because he made it to the merge... if only by a tie over Wells. He will have some nice opportunies for alliances with guys like Wylie and Cameron.

Damien Lorefice - Having made it to the merge was a miracle for Damien. Had his tribe lost more challenges he would probably have been voted out. His cunning strategy has got him this far, it from here on in it could be his saving grace or his downfall.

Dan Wylie - He has strong alliances in the Bash Brothers as well and Trotman and Wilson. He has been pretty strong in the challenges and from here on in, he would be expected to be even stronger of a competitor.

Cameron Hodge - He escaped tragedy with the knee accident, but luckily for Cam his knee got mostly better over the night, and he is at about 80%. He has a very strong alliance in Cowin and Pitman, as well as with Wylie and Wilson. If all goes well health-wise, Cameron could make it very far.

Andrew Cowin - He has been almost unbeatable in every type of challenge, and the castaways will note that strength when having to vote someone out. He also has strong alliances on the Pickering side, but will his strength result in an early exit? Yes it did, but now he's back!

Chris Pitman - His strength has been hard to match in the challanges, but he is at risk being in an alliance with Cowin and Cameron. This could effect him negatively when the Tyndale guys try to pick him up and take him back to their side. He will certainly have a decision to make.

Adam Clarke - He, like Damien barely squeaked through to the merge. He had a tough time getting into an alliance with the Tyndale guys, but they may want him now that the Merged tribe is pretty much split in two.

Nathan Dirks - He has also been very tough to beat in the immunity challenges. He has good relationships with the Tyndale guys so that could get him pretty far. He wouldn't be considered a strategic threat ahead of guys like Ryan and Silas though, so he could lay low pretty effectively.

Mike Jones - He has laid low very well so far in this game. He is not a threatening guy, because he is funny and so easy to get along with. He will be very tough to beat in the challenges because he is very competitive and will work very hard for the win.

Silas Pedro Yamey - Maybe the very definition of "threat" in this game. He basically knows everyone in the game, as well he is very very athletic. He has a strong alliance in the Tyndale guys, and he may be close enough to some of the Pickering guys to not get voted out right away.

Ryan Mateulewicz - He has been veyr strategic so far in this game. It almost got him voted out on day 11, and it could get him into trouble later. If he is seen as too much of a threat he could go early, but if his strategy works out, it could get him very far.

Next time on Survivor Hamilton... the Real game begins.

Day Twelve

Mablevi Tribe
Today the members of Mablevi went for an early morning swim. Wilson, Dirks and Wells were in the deep part pretty quickly, the coloured guy falling behind. Suddenly, a shark came out of nowhere and began to swim towards Wilson. Being slightly afraid of sharks, Wilson began to freak out. As well, Dirks and Wells freaked out, screaming like little girls. Trotman however played it cool, being only metres from the beach he walked safely onto the sand. Hours passed with no sign of Wilson.

Takiyah Tribe
The tribemates of Takiyah decided to have a wrestling tournament before the immunity challenge. Drawing names randomly it was decided that Cowin and Wylie would face eachother first. Things began decently for Wylie but soon Cowin was able to get on top of Dan. Once Cowin had leverage there really wasn’t anything Wylie could do but submit to the weight of Cowin. In our other semifinal, it was a battle of heavyweights as Pitman squared off against Cameron. They began in a grapple and proceeded to struggle on the ground for a good half-hour. It was looking as if Cameron was gaining the upper hand until he fell very awkwardly onto his knee and experienced horrible pain. Having decided that injuring your own teammates before the immunity challenge may not be a very good idea, they decided not to continue to the final.

Runako Tribe
Ryan was very displeased on this day because it was fairly obvious who had tried to eliminate him the day before. He was livid with Clarke for trying to “stab him in the back”, but Clarke would hear none of it. He knew that Ryan would have voted him out in a heartbeat, and he didn’t feel badly at all. Damien got worried because he had spent all this time trying to secure his safety with Ryan and Silas and threw that away. He began to try and regain the trust of Ryan by doing chores around the campsite but it was having little effect. Mike Jones it seems began to really miss his fiancée Nora, and he was having a hard time. He is a fierce competitor though he has a heart too.

Immunity Challenge
Members of each tribe will go head-to-head to reach a destination through a small obstacle course before the member from the other tribe. The matches will be chosen randomly. Anything goes, so competitors can use any means necessary to reach the goal before his opponent. Each castaway will race twice. The tribe with the least victories will be heading to tribal council. Mablevi and Takiyah choose Silas to sit out from Runako.

