Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Week Twenty

Kim Tribe

To ease the stress, Silas suggested that the tribe wake up early and take a little friendly tribal swim. Some more reluctantly than other, everyone agreed. Elliott and Binny began splashing eachother and giggling like little girls, while Kyle only shook his head at them. Even though it was supposed to be a friendly swim, Kyle was all strategy. It was down to the final 6, and he wanted to win badly. Scott was obviously his ally, but he would need at least one other person to ally with him. Cowin was hanging out on the beach not really involving himself in the swim, as he was still exhausted. Kyle could try and get Cowin on his side, but Cowin has been unstoppable at the challenges, so maybe it would be better to get rid of him now. After Cowin lost his main ally Jord however, he would probably be willing to make any promise to keep himself around for one more week. Elliott meanwhile was pushing Binny under the water, laughing as Binny struggled for air. Silas, like Cowin had no main ally. He has also been pretty good at the challenges, and was considered an intellectual and strategic threat. He could be involved in an alliance, but then would any alliance be able to stand of Silas or Cowin kept winning immunity challenges?

That’s where the problem was. Sure Cowin and Silas had no alliances and were strong in the challenges, but Elliott and Binny, Scott and Kyle each had alliances, and it could be argued that that makes them much more dangerous. Elliott and Kyle have so far been civil to eachother, but the time for that may end now that each of them strives for power in the tribe.

Immunity Challenge

This challenge will be twofold. For the first challenge I will randomly split the tribe into two teams of three. They will then compete against the other team in a challenge. The winning team of three will then compete in an individual immunity challenge where one will emerge victorious and win Immunity.

Team Challenge

Speed: 20%
Strength: 20%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 0%
Teamwork: 60%

The two teams are as follows:

Team One:
Scott Heidman
Andrew Cowin
Elliott DeLaunay

Team Two:
Kyle Pitman
Silas Pedro Esq.
Matt Binnington

All the members of each team will be tied together with a rope, and they will have to navigate through an obstacle course as a team. The first team to finish the course will win immunity.

Here we go.

Led by Silas, Team Two sped through the first section of the obstacle course, but soon he was pulling too hard and too fast, and Kyle and Binny couldn’t keep up, getting more and more tired. Team One was led by Scott, who had higher teamwork and was waiting for his teammates to get through their tougher obstacles and stayed patient.

While Team Two had an early lead, it was evaporating rapidly, as Kyle and Binny just didn’t have the stamina that Silas had, and he wanted to win too badly. Soon enough, Scott, Cowin and Elliott passed Team Two, and crossed the finish line. And because of Scott’s dominance, Team One wins the right to compete in the Immunity Challenge

Individual Challenge

Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 100%
Co-op: 0%

This challenge is simply strategizing. It is a puzzle game where each contestant must try to capture eachothers flag by moving around on a giant game board (like a board game get it) They must also try to protect their own, by moving one space each turn. The board is a bit like a maze, so each contestant will have to choose their route to the other peoples’ flags very carefully and strategically. The first castaway to capture the other person’s flag will win Immunity.

Competing in this challenge are:

Andrew Cowin
Scott Heidman
Elliott DeLaunay

And after a random pick by one Mr. Nathan Dirks, the first move goes to Cowin. He moves one space towards Scott. The next to go is Elliott who moves towards Cowin’s corner where his flag is stashed. Scott takes the expected route and begins to move towards Elliott’s flag.

A few minutes into the game it is apparent that somewhere along the way Scott made a wrong turn, as he is much farther away from Elliott’s flag than are Elliott and Cowin from their respective goals. Moving one space at a time Cowin and Elliott eventually are each one space away from capturing a flag. But due to the luck of the draw, it is Cowin who gets to move first, plucks up Scott’s flag and wins his second Immunity in a row, and third in four weeks.

So Andrew Cowin is once again Immune!

This Week’s Vote

Sorry guys, I really am. I know that some of you must be getting frustrated that Cowin keeps winning. I picked the teams based on the tenth letter in each of your full names (i.e. matt binniNgton) Even though teamwork was so important and Cowin's is crap, he got lucky and ended up on Scott’s team, and made it through that round. And even though he was tied with Elliott in strategizing, Dirks picked Cowin’s piece of paper over Elliott’s.

Well anyway, I didn’t want Cowin to win, but he did anyway. Can you guys please VOTE BY FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:59PM. That is an extra couple days because my blogspot account has been messed for the past couple of days. I hope you enjoyed and congrats Cowin on being too dominant for words.

Happy Voting.


