Week Seventeen Tribal Council
Kim Tribe before Tribal Council
Cowin and Elliott were sitting pretty. Everyone else was not. Those two were the only ones who could say with complete confidence that they would still be around for week eighteen. Cowin got to pick one of the other six to go home, and Elliott got to bring back one of the 32 people who had already been voted out in Survivor Hamilton Two. Cowin knew that he had to make the most of this opportunity to get rid of one of the more influential people left in the game. The most influential people in the past were clearly Kyle and German, but there were other people who were quite the strategizers. He knew the best idea would be to take some power from the majority.
Elliott had to really think about who he could bring back that would help get him to the finals. This person had to be trustworthy, but not seen as a threat to all the other people in the game. He knew that James and Chris were dying to come back, but Elliott had to be smart about it. One or both of those guys could help him, but he was not sure about them, because everyone else might vote Chris or James out right away. There had also been requests to bring a girl back. It had been a huge sausagefest for the past couple of weeks since Mandy got voted out, and all the testosterone was starting to get to some of the guys. Elliott had a lot of things to take into account. Here we go.
Kim Tribal Council
So everyone gathered to the Tribal Council, and firstly Cowin had to get up and place his vote. The person he votes for will be asked to immediately leave the game. So after a lot of consideration, the 5th person voted out of the Kim Tribe and the 33rd person vote out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
Our guardian “angle” Peter German
Well some people were very sad to see German go, but there was still another vote to be had. Elliott got up, placed his vote and then it was read: The person to come back to the game all the way to the final eight is…
Voted out all the way back in week six…
Matt Binnington
and his new character profile…
You can find his stats in the Kimartoleema Tribe link on the right hand side.
Well this was a crazy week wasn’t it? We lost one of the most dominant performers in the team challenges, and we brought back the guy who was so pissed when he got voted out so early. We will all miss German, but it will be good for him, cause now he can get all his school work done. Welcome back A Horse(wo)man. We missed you.
Week Eighteen of Survivor Hamilton Two… another tournament, which is worth much more than just immunity.
WOW...Mr. Binnington is back in the game. I would have never have guess that, good call tho. This could make for some interesting weeks ahead. Well Peter it is sad to see u go. U will always be my angel..thanks all i now can spell.
hahahaha, eat it james.
whoa, crazy week man. i'm sad to see you go peter!! you were such a strong player, thus i'm sure why cowin thought he had to take you down.
don't worry, at the end, we will pause for a very long time for at the stick with your name on it. (ok i prolly just lost anyone who hasn't watched a bunch of survivors).
man oh man. this is intense
why would anyone take advice from the guy who got voted off in like the 3rd or 4th tribal council?
I'm so disappointed!!!!
Somebody bring me back please!!!!!
I have a feeling Kyle is the one who is trash talking james.
I am for sure gonna stay tuned to see how this plays out.
I wish I could take credit, whoever wrote that does make a good point. Pete, sad to see you go. We had an epic strategic battle, although I think strategy won't factor in that much anymore. Seems that luck of the draw in the challenges is dictating the flow of this game. It makes it even more suspenseful.
i know who is trashing james
it is me! Elliot
Chris that's plagerizism. Just because I didnt bring you back you dont got to pretend to talk like me. When have I ever said 'eat it' thats a pure Chris line. Also I wouldn't spell my own name wrong? Elliot? It' Elliott.
Anyways its sad to see you go Peter, you were my pillar of support. I'm gonna miss you and your heroics.
hahahaha....Chris always can make guy smile!
Ya i know for the only person to be brought back he is awfully quiet.
there was like 8 trash talker second guessings.
each person had a valid reason and an assumption.
I bet the trash talker is Binny, getting a feel for his competition.
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I bet the trash talker is Mike's friend's brother's dog's sister's owner. Really, who gives a damn. James is wrong every week, and it just gets funnier and funnier. Now THAT is something we should be focusing on.
Its not only chris
word. it wasnt me at all haha. this is the first time i have checked the cmment thing since my departure. oh wait i think i left one after that too. but no anonymous stuff.
chris toph.
Well then who?
james it must be you. we have eliminated everyone else who actually comments. hahaha
bringing yourself down for a change?
its like the fresh air of spring
HAHA....ohh man stevo doesnt trash talk to much but when he does...oh it makes me laugh.
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