Wylie d Wilson, Pitman d Ryan, Dirks d Damien, Cowin d Trotman, Clarke d Cameron, Jones d Wells, Pitman d Wilson, Jones d Cameron, Trotman d Damien, Dirks d Wylie, Cowin d Clarke, Ryan d Wells
Mablevi: 3
Takiyah: 5
Runako: 4

Mablevi Before Tribal Council
So luckily for Mablevi, Wilson appeared at the immunity challenge just after the rest of the guys. And luckily for Wilson, he didn’t get eaten by a shark. Unfortunately, Mablevi still lost the immunity challenge. Trotman and Wilson were sure that they would not go against eachother like they did Binny, so it was their turn to try and sway either Wells or Dirks. It did not seem to be working. It looked like they could possibly face another tie.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Wells
2nd vote: Wilson
3rd vote: Wells
4th vote: Wilson
Again there is a tie. The tiebreaker fire-build is won by Wilson, and therefore Tyler Wells is the 12th person voted out of Survivor Hamilton.

Next time on Survivor Hamilton… the merge.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Day Eleven

Mablevi Tribe
After clobbering in the immunity challenge last night, spirits were high at the Mablevi camp. The guys felt closer than ever, and they weren’t so worried anymore. They knew that they may lose another challenge, but they didn’t care. They won so hugely at the fishing game that they felt they would never lose hope again. Dirks and Wells and Trotman and Wilson were still in pairs, but they were still a very close tribe on day 11.

Takiyah Tribe
Takiyah really didn’t expect to lose the challenge last night, and the guys were pretty bummed about it. Cowin particularly felt very bad about voting Trevor out, because they had been pretty close throughout the game. It was done and over with however, and he stuck with Pitman (who was very grateful). Although they lost, the 4 members of Takiyah (Pitman, Cowin, Cameron and Wylie) felt that they could take this alliance to the final four. The realized that they would be joining with other Pickering guys after the merge, but they would take this group of 4 as far as it could go.

Runako Tribe
Only losing one out the first 10 immunity challenges was helping Runako to be very confident in themselves. They just barely came second last night, but they were excited nonetheless. There were still problems as the campsite however. Hackett was continually spending more and more time by himself fishing and such. This was having quite an effect on the tribe as whole, because most guys were trying to get closer with the tribe members (to ensure their safety), but Hackett didn’t seem to care. This could come back to haunt him, but he’s still not annoying like Damien.

Immunity Challenge
One member will carry a pole on his shoulders and the other three will continually run and fill and place full buckets of water on both sides of the pole. Whatever tribe gets the least amount of buckets on their tribemate’s shoulder pole will be heading to tribal council. Mablevi and Takiyah choose Jones to sit out from Runako, and Runako willingly sits out Hackett.

Mablevi: Wells (Pole)
Takiyah: Cameron (Pole)
Runako: Ryan (Pole)
Results are based on strength of the pole guy, and speed of the other 3.
Mablevi: 30 buckets
Takiyah: 41 buckets
Runako: 23 buckets

Runako before Tribal Council
Before heading to only its second Tribal Council, the members of Runako were all freaking out about who they were going to vote out. Silas, Jones and Ryan felt pretty safe, but the other three knew one of them was going home. This feeling was intensified when Hackett told Ryan to “F off” because Ryan was complaining about the fish Hackett caught. The only chance for those guys (Hackett, Damien, Clarke) would be to ally together, but there was little chance of that… That is until Clarke spoke to Damien and Hackett together. They knew that the main 3 would vote them out one at a time, and that the only way to survive would be to vote out one of Silas, Jones or Ryan. The meeting went well overall.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Hackett
2nd vote: Hackett
3rd vote: Ryan
4th vote: Hackett
5th vote: Ryan
6th vote: Ryan
There is of course a tie. Now both Ryan and Hackett will be required to build a fire. The person’s fire that reaches the wick hanging above will be safe for another day. The other person will be going home.

After a long time of frustrating fire building (due to the wind) Ryan’s flame lights the wick. So unfortunately Hackett is the eleventh person voted out of Survivor Hamilton.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Day Ten

Mablevi Tribe
Well we've reached the 10 day point, and things couldn't be worse for the Mablevi Tribe. They have lost all confidence in themselves, and it still doesn't seem to them that they will be able to win a challenge. Each guy is nervous because they all know that day 10 could be their last day in the game. Wells and Dirks are still as close as ever, but Trotman and Wilson are having some difficulties because Trotman voted out Binnington the day before. Wilson spent more time today fishing for the tribe, and he felt that fishing alone should at least get him past day 10. Wells and Dirks aren't so sure.

Takiyah Tribe
The day after another immunity victory, Takiyah couldn't be more confident. The bash brothers were partying all day, and Wylie and Trevor were joining in the party as well. There were really no worries in the Takiyah camp because each person felt that they would be safe until the merge (whenever that is) because they will not lose another immunity challenge. Pitman began to do alot of work around the tribe as well. He knew that he is not part of the Pickering guys, so he wanted to try and do enough work to keep him around. But the way Cowin, Cameron and himself are getting along, he may not have to worry.

Runako Tribe
Once again, the Runako tribe experienced arguments. Damien began harrassing Hackett about the fact that he doesn't do enough work, and Ryan and Clarke began arguing about Clarke's safety. Ryan told Clarke that it is his own responsibility to stay alive in the game, but Clarke tried and tried to get into the Jones, Silas, Ryan alliance. That being only 3 of 6, Clarke talked to Damien about joining with Hackett, but Damien and Hackett would never get along well enough to have a serious alliance. Clarke was worried.