At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow okay so thats some craziness... im so glad i keep giving mike a brib each week, u guys should have thought ahead about giving mike some money.... how much do i owe u for this week mike?

i cant believe i keep getting immunity tho its brutal i know but i tohught way ahead.... see i figured teamwork wouldnt be as important in the game this far so i took away from it when we did our own stats... enough with that tho

i love how binny and elliot are just fighting in the water... i would be on the shore cheering it on for sure... good idea for a elaxing swim silas

At 9:44 AM, Blogger steve said...

eeehehehe, justifications all around.

my favourite line of the whole week

"Elliot laughs to himself as binny struggles for air"

all you had to do was add a desperately to that, and you would have had the beginnings of a killer. like when you flashback and see little glimpses of maniacalism and then you see them now and it all goes together. they didn't kill back then, but they wanted to.

haahahaha, cowin man its definitely too bad that you keep winning! ahahah

even your apologizing for it.

revel my man, revel.

i loved that last individual challenge though, i would hvae killed that, i want to come back now.

- steve

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I find a immunity idol somewhere in the dirt or something?

I mean seriously, this is getting ridiculous...

Hoping for a problem-solving challenge next week,


At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although you joke Cowin, I would not be surprised if you are paying Mike......I have a feeling things are getting rigged!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Mike said...

if you calculate it yourself by the attribute wieghtings and each of your stats you will that cowin was the worst on his team in the first challenge, but because scott was the best and elliott was average, their team won.

cowin wasnt supposed to win that challenge but he got lucky. what can I say? maybe cowin was smarter picking 3 as his co-op stat.

its not rigged


At 1:30 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...


You are a dirty, rigging, bastard, and i won't stand for it.



At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahha....I love James


At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not as much as jamesy loves himself

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

Reminds me of the survivor where jerry kept wining the imunity challenges.

Mike try a dice maybe next time?

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Mike said...

no dice...
cowin would still win lol

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sure with my luck in this game if we rolled some dice or picked names out of a hat i would still win for some reason, and that reason is.... money!! lol

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well after a week of no one saying anything u all come back with a whole whack load of stuff to say. Cowin im with steve here wondering y u r apologizing for winning. And i love how matt has given up hope on winning immunity he has resorted to digging it up. But no matty seriously u were the one out of all of us to go back u gotta step up ur game...I think that u should take a page out of jords book and karate chop someone or somthing.


At 2:59 PM, Blogger steve said...

whats with all these deleted comments?

if there is anything that pisses me off more than thinking, oh shoot, someone deleted their comment, they must have said something really cutting aka really awesome and i want to read it, but they got embarrassed and/or scared and removed it!

now what am i supposed to do? guess?

in fact that is what i will do.

1st deleted comment, in between kyle and mike.

was actually james' first stab, went something like this.

"yooo, seee guys i told you!

i told you cowin would keep winning immunity, i am always right. and you guys didn't believe me. i am RIDUNKULOUS"

explanation: after realizing that he did not have the testimony of one single player that he told in person, he simply decided to avoid the mass amounts of ridicule he would receive for 'making this up'. especially seeing that those people that he did tell would simply not mention this fact, or deny it in order not to miss out on the fun.

Also note his first attempt at the use of the word RIDUNKULOUS (the only element of the original post that he was too excited about to pass up on for the next one).

Now, for the second deleted post, right after Mike's little 'joke'

little do we know that this 'joke' was actually jord (who had hacked mike's account), beginning to plant the seeds in our mind to accept the fact that cowin WILL actually win every single immunity from here on out. he is definitely running the show. we know this because of the deleted post which follows.

that was Mike, trying to profess that the previous post was not actually him and he wanted to admit that jord had actually been threatening him the past few weeks to force cowin to win immunity.

Mike was baring all in this (albeit less than sightly) barbara walters special. Not a single one of us saw this comment though, because, 30 seconds after it arrived to the internet world, jord entered mike's room while his head was lookign out the window on the right. he dropkicked him out of the chair, leaving him unconscious on the ground. proceeding to delete the comment, and write a note detailing the punishment to follow if Mike considered ratting out again.

i risk my life today to report this to you. i have a hard head and a strong back though, and i got my older brother to practice some dropkicks on me last time i was in new york (he's about jord's size).

so i'm ready!

bring it on! But everyone in the game beware! things are not as they seem.

!!! (just for good measure)

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

James we all got the joke the first time.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Im gonna ask the question that were all wondering...What r the ppl on the island going to do about the little cowin problem ur having? Hes killing u all week after week and there doesnt seem to be an end in it anywhere. Cause i had my money on someone else and well i want to be right damnit!


At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's go here Mike.......who's gone?


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