Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Week Eight Tribal Council

Kichagani before Tribal Council

The week leading up to Kichagani’s first Tribal Council was a tense one. Four pairs from the original four tribes doesn’t make for any easy alliances, but alliances needed to be made. Cowin’s game plan up to this point was just to get Graham to the merge, and when some people approached him to be part of their alliance and Cowin let that be known, they didn’t really like that very much. Jill had come over with Chelsea from Margani where they had run their alliance, but things were different now, and if they wanted to survive, they would have make new alliances. So Jill began to talk with Cowin and Graham, while Chelsea decided to take another option and talk to some other people in the tribe. Mandy and Micah came over from Breema, and because they both knew Kyle, it was natural that they gravitated to him. So people tried to make some early alliances, and it came time to vote.

Kichagani Tribal Council

1st Vote: Graham
2nd Vote: Graham
3rd Vote: Micah
4th Vote: Graham
5th Vote: Micah
6th Vote: Micah
7th Vote: Graham
8th Vote: Graham

So the 1st person voted out of Kichagani and the 17th eliminated from Survivor Hamilton Two is… my brother, Graham Hamilton.

Margolo before Tribal Council

In the newly formed Margolo Tribe there were really two halves. Nathalie, Greg, Beckie and Jord all went to church together, which made half the tribe, and then three of the other four people all knew eachother from camp. Where the groups crossed over was that Steve and Greg came together in Margani, and Beckie and Elliott formed an alliance in Kichanga. German and Elliott were tight, and German was pretty close with Steve so they had a three man alliance. If they could get Tyla into their group they would have four as well. So it was looking like it could be a tie unless either Greg or Steve, or Elliott or Beckie could sway eachother. Let’s see how it goes.

Margolo Tribal Council

1st Vote: Tyla
2nd Vote: Greg
3rd Vote: Tyla
4th Vote: Greg
5th Vote: Tyla
6th Vote: Greg
7th Vote: Greg
8th Vote: Greg

So the 1st person voted out of Kichagani and the 18th eliminated from Survivor Hamilton Two is… Greg Beurling.

So Graham and Greg who just happen to be really close friends get voted in the same week. Too bad for them and for the people who count on them as allies. Post your thoughts.

This weekend on Survivor Hamilton Two… a completely non-physical challenge, for those who have not done so well in the previous challenges to strut their stuff.

Note: People of the Harteema Gang... if you want a say in who sits out of your next challenge (because you will have one extra person) please email me who you want to sit out. If I don't get repsonses from at least half the tribe, I will pick. Remember it is a mainly intellectual and strategic challenge, involving teamwork.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

We may have lost the athletic challenge, but at least we are the sexiest tribe left. We've got Scott, Cowin, Chelsea, and Mandy. If the next challenge involves sexiness, we win hands down.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Mike said...

kyle, i'd take you over the four of them. mmm

At 2:00 AM, Blogger Peter German said...

I'd take scott heidman any day of the week. Him and his light raspberry vinaigrette, any day of the week. EMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i donno Peter Ur not looking to bad urself. I think i'd take u with ur octipi like limbs....yum octipi.

Well sprry to see u go graham and Greg.

Have a good week guys.


At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahah raspberry vinaigrette, that stuff will turn any salad into a explosion of tasty goodness in anyones mouth! I feel at least one bottle should be present in everyone's fridge! Anyway, only one thing can be said in response....Mr. German..."your still the only chocolate I like :)!"


At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

our tribe is delicious in its own right. even the name margolo sounds like some kind of candy, rolo, combined with mars bar or something. and some kind of g thing.

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's our challnge??? I'm getting antsy with anticipation!


At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes im posting this late but been busy lol

awwwwww g-ram im gonna miss you buddy. i wish u were still in the game man but i guess this is how it has to be :(


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