Immunity Challenge
4 members from each tribe will be given random spots on a cliff overlooking the ocean. This spot is filled with all sorts of fish. Whichever tribe catches the least amount of fish (in lbs) within two hours will be heading to tribal council. Cowin is chosen to sit out from Takiyah, while Jones is chosen from Runako and Clarke sits out willingly.

Wilson catches a 4 lb, Dirks: 2 lb, Pitman: 3 lb, Ryan: 4 lb, Trevor: 2 lb, Wilson: 3 lb, Ryan: 3 lb, Wells: 4 lb, Pitman: 3 lb, Trotman: 5 lb, Wilson: 2 lb, Dirks: 1 lb, Trotman: 7 lb, Wylie: 2 lb, Hackett: 4 lb... two hours is up!
Mablevi: 28 lbs
Takiyah: 10 lbs
Runako: 11 lbs

Takiyah before Tribal Council
This was a very frustrating immunity challenge for Takiyah because they just couldn't catch very many fish. Plus, the ones they did catch weren't very big. They had so much confidence going into the challenge and it was all lost after the challenge. They weren't expecting to have to vote anyone out tonight, so they had a lot of talking to do as a group and in pairs. Cowin and Cameron knew that they were sticking together and that they weren't ready to vote Wylie out. So that would 3 votes, and it is down to either Trevor or Pitman. Trevor had been known for longer, but wasn't impacting tribe life very much, while Pitman was very strong, intense and one third of the Bash Brothers. This would be a tough desicion.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Trevor
2nd vote: Pitman
3rd vote: Trevor
And the tenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is...
Trevor Innes

Cowin and Cameron seem to be sticking with the Bash Brothers.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Day Nine

Mablevi Tribe
Day nine was filled with worry for the Mablevi Tribe. These guys knew that that they probably had the weakest tribe, and that they would be hard-pressed to win another challenge. Wells and Dirks began to press Trotman hard to side with them in the event of another tribal council. Trotman would not be so quick as to make a decision this early. Meanwhile, Wilson was beginning to show his forte for fishing. He caught a small shark on this day, and the rest of the tribe began to think that maybe Wilson would be good to keep around.

Takiyah Tribe
While not worried that they would be heading to tribal council any time soon, Cowin and Cameron began to consider their options when required to vote someone else out. Wylie was not an early option because he is pretty feisty and prolly pretty smart too. It was becoming obvious that they would either stick with Pickering and keep Trevor around, or form a new alliance with big Pitman and keep the Bash Brothers going. It wasn’t becoming an urgent problem, but it was something that they were beginning to consider.

Runako Tribe
It was on day nine that Damien confronted Silas to try and save his survivor life. Damien, being a very good salesman, told Silas that he would be much better to keep around than Hackett and Clarke. Silas was listening but at this time not taking Damien too seriously. Hackett really didn’t have much of a place in the tribe, but he was not annoying, or a serious threat, so it didn’t seem that voting Hackett out at this point was very important. Clarke on the other hand was becoming more and more of an outcast with Ryan, but not annoying like Damien. Clarke began talking to Hackett instead, to see if he could find some safety there.

Immunity Challenge
All five members would be tied together and required to walk through knee deep water with 50 lbs of weight on their backs. There would be a rope circle in the water and each tribe would be an equal distance from eachother. The object of the game is to catch the other tribes. If one tribe is caught from behind they are eliminated and will head to tribal council. If a person is tired and wants to leave the game then they must give their weights to someone else on the tribe. If no tribe is caught, then the last person walking will win immunity for their tribe. Mablevi and Takiyah choose to sit out Silas from Runako.

Early on, Wilson, Binny, and Hackett drop out of the game, leaving Wells, Trotman and Jones with 100 lbs a piece. Trevor and Wylie drop out next, leaving Cowin and Pitman with 100 lbs. Damien dropped out too, leaving Clarke with 100 lbs too. Dirks and Clarke then dropped out, leaving Trotman and Jones with 150, and Wells and Ryan with 100. Unfortunately, Takiyah started behind Mablevi, and Cowin reached the back of Trotman, and Mablevi lost the challenge.

Mablevi before Tribal Council
It was now crunch time for Dirks and Wells, because they were outnumbered 3-2 by the Pickering guys, but they knew that if one of them were to be eliminated, Mablevi would lose again, and the other one would be out next. Without being threatening, they confronted Trotman again, and tried to get him to consider voting Binny out. Trotman was not sure what to do.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Wells
2nd vote: Binny
3rd vote: Binny
4th vote: Wells
And the ninth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is…
Matt Binnington

Friday, May 20, 2005

Day Eight

Mablevi Tribe
Mablevi began the day, Wells and Dirks confronted Trotman about the fact that they voted Feen out. They figured that the physical and intellectual presence of Feen will be missed, and now they probably won’t win another challenge. Binny and Wilson began to worry that Trotman would go over to the Tyndale guys’ side and vote them out. Day eight was filled with worries about the immunity challenge.

