Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Week Ten

Well guys, as I stated at the last Tribal Council, we have now eliminated half of the original 40 contestants. I thank the people that are still around for their willingness to participate in strategy, and their devotion to checking in as well as making comments. I really appreciate it, and I am totally happy that this game has been so successful.

For all the people who have been voted out thus far, I also appreciate your devotion to the game. I will most likely be doing a third Survivor Hamilton next fall, so by all means join up. Here goes Week Ten…

Kichagani Tribe

Winning Immunity last week couldn’t have been better for the morale of Kichagani. Scott and Chelsea made a big dinner for the tribe, and together they feasted on crab and pineapple. Cowin and Micah had brought fresh water from a spring, and the meal was complete. Everyone was happy that they were safe last week, and were not focused on strategy. Cowin and Jill were a little nervous however, because their close ally/son Graham was voted out two weeks ago, and they hadn’t made any headway on new alliance. Jill, who had an alliance with Chelsea in their old tribe, told Chelsea that she would join with her. Cowin decided to talk to Kyle and Scott to explain his importance to the tribe. Cowin had done fantastic in almost every challenge to date, and was not going to stop now. Mandy, still not involved in any strategy to this point didn’t see a point to start now. Despite the fact that a couple people were desperate, the mood was still light and the tribe had a nice day.

Margolo Tribe

After losing both weeks since the switch, Margolo is desperate for a win. Steve, Elliott and German had a terrible surprise last Tribal Council when Tyla, their fourth vote, did not vote. This left the three of them, potentially pitted against Beckie, Nathalie and Jord. This was a problem for Elliott in particular who had an alliance with Beckie and was getting worried that she was turning away from him. Beckie wasn’t sure exactly where she stood, but she knew she didn’t want to vote against her close friend Nathalie. So Jord, who has done very well in the challenges, knew he needed to milk this friendship for all it was worth to get Beckie on their side. Steve, who had felt pretty good about his chances thus far was getting quite anxious. His alliance with German and Elliott was strong, but now it was only the three of them. He was quite useful to the tribe in challenges, but if they kept losing, no one would make it to the merge. Two second places in a row so far, hopefully this time they can take it.

The Harteema Gang

They lost last week, which was no fun, but some people were quite happy. Pitman, Tyler and Silas had not lost their partners, but Dirks’ partner Hinton was sent home. He didn’t vote, but the plan in the tribe was to vote him out anyway. Dirks didn’t really like that his “allies” went behind his back, but what was he to do about it? If he stepped to hard to them he could get voted out. So he simmered. Lauren, Cait and Trotman knew it was only a matter of time until their turns to go home, so they knew they had to make sure their tribe continued to win challenges. Trotman talked to Silas about his involvement and success in the challenges, and Silas noted that Trotman had been good, and that he will try to keep him around. Cait talked to Dirks and Tyler whom she was acquainted to and tried to reason with them about her importance to the tribe. Lauren could see that the tribe was week in PS, Strategy and Teamwork, all of which she excelled in, and she made that known to the tribe.

Immunity Challenge

This week’s challenge is a straight up three way water polo game. Three tribes, three nets and one ball. The object of the game is to score as many points against the other teams as possible. When one tribe scores, they get a point, and it also takes away a point from the tribe that is scored on. Pretty straight forward eh?

The attribute weightings are as follows:

Speed: 20%
Strength: 20%
PS: 0%
Strategy: 20%
Teamwork: 40%

Because this water polo game is a six person one, and each of Kichagani and Harteema has eight tribe members, they each must sit one person out. Kichagani has decided to sit out Jill, while Harteema has decided to sit out Lauren. So everyone gets in the water, the ball is thrown out, and the game begins!

Quickly Beckie grabs the ball swims through Kichagani’s defenses and scored one for Margolo. Heidman takes the ball, swims out towards Harteema but is stripped by Trotman, who takes it, and launches it towards Kichagani and scores. This time Kyle takes it out, but like Scott, doesn’t pass and the ball is stolen by German, who passes it to Jord, who scores on Harteema. Chris takes the ball, passes it to Tyler, who passes it to Dirks, who scores again on Kichagani. Things are not looking so hot for the teamwork-impaired Kichagani. Scott takes the ball again, this time passes it to Micah, who passes it back to Scott and he scores on Harteema. Margolo’s defense is too strong with Steve and Elliott holding the fort.

