Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Week Thirteen Tribal Council

Kichagani before Tribal Council

Mandy decided this week that her only chance to make it far in this game was to stay on Kyle’s side. And since Scott was already with Kyle, all the pressure was on Cowin and Micah to save themselves. Cowin’s goal was to do his best to make Kyle and Scott trust him. He didn’t want to make any serious promises, because once Cowin makes a promise he doesn’t go back on it. So he had to think of some other way, and fast. Micah on the other hand, had to convince Kyle that he was useful, or find some way to create his own fortunes. In his mind there was a chance that he could potentially sway Cowin and Mandy and get rid of Kyle. But if he tried that, he would have to be careful… very careful.

Kichagani Tribal Council

1st Vote: Micah
2nd Vote: Cowin
3rd Vote: Micah
4th Vote: Micah
5th Vote: Micah

So after the vote the 4th person voted out of Kichagani and the 27th out of SH2 is…
Micah George

Harteema before Tribal Council

The only plotline these last couple days in Harteema was if and how Trotman could convince one of Chris, Tyler, Dirks or Silas not to vote for him. He talked to Silas the most since they came from Breema together, and it seemed they were getting somewhere. With the information he got from Silas, Trotman decided to talk to Dirks. As far as Trotman was concerned, he thought that these conversations went very well.

Harteema Tribal Council

1st Vote: Trotman
2nd Vote: Trotman
3rd Vote: Tyler
4th Vote: Trotman
5th Vote: Trotman

And with four votes against the 4th person voted out of Harteema and the 28th out of SH2 is…
Last year’s champ Bryant Trotman

Thus concludes the second third of Survivor Hamilton Two. 28 people have now been voted out of SH2, which means we are down to the final 12. As of this moment all the remaining contestants will be joining up into one final merged tribe. Your Final Merged Tribe is…

Andrew Cowin
Elliott Delaunay
Nathan Dirks
Steve Edwards
Peter German
Scott Heidman
Amanda Maurice
Silas Pedro Esq.
Chris Pitman
Kyle Pitman
Tyler Wells
Jordan Wilson

But before we can begin the final chapter of SH2 I need you twelve to do something for me. Up until this point, I have been the one to choose your challenge rankings. Here is your chance to take the game into your own hands. I am going to re-rank all of you based on oldies like:
Speed, Strength, Problem-Solving, Strategizing and a newbie: Co-operation.

I will rank you all, and send out an email, and if you guys would like me to change one or more of your rankings please let me know and I will change it promptly. You should be receiving an email from me soon.

This weekend on Survivor Hamilton Two… the new tribe is unveiled with new pictures for each contestant, and now everyone will be able to see everyone else’s exact rankings from here on out.


At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good luck to all of you!!!


At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kichanga has the most members in the merge, way to represent.


At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well we have all been waiting for this...Im so pumped to see some real strategy. Well best of luck u 12. I am beyond jealous of u all and moke....what can i say i havnt yet...but ur the man. have a good weekend guys and i hope the merge goes well.


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Mike said...

moke... that's one i haven't heard before.

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Peter German said...

Shoot!!! the tension is killing me~!!!!!

I can't wait to see what's up.

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm a survivor, not a forgiver, not gonna stop it, keep on surviving,

.... i'm a survivor, not a double dipper, not gonan stop it, keep on surviving

.... i'm a survivor, not gonna lose it, keep on surviving

.... i'm a survivor, i like evangeline lilly (yeay LOST is back), keep on surviving.

oh destiny's child, where have you gone.

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

moke, mike meke,make...whatever will make u smile big guy.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mike i've been working lately, jsut so you know.... I would appreciate a little extra helping of strenght.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bad news.
you are never coming back.

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww trotma nooooo... i was actually hoping u won again so there can be a reapeat lol.. how wicked would that have been

anyways our big tribe looks cool guys im looking forward to some good times and hopefully getting to know some of u guys more...

and mike i honest will check ur blog more now and comment on wuts goin on man like last year....

good luck to everyone and looking forward to good times lol

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so r u sayin ur in the game still, but wanted someone else to win?




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