Takiyah Tribe
Fresh after their overwhelming victory the day before, Takiyah was partying. They believed that were pretty much unstoppable going into the next challenge, and probably the next few after that as well. Pitman, Cowin and Cameron began to get pretty tight, and they started calling themselves the Bash Brothers. Trevor thought it was pretty gay. Either way, the whole tribe was very confident.

Runako Tribe
After the flood, Runako had a lot of work to do. There wasn’t a lot of arguments on day eight, because everyone was so busy fixing the campsite, and trying to warm up. While most of the guys were fixing the shelter, Barry was in charge of building a gigantic fire to heat everyone up. While leaning over the fire, a gust of wind blew smoke into his face, and Barry fainted falling face first into the fire. While his hat covered the majority of his face, his hands were buried in the embers. He woke immediately, screamed and ran to the ocean. Everyone dropped what they were doing immediately to help Barry with anything they could do. Because he was burned so bad, the Survivor Hamilton staff called in a helicopter to airlift Barry off of the island. It would be the end of his game. Because we here at Survivor Hamilton are very interested in sticking to schedule, there will be no immunity challenge today.

I’m sorry Barry… It could have happened to anybody.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Day Seven

Mablevi Tribe
Being split down the middle, Mablevi was searching for ways that they could escape another tribal council without wrecking tribal chemistry. Feen, Dirks and Wells would not vote for eachother, while the Pickering guys are not as close but certainly want to survive longer in the game. The storm would soon subside from day six, and rebuilding would start. Mablevi worked pretty well together and got most of the camp fixed during day seven.

Takiyah Tribe
After the departure of Micah, the remaining members of Takiyah were very downcast because he was such a nice guy, and now he’s on his way home. They now felt however that they had a dream team. They have the strongest tribe physically, and with Wylie and Trevor they are not slow either. They also have some very smart people as well. Despite losing the last immunity challenge, Takiyah was totally confident going into the next challenge.

Runako Tribe
The storm was bad enough on Runako, but soon a flood came through the campsite as well. This flood wrecked everything in the camp, and also made everyone very stressed. Some arguments broke out as well between Clarke and Ryan, and Damien and Hackett. These people by the end of the day really could not stand eachother, and they didn’t know how they would perform in the next challenge.

Immunity Challenge
Each tribe will pick one member to do a strength challenge, a speed challenge, an eating challenge, a puzzle challenge, and a balance fight. 1st place is worth 3 point, second: 2 and third:1. Tayiyah chooses to sit out Dirks from Mablevi, and Ryan from Runako. Because Runako has two extra members, they get to pick their other person to sit out. They choose Hackett.
Strength: Cameron, Wells, Barry
Speed: Clarke, Trevor, Binny
Eating: Cowin, Jones, Trotman
Puzzle: Feen, Silas, Wylie
Fight: Pitman, Damien, Wilson
Mablevi: 8
Takiyah: 12
Runako: 10

Mablevi before Tribal Council
It was clear before tribal council that there was not going to be an agreement within Mablevi. Feen, just joining the tribe was an intellectual threat, so the Pickering guys want him out, and the Tyndale guys aren’t sure who they want to vote for.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Feen
2nd vote: Feen
3rd vote: Binny
4th vote: Binny
5th vote: Feen
6th vote: Binny
There is a tie. There will be no revote. Both Feen and Binny will be required to build a fire. The person whose fire burns the rope suspended over it first, will make it to day 8. The person who doesn’t burn the rope will be headed home.

And Binny’s rope catches fire! The challenge is over. Just like that, Ryan Feeney is the seventh person voted out of Survivor Hamilton.

Next time on Survivor Hamilton… One survivor falls into a fire, sending him home from the game…

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Day Six

Mablevi Tribe
After voting Clements out at the last tribal council, the mood was pretty glum at the Mablevi camp. He was the main reason that the mood had always been lighthearted, but now the tribe members are pretty worried about the next time they have to vote someone out. Feen, being very strategic, took Wells and Dirks aside to talk to them about who needed to go next. The other guys knew this and began to think that Feen definitely needed to be voted out soon. The storm came on very quickly, and all six members were forced to hide under a little shelter, to wait for the storm to subside.

Takiyah Tribe
Before the storm started, Pitman was out in the water attempting to fish, but soon the storm overwhelmed him. He began to drift far away and it soon became apparent that it would be a long day. The other five guys were very worried, and tried to go out in the storm to save their tribemate. They went out on a rickety canoe, and luckily were able to get to Pitman, but they had a very hard time coming back to the camp.

