Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Week Six

Kichanga Tribe

Binny noticed something was going on last week. Everybody told him that they were going to vote Hackett off, when really they were planning on voting Binny out. Everyone was shocked however when Hackett was a no-show and Binny was saved. Now Binny knew he had two options. The first was to convince everybody he was useful, and the second was just to not lose any more immunity challenges. So Binny set out to talk to all the people in his tribe and tell them that he was one of the best all around contestants in the game. He had people skills, problem solving as well as a lot of athleticism. He was a complete package and his team needed to know that. The rest of the tribe at first really didn’t have much to think about. If they lost, all they would have to do is vote Binny out and that is it. Though with not really any real problem-solving challenges yet, one must be coming up very soon, and maybe Binny did have a place in the tribe. Kyle, who had pretty good relations with everyone in the tribe talked to the camp guys who had attempted to betray Binny and he made some good progress, especially with Scott. Elliott spent some time today with Beckie too, trying to figure out some way of keeping the most athletic girl in the game a little while longer. Lauren began to seriously talk with Tyler, because she was getting worried that they wouldn’t want her skills anymore.

Margani Tribe

After the elimination of Cam, everybody in Margani was part of the main alliance. So if they lost, who would be voted out? This was the question that had to be addressed. Jill had been in an alliance with Chelsea and Greg from the start. Matt Hinton and Steve had also been together from very early. Jones had been swayed from James and Dirks by Jill at the first vote, and had been voting with her since. Dirks was the most recent addition to the alliance. Nobody wanted to eliminate him because he was quite the competitor. Everybody brought something to the table. Jones, Steve and Greg were all very good at strategizing, and while Jones and Steve were a little more athletic and teamwork oriented than Greg, Greg had qualities in all the attributes as well. Jill and Chelsea were both very good at problem-solving, while Jill was better at teamwork and Chelsea was faster. With Cam being voted out, Margani was not very strong, but what strength they had came from Hinton, Jones and Steve. Matt Hinton was another one of those guys who had strengths all around. It would be tough to decide, but Margani needed to make smaller alliances within itself.

Hartolo Tribe

German and Graham were pretty annoyed that they had to vote out Clements rather than someone who was poor at problem-solving. Hartolo already had the worst problem-solving average and now it was way worse. Millar, Pitman and Tyla were the three worst in the tribe at problem-solving but they were all in the alliance. So they were safe last week. Like Margani, Hartolo had voted out the three people not in the alliance, and now it was down to voting out one of their friends. If the challenge had anything to do with problem-solving, Hartolo would lose by a long shot, so they had to hope that it did not.

Breema Tribe

Fournie had been utterly surprised that she had been voted out last week. She had thought that it was going to be Mandy, but somehow Mandy was still around. It was now time for Breema to actually make some alliances. Nathalie had basically been calling the shots up to this point and her main wingman was Jord. They also had the support of Barry and Trotman who liked their four person alliance. Micah had also had a lot of communication with Nathalie and had been voting with her for a while. Mandy had not really been focused too much on making alliances, but she had begun to realize how important they were. Silas didn’t know at all what was going on. He trusted that he should be safe because he was so important in every challenge, but he needed some concrete evidence that he was safe.

Immunity Challenge

This weeks immunity challenge is a long distance race. It will be held in the shallow waters just off a beach, with the contestants wading through thigh-deep water. All seven members of each tribe will be carabeenered together, and the first two tribes to cross the finish line (3 km away) will win immunity. Here is the kicker. Each person of the tribe will have to carry a 50 lb bag on their shoulders. That means each tribe is responsible for carrying 350 lb of weight from the start to the finish. If someone cannot carry their weight or falls, they are eliminated, must unhinge him/herself from the tribe and go to the beach. SOMEONE MUST CARRY THEIR BAG. That is why teamwork is so important. If someone can’t go further, they must tell someone to take some of their weight so that they don’t fall. If any of the bags fall in the water, that tribe must not move forward until someone is carrying the fallen bag..

The attribute weightings are as follows:
Speed: 30%
Strength: 30%
Problem-Solving: 0%
Strategy: 0%
Teamwork: 40%

Note: if no team crosses the finish line, the two tribes to get the farthest win immunity.

Alright, let us start the challenge.

All the tribes start off, with Kichanga taking and early lead and Hartolo falling a little behind. All the contestants are still in the game, moving forward, until Chelsea falls, followed closely by Lauren and Nathalie. Their weight is taken on by their tribe mates.

I will skip to Half way done… here's who's left:

Kinchanga: 1st
Scott: 100 lbs
Tyler: 50 lbs
Beckie: 50 lbs
Elliott: 100 lbs
Kyle: 50 lbs

Breema: 2nd
Jord: 50 lbs
Micah: 50 lbs
Silas: 50 lbs
Barry: 100 lbs
Trotman: 100 lbs

Hartolo: 3rd
Pitman: 100 lbs
Cowin: 100 lbs
Millar: 50 lbs
German: 100 lbs

Margani: 4th
Jones: 100 lbs
Steve: 50 lbs
Dirks: 100 lbs
Hinton: 100 lbs

So all four tribes are closing in on the finish line, when Hinton falls, and pulls Dirks down, and Jones and Steve are left with all the weight. In first place, Kichanga begins to slow down. Beckie can’t go any further, and Kyle’s knees really start to hurt and he has to stop as well. In Breema, Jord has to stop, and in Hartolo Millar can’t keep up.

With all the weight on Scott, Tyler and Elliott, Kichanga can’t stay in the lead and Hartolo passes them with Cowin carrying 150 and Pitman and German each carrying 100. Soon the slow-moving but steady Breema also passes with Micah, Barry, Trotman and Silas each carrying pretty even amounts. Margani just can’t keep up, with all the weight on Steve and Jones they stop unable to go further. Kichanga, runs furiously, but in their haste falls as well, eliminating their team.

That means that Hartolo and Breema win Immunity! It also means that Kichanga and Margani must go to Tribal Council this week.

Keys to Victory (defeat):

Hartolo: There is just not enough you can say about the strength of Cowin, Pitman and German. The three of them kept the team going and took care of business. It was a tough challenge so Tyla and Cait just could not keep up. Graham also just did not have the bulk for all that weight. But the team persevered and is still in it.

Breema: The teamwork and athleticism of Barry, Trotman, Micah, Silas and Jord did it for Breema. All five guys carried the weight and did a great job to keep a steady pace going and stay encouraged and in constant communication. Their teamwork is very good, and will only get better with time.

(Kichanga): While their speed and strength is above average, their teamwork is still abysmal. Again, Scott, Tyler and Beckie did a good job with their all around attributes. Elliott had the