Halfway through the game the points are as follows:
Kichagani: -2
Margolo: 1
Harteema: 0

Beckie has the ball again, passes it to German, who passes it to Jord and they make it look too easy as they score on Harteema. Tyler, Pitman and Silas go towards Kichagani together and score another on Kichagani. But then Silas realized that scoring on them isn’t doing much good, they have to start scoring on Margolo. Micah comes out with the ball again, and this time is able to score on Margolo. German passes the ball the Nathalie to give her her a try, but she is stripped by Silas, he passes to Trotman, who scores again on Margolo. This time Peter and Jord come out and after some give and goes are able to score on Kichagani again. As of now, Margolo and Harteema are tied at 1 point. Kichagani’s Mandy takes out the ball towards Harteema, but is stripped by Tyler, who takes the ball through Elliott and Steve and scores again on Margolo. And that could be the difference maker as the whistle blows and the challenge ends.

Final Standings:
Kichagani: -3
Margolo: 0
Harteema: 2

That means The Harteema Gang wins Immunity and Margolo and Kichagani must go to Tribal Council this week.

Keys to Victory (defeat):

The Harteema Gang: Sitting out Lauren turned out to be a very good decision for Harteema in this challenge and they won, however just barely over Margolo. Trotman once again killed the challenge, and all of the other people in the tribe pulled their weight. Tyler and Pitman were second best, while Dirks, Silas and Cait all contributed as well. Good work Harteema.

Margolo Tribe: This was the third second place in a row for Margolo and it couldn’t have come at a worse time. The tribe actually worked very well as a team, but the weak link was Nathalie, whose attributes were just not suited for this type of challenge. Beckie was astonishing in the challenge, and Jord was also quite good. German, Elliott and Steve did not hold the team back, but were not difference makers like Trotman.

Kichagani Tribe: Micah and Scott were really the only people in Kichagani who made any impact in this challenge. Jill’s teamwork was needed, but her physical weaknesses kept her out of this challenge. Kyle and Cowin, who are both strong, fast as well as good strategizers, just didn’t have the teamwork for this game, while Mandy and Chelsea didn’t have the physical attributes. Next challenge will be different, but its time to go to Tribal Council.

Well, since I posted this one early, I am going back to the Wednesday night at 11:59 time limit to vote by. Here are the people who need to vote by Wednesday night:

Kichagani Tribe:

Margolo Tribe:

Good luck.


At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holla atcha boiiiiii

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we get sooo many second places... ahhh we are such a good tribe. Come on guys we really have to start winning these things or we will lose everyone.

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good win Harteema.
hats off to Silas for the smart move, going for the other tribe. Now its just about keeping up the momentum, had a brief slip up now lets continue to run with it. TROTMAN.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

James you keep quiet, you probably would've scored on your own net. We're just too consistant to be any good! I think we deserves some spices and blankets for our constant second places.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also like to add, me and becky have been through the most tribale councils up to this point in the game... my blood pressure is rising... mike I know you said you weren't fixing anything, but throw us a friggin bone.


At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And James you should've come down to guelph to tell me who's holding who back, via a friendly game of coward, Guelph's practically on the way to Ajax anyways! Gosh

Your missing one good time after another james, I think there might have to be an ajax/pickering intervention... REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS! (not the Korean ones)


At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the blankets and spices, we are just too solid not to get any blankets or spices, how about some spiced blankets? so we can keep warm and then rub our food on the blankets before we eat it.

that would be kind of gross i guess. but needless to say, we will win the next challenge.

- steve

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Peter German said...

All I know is that we have a balanced, well rounded team that HAS to win sooner or later. It is our time to shine boys and girls... But unfortunately first we need to vote someone out. Mike Please send spices... but make sure they're not from the bulk barn because Elliott needs them to be peanut free.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well harteema ur still winning. nice going guys. Trotman steppedit up huge nice goin bud. As well as all the other guys really. good on ya guys. but steve i think ur on to somthing with this spiced towel thing....once u work out the kinks like salmanela and ecoli and what not ur up and running with a good idea here



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