Runako Tribe
With Cowin and Feeney gone from Runako, the tribe dynamics have altered very much. Barry did not know who would be best to talk to, while Silas, Jones and Ryan clearly worked together all day. Damien, Hackett and Clarke really didn’t trust anyone, and therefore, it seemed were only looking out for themselves. The storm came, and arguments started. Ryan and Clarke got into an argument about the fact that Clarke trusted Ryan and it seems that Clarke may be next to go, and that was worrying. Silas tried to break it up, but some of the other guys (Damien) were glad to see the attention on someone else other than him.

Immunity Challenge
Teams of two from each tribe will compete against other teams of two in a competition where one person runs a race, and the other begins a puzzle when the race is done. Each competitor will compete twice. The team with the least victories is going to Tribal Council. Mablevi and Takiyah choose to sit out Silas.

Dirks, Wilson d Pitman, MicahTrevor, Cowin d Clarke, BarryHackett, Jones d Binny, TrotmanDamien, Ryan d Wells, Feen, Wylie Cameron
Mablevi: 1
Takiyah: 1
Runako: 2
Wells, Trotman d Micah, CameronTrevor, Cowin d Barry, RyanDirks, Feen d Damien, HackettClarke, Jones d Binny, Wilson, Pitman, Wylie
Mablevi: 3
Takiyah: 2
Runako: 3

Takiyah before Tribal Council
Before heading to tribal council in its second time in three days, the members of Takiyah were obviously stressed. They would be down to five members while Runako would still have seven on the next day. Also, just after switching members, some of Takiyah felt safe, while others didn’t at all. Cowin, Cameron, Wylie and Trevor were all Pickering guys, so they felt safe. Pitman and Micah knew that their days were numbered. It would now be up to whether Takiyah wanted Micah who was nicer, and not as loud, or Pitman who is the strongest physically in the entire game.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Cowin
2nd vote: Micah
3rd vote: Cowin
4th vote: Micah
5th vote: Micah
And the sixth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Micah George

I'm very sad Micah... it was either you or Pitman... and he's the strongest person in the game... and Takiyah can't afford to lose again
Next time on Survivor Hamilton… The storm leads the way for a flood which wrecks one tribe’s campsite.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Day Five

Mablevi Tribe
When Wells brought back the tree-mail on day 5, something seemed to be a little different. He waited however to open the tree mail before he was at the camp, because the package was labeled with “Open only in front of entire tribe.” Once the whole Tribe was together, Trotman opened up the package and began to read aloud. “Directly after you read this, the person on your left must go to the Takiyah Tribe, for they are now part of the Takiyah Tribe. The person on your right must go directly to the Runako camp because they are now part of the Runako tribe.” The person on Trotman’s left was Cameron, and the person on the right was Barry. They left right away after some goodbyes. Soon, two people appeared out of the forest.

Takiyah Tribe
The person to read the tree-mail was Pitman. This time the person on the left must go to Mablevi, and the person on the right must go to Runako. The person heading to Mablevi was Binnington, and the person heading to Runako was Silas. Soon after Pitman finished, Cowin and Cameron reached the camp, clearly excited that they are now on the same tribe.

Runako Tribe
Right before Barry and Silas reached the Runako camp, Jones read the tree-mail. The person who had to go to the Mablevi tribe was Feen. The person who had to go to the Takiyah tribe was Cowin. When Silas reached the Runako camp, Clarke was very excited because he knew Silas very well. Barry did not seem so enthused because he was very much out of his element at the Runako camp.

Immunity Challenge
This first challenge after the merge is a head to head tug of war challenge suspended over water. Each tribe member will compete twice. Takiyah chooses to sit out Feen from Mablevi and Jones from Runako.

Dirks d Wylie, Pitman d Hackett, Silas d Trotman, Trevor d Wilson, Cameron d Ryan, Wells d Damien, Cowin d Binny, Clarke d Micah, Barry d Clements
Mablevi: 2
Takiyah: 4
Runako: 3
Wylie d Binny, Cameron d Silas, Trotman d Clarke, Cowin d Wilson, Barry d Trevor, Ryan d Wells, Dirks d Micah, Pitman d Hackett, Damien d Clements
Mablevi: 4
Takiyah: 8
Runako: 6

Mablevi before Tribal Council
Now that Mablevi lost Cameron and Barry, and gained Binny and Feen, things are a little different at camp. There are two separate factions now: Wilson, Trotman and Barry versus Wells, Dirks and Feen. Clements is in the middle, without any real alliances. A couple different choices were apparent at Mablevi. One, each faction could attempt to sway Clements to vote someone out from the other faction… probably Feen or Wilson. The other option is for both factions to vote for Clements, who really doesn’t care about the game at all, and not cause any problems. The Pickering guys are obviously threatened by Feeney, coming into the tribe with an alliance ready for him in Dirks and Wells, but on the other hand, they could lose every other challenge if they vote someone strong like Feeney off. We will soon find out.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Feen
2nd vote: Clements
3rd vote: Clements
4th vote: Clements
And the fifth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Chris Clements (4 votes are all that was needed)

Chris... you are still my favourite hippie

Next time on Survivor Hamilton... A terrible storm tears apart the island, stranding someone in the ocean.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Day Four

Mablevi Tribe
The morning started with Trotman apologizing for getting in a fight the day earlier, and thanking the whole tribe for keeping him in. This mostly went over well, because he was honest in his belief that he could have just as easily been voted out as Gerry. Wells and Dirks began to get a little worried, because the Tyndale guys are now outnumbered in Mablevi, and Clements doesn’t care enough about the game to join any sort of alliance. For the time being though, they feel safe because they know they are athletic, and the rest of the tribe wouldn’t want to vote them off this early.

