Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Week Six Tribal Council

Margani before Tribal Council

Margani’s last vote had been the unanimous outing of Cam. The new unified Margani could not be so strong and together in this week’s vote because this time they would really have to be voting out one of their own. Each person had contributed to each challenge in their own way, and for the most part, all of the remaining players in Margani had held true to their word. Jill, Greg and Chelsea were the original alliance. They had been able to attract Steve, Jones and Matt in the first vote, and as a group they decided to keep Dirks around for his skills in the challenges. But one of these people would have to go, and to keep tribal unity, it would have to be an undivided attack. The person to get voted out would have to be the person who spent the least time in conversation with the rest of the tribe. That way, the tribe would not feel so guilty voting out one of their own. So here we go…

Margani Tribal Council

1st Vote: Jones
2nd Vote: Dirks
3rd Vote: Jones
4th Vote: Dirks
5th Vote: Jones
6th Vote: Jones
7th Vote: Jones

So the 4th person voted out of Margani and the 13th out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
Mike Jones

Kichanga before Tribal Council

Binny had done a fair job laying out his skills for his tribe in his opinion. They knew everything they needed to know about him, and all he could contribute for Kichanga. So if he was to still get voted out it was because his alliance betrayed him. He knew he had to come to grips with that. That being said, Binny knew he had to get some people on his side. Of the people in the tribe he knew Beckie, Scott and Elliott the best. So if he could sway those three, then he would still be around. The question was who to vote for. Kyle had made an early alliance with Tyler and Lauren, and through the first five weeks focused on making meaningful relationships with Elliott, Binny and Scott. His focus had certainly not been on Beckie. So it had come as a surprise to Binny when he faced the prospect being voted out by his teammates. For Binny it was obvious that Kyle had influence in Kichanga, and if he was to stick around, Kyle could not.

Kichanga Tribal Council

1st Vote: Binny
2nd Vote: Binny
3rd Vote: Kyle
4th Vote: Binny
5th Vote: Kyle
6th Vote: Binny
7th Vote: Binny

So the 4th person voted out of Kichanga and the 14th out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
Matt Binnington

So another two gone. This time both Jones and Binny were VERY good all around contestants and I feel that in time their tribes will sorely miss them when they are losing challenges. But it goes to show that alliances are stronger than attributes.

This weekend on Survivor Hamilton Two… Kichanga struggles with the clear divide in their tribe. Margani decides to have some fun to lighten their spirits. Hartolo is not too happy to find out that the next challenge is a problem solving one. And Breema strives to resolve who should be voted out next.


At 12:38 AM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

I have bizarre little quirk that causes me to often believe things that I'm told by people. It didn't really help me much in this game though.


Good luck the rest of the way Kichangabangaranga.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

Looks like Revenge is a dish served... well... not served at all. Sorry Binny, nothing personal. Attribute-wise, it was very hard to vote you out... It's a weird game though.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the amount of ppl left before the merge and can't wait to keep on seeing how things roll! Keep up the goodwork!


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, this game is soo involving. and good. i am saddened to see you go mr. binnington of the mathew variety, it would have been excellent to have you around later. but such is this game. as for margani, yeayy we are gonna lighten our spirits.. are we gonna have a nice party! dance-off, ahahaha, i wanna have a dance-off.

can we get a reward challenge of some kind of tribal drum and rhythm group (call it a birthday present :) and then we can dance the night away.

i'll look forward to it margani.


- steve

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, it was a tough call! No hard feelings I hope!! It was fun while it lasted - and Margani will miss you - but as many others have said, it's just how the game goes.

steve - I'll bring a drum if you want to get the dance started! ha ha

To the other tribes, Margani will see you sunday with our game faces on!


At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im always ready to get a dance started.


At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm for sure in for the dance party. And to chelsea...I KNEW IT....u have a secret instrument stash on the island. Where else would u pull out this drum. And i'm sorry mike jones we all love u and will definitly miss u. hope all of u have a great week and i will "see" u at the challenge.


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many people will it take before the tribe merge? This is pretty important information that I guess I somehow didn't see. Tell me please.


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Mike said...

most likely (as in i may switch it up) there will only be 12 people left at the time of the merge.

long time away eh? prolly in march

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

binny man ill miss you i was hoping i could be on a team with u when we merge.

so mike basically what your telling us is that we're gonna lose the next challenge right? lol who knows tho maybe we can pull one out

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read what the last challenge was. Looks like somebody could have used some more strength on their team . . . nuff said


At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh cam... don't be bitter. That's James Lee's job! KIDDING!

cam - seriously bud, we love you, but we also had to vote. 'Twas sad it was you, BUT... that's the way the cookie crumbles.

As per my secret stash of instruments - Matt- you better not find them! they are MY stash, and I will bring them out at the appropriate times ( I shall reveal the next instrument after we win a challenge). Until then - let's enjoy the drumming and dancing by Steve.
woo I'm excited!
Alrighty - I'm off to build a fire for Steve to dance around!


At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

atta boy james... atta boy.

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love when you comment

i would be sad if you didnt, but i love to give a tease here or there too.

im going to go drink some egg nog

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Mike said...

james you are too funny. i really hope that you dont stop commenting later in the game. i appreciate your devotion.

luv ya


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

No one's complaining that james is commenting... they're complaining that all he ever says is the same thing every week, just in different forms... "you shouldn't have voted me out", "you'll regret having voted me out", blah blah blah.

Why not pick a better topic to complain about... Here are some suggestions...

1) Dirks' girly hair

That is all.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey james i was at the grocery store the other day and there was a sale on kleenex so i picked u up a few boxes. I figured its about time we started winning some challenges so in feel ur gonna be crying in full force in days to come. But its ok cause mike will come give u some more shout out love and wipe ur tears.


P.S. Mike i wasnt saying anything to u....i got nothing but love for u

P.P.S Jamesy pop im only playing with u...u just make it so easy

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hartolo solves problems with our fists.
that is all.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamesy....ur a dick head. and thats all i gotta say about that


At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mike will you post the next week already, i can't wait any longer.

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok im sorry about my comments yesterday...i wasnt very happy with james when i wrote that. But i have had some time to think and well james.....ur still a di*k hea*. (i decided to keep it PG this time)

And mikey im with stevo....i'm getting antsy...I've came on and checked like 15 times today alone. But i understand its a crazy busy time for us all. so i will wait till i do.

Ohh ya james ur kleenex is in the mail.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

James you speak the truth, Margani has a loss coming up.



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