Takiyah Tribe
When the guys woke up early in the morning at the Takiyah camp, someone was missing. They looked all around the campsite, but they could not find Graham. They figured that he would not have gone too far, but it was really weird because he left no note, nor told anyone where he was going. When he finally returned, he came walking out of the woods with a pet monkey named Nicaragua. He soon became the Takiyah mascot, and this monkey definitely livened up the Takiyah tribe, and gave them a new sense of happiness in the game.

Runako Tribe
Very early in the morning, as Cowin was fishing, Ryan swam out to him, and they began the day with a little strategy. Ryan told Cowin that he wanted to stick with Feen until the merge, but that he was willing to go against any of the other guys and cause some panic within Runako. Cowin, all for causing panic, told Ryan that they should probably vote Damien off the next chance they get, while Ryan was more for voting Clarke off. While making no decisions, they left the water with a better idea of how to eff up the tribe.

Immunity Challenge
This is a head-to-head challenge, where there is an obstacle course involving strength, speed and smarts which needs to be completed by each member. What will happen, is members from each of two tribes will go head-to-head in the obstacle course. Anything goes. First one to the finish wins a point for their tribe. Each tribe member will race twice.

Micah d Cameron, Damien d Graham, Dirks d Ryan, Barry d Binny, Hackett d Pitman, Jones d Trotman, Wylie d Wilson, Clarke d Trevor, Wells d Feen, Silas d Clements and Cowin
Mablevi: 3
Takiyah: 3
Runako: 4
Dirks d Micah, Trevor d Cowin, Damien d Clements, Wilson d Graham, Clarke d Binny, Trotman d Ryan, Wylie d Wells, Silas d Jones, Feen d Cameron, Barry d Pitman and Hackett
Mablevi: 7
Takiyah: 6
Runako: 7

Takiyah before Tribal Council
So despite Nicaragua the monkey, Takiyah still lost the immunity challenge. This was a very hard loss to swallow because they had so much confidence going into this challenge, which was shattered by the ugly face of defeat. The guys who felt the most vulnerable going into tribal council were Graham and Micah, who have so far not done too well in the challenges. Binnington also felt like his time may have come, but Trevor reassured him it is not his time. We will soon find out.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Micah
2nd vote: Graham
3rd vote: Micah
4th vote: Graham
5th vote: Micah
6th vote: Graham
That’s three votes Micah and three votes Graham
The fourth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Graham Hamilton

Next time on Survivor Hamilton… The tribes are shaken up as tribemates are switched over to the other tribes.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Day Three

Mablevi Tribe
While things as a whole were very good at Mablevi over the third day. The only problem was that there were some arguments about certain people not doing any work, and other people being bossy know-it-alls. This ended easily though, with each member ignoring the other.

Takiyah Tribe
Things are slowly getting better at the Takiyah camp, as they are really trying not to get into arguments, and Pitman in particular is really holding his tongue. Meanwhile Silas, Wylie, and Trevor had a competition to see who could catch the most fish, which Trevor just barely won. Micah began to have theological discussions with Binnington which were going very well.

Runako Tribe
First off, Damien was eager to find out who voted for him at last night’s tribal council. Cowin flat-out told Damien that it was him, and that his mission in this game is to outlast Damien. Being used to this, Damien shrugged it off, mumbling threats as he walked away. Also, Clarke confronted Ryan because he wanted to know where he stood within the tribe. Clarke received no clear answers, and wondered if he was going next.

Immunity Challenge
There are many pieces of a puzzle spread throughout the forest, and the members of the tribes must retrieve all the pieces, while they must work as a team to put this huge puzzle together. One member must sit out from Mablevi. (Takiyah and Runako choose to sit out Dirks)
Strenths (worth 3): Gerry, Silas, Wylie, Feen, Ryan, Jones
Average (worth 2): Wells, Wilson, Trotman, Clements, Barry, Binny, Trevor, Micah, Graham, Cowin, Clarke, Hackett
Weakness (worth 1): Cameron, Pitman, Damien

Mablevi: 14
Takiyah: 15
Runako: 16

Mablevi before Tribal Council

There began to be some real problems in the Mablevi camp for a couple reasons. Firstly, everyone was very paranoid because no one knew who should go home, because they all worked so hard, and are really nice. Secondly, the prior altercation came back in full force. Gerry and Trotman fell out again, arguing about Gerry taking charge when supposedly no one wanted him to, and about Trotman supposedly not doing any work. This really affected the rest of the tribe, and it was commonly decided that this argument was taking a toll on the tribe, and it would need to be ended at Tribal Council.

Tribal Council
1st Vote: Gerry
2nd Vote: Trotman
3rd Vote: Gerry
4th Vote: Gerry
5th Vote: Trotman
6th Vote: Gerry
7th Vote: GerryAnd the third person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Gerry Kroezen

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Day Two

Mablevi Tribe
Fresh off victory in the first challenge, Mablevi was totally excited and began to gel really well. All 8 of the guys really get a long great, and some of them began to worry about who they would vote off if they lost a challenge. This worry did not hamper their time together as they partied all last night. During day two they went fishing, and Dirks and Barry began to really show some skill, catching 4 large fish, which they cooked up over a fire. There were really no worries at the Mablevi camp.

Takiyah Tribe
Fresh off their defeat in the first challenge, Takiyah were very down on themselves, taking their early disadvantage pretty hard. Taking it the hardest was Pitman, whose best friend was voted out at the first Tribal Council. Its not that he was bitter, it is just that he no longer knew where he stood with the tribe. Silas confronted the tribe in a calm manner to let them know that they can’t afford to lose another challenge early. This message seemed to affect the tribe in a good way, because they really worked hard throughout the second day, and got a lot of work done.

Runako Tribe
The atmosphere at the Runako camp was weird during the second day. There was a whole lot of strategy going on which included each member of the tribe. Feen, Jones and Ryan were off for a long time talking about who they needed to vote off first. In their tentative alliance, Cowin, Hackett and Damien approached Pat to try and lure him to their threesome. Ryan also approached Cowin to try and understand his complicated relationship with Hackett and Damien. Clarke, while feeling close with Feeney and Ryan, wasn’t included in any of these conversations.

Immunity Challenge
Members of each tribe will go head to head against eachother to try and knock eachother off of platforms suspended over water. Since Takiyah is short one man, they get to choose who sits out from Mablevi and Runako. They choose to sit out Gerry and Cowin. After two times through all members, the two tribes with the most knockoffs win immunity.
The Challenge: Wylie KO Wilson, Jones KO Graham, Dirks KO Damien, Silas KO Barry, Pitman KO Pat, Ryan KO Trotman, Clements KO Binny, Feen KO Trevor, Cameron KO Hackett, Clarke KO Wells and Micah, Binnington KO Clements, Micah KO Pat, Jones KO Wilson, Trotman KO Ryan, Cameron KO Silas, Trevor KO Hackett, Barry KO Graham, Wylie KO Damien, Feen KO Wells, Pitman KO Dirks and Clarke.

Mablevi: 6
Takiyah: 8
Runako: 6

Tie-Break: Cameron KO Feen

Runako before Tribal Council

Because of all the strategizing earlier in the day, most of the tribe members knew where they stood going into Tribal Council. One person who wasn’t sure was Clarke who hadn’t had much of a chance to talk with his Tyndale people. The Pickering guys seemed to be on edge because they weren’t sure whether or not they were going home on day two. Their talks with Pat hadn’t been too successful, and they hadn’t got a definite decision out of him.

The Vote
1st Vote: Pat
2nd Vote: Pat
3rd Vote: Damien
4th Vote: Damien
5th Vote: Damien
6th Vote: Pat
7th Vote: Pat
And the second person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is…Pat Sutherland

Sorry Pat... you are a hilarious and smart guy, but unfortunately on a very physically oriented tribe...

Next time on Survivor Hamilton... The losing tribe experiences a fight between two castaways which results in one of them going home.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Day One

Before I get started I want you guys to know a few things. Firstly, I sincerely hope that I don’t offend any of you by what happens in this game. If you are voted out first that doesn’t mean that I think you suck, or I don’t like you. It could happen for a number of reasons. The first reason could be that you randomly ended up on a tribe with the type of people you wouldn’t mesh with very well. Also, some of those people may already be very tight, and would vote someone like you off. You also need to know that many of the things that happen in this game are random. If I’m not totally sure who would get voted out, I will pick a couple of the most likely candidates, and choose randomly. I will however make it seem, through an elaborate story-line that there was a reason that person was voted out. If any of you guys have a problem with the goings-on in Survivor Hamilton, I encourage you to e-mail me with it, and I will give you a detailed reason for your exit from the game. To win this game, you need to be (in my eyes) competitive, easy to get along with, and very lucky, because some decisions WILL be chance. Good luck to all of you, and keep posted. Comment too. I like that.

Day 1

Mablevi Tribe
Setting up camp was not a problem for Mablevi because all of the guys cooperated very well with eachother, each man doing his own fair share. Gerry Kroezen was the first to show leadership on day 1. Without being pushy, he delegated jobs to his tribe members. Some guys were a little bothered (Wells and Trotman), but they were glad that someone stepped up, because no one else seemed ready. There seemed to be a little bit of division in the tribe with Dirks, Wells and Clements off to themselves, and Hodge, Wilson and Trotman also working together. It didn’t seem very harmful though, as Mablevi was having a good time as a whole.

Takiyah Tribe
Very early, Silas emerged as a leader for Takiyah. He used the map to successfully guide his tribemates to the camp, and immediately began working to set up some sort of shelter. Micah and Wylie joined in right away, but most of the others took a little rest before joining in the work. Once everyone began working though, the atmosphere cooled down a little, and they were able to get some work done. Besides Pitman and Millar, Takiyah seems like a tribe of individuals. There aren’t really any alliances so far, and it seems that this tribe will strive to eliminate the weakest links right away.

Runako Tribe
Right away there was some squabbling between Cowin, Hackett and Damien. This really stopped these 3 from getting the work done that they should have and the 5 from Tyndale carried the workload in the beginning. But when the Tyndaliens needed a break, Cowin, Hackett and Damien stepped up and did more for the campsite than the others had in half the time. This teamwork really seemed to help the 3 from Pickering get along better… well a little better. Feeney and Matulewicz really began to go aside and talk right away about who the threats were, but it was decided that at this point they need to focus on winning challenges.

The First Challenge
The way the challenges will work is that the 1st and 2nd place tribes will not have to vote anyone off, while the losing tribe will be heading to tribal council.
The challenge is a team obstacle course that goes as follows: the first part is a race where each member of the tribe is attached to a rope, and they must complete a boot camp type course as a tribe. The second part is a puzzle with the pieces placed throughout a forest, and as a tribe (still tied up) they must retrieve the pieces and put the puzzle together. Then as a tribe (still tied up) they must swim out to a buoy, retrieve it, and return to the beach. The first two tribes to reach the beach win.

Ready… Set… GO!

The Mablevi Tribe had an early lead through the obstacle course, with Millar and Pat holding Takiyah and Runako up through the running and climbing portions. But each of those tribes caught up a little through the puzzle portion, with Pat excelling in putting the puzzle together. Through the first two sections the standings were as follows: 1st Mablevi, 2nd Runako, and 3rd Takiyah.
Each tribe held their own in the swimming section with, Runako gaining considerable ground.
The Beach: 1st Mablevi
2nd Runako
3rd Takiyah

Takiyah Tribe before Tribal Council
It was commonly decided that Silas, Wylie, Trevor and Pitman would be safe because Takiyah can not afford to lose another challenge early in the game. Graham, being 3 years younger than the second youngest castaway seemed very nervous heading into tribal council, while Micah didn’t seem to care that much. He told his tribemates that he wouldn’t be offended if they voted him off, because he knew it would be a tough decision early. Binnington spoke off to the side with Trevor and Wylie to secure his safety, while Millar and Pitman tried to think of ways to keep Millar around.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Micah
2nd vote: Millar
3rd vote: Pitman
4th vote: Trevor
5th vote: Millar
6th vote: Micah
7th vote: Millar
And the first person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is…
Geoffrey Millar

Sorry Beta, someone had to be first to go... I'm really sad now... Good luck in your future.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Survivor Hamilton Tribes!!!

Mablevi Tribe

Gerry Kroezen - 6"8, very smart and quite loveable for his size

Bryant Trotman - very athletic, and one of my good friends for a large portion of life

Chris Clements - a hippie, maybe the funniest guy I know

Nathan Dirks - a roommate who is unusually athletic

Mike Wilson - maybe the nicest guy you will ever meet... maybe

Tyler Wells - my roommate this september... I like this guy

Ryan Feeney - calm and calculating

Matt Binnington - a camp and Pickering friend... kinda wierd... just jokes

Takiyah Tribe

Geoffrey Millar - the ghostface... maybe the ghettoist white guy ever... at least that I've ever had the pleasure of rooming with

Graham Hamilton - my brother... a twerp

Chris Pitman - a very crude and barbaric man... luv him to bits though...

Dan Wylie - don't talk to Dan too much anymore... he would most likely be a very intense competitor

Micah George - my first roommate ever... very very nice guy with a native Canadian heritage... he hates his computer

Trevor Innes - athletic and little

Andrew Cowin - my good friend from Foleyet Crescent Pickering... although he doesn't look it, he could take you

Cameron Hodge - very very strong... only his knees are always broke

Runako Tribe

Andrew Hackett - never serious... ever... a very fast hockey player... not that it matters

Ryan Matulewicz - a roomie, and a psychology major

Damien Lorefice - my nemesis... we always argue, and forever will... a very intense individual

Adam Clarke - cocky and arrogant... also a roomie

Pat Sutherland - funny...

Mike Jones - getting married... how will it affect his game?

Mike Barry - my closest friend through public and high school, pic from gr. 9... kinda athletic... though I don't know what sports he plays

Silas Yamey - a little too competitive... successfully crossed over from Pickering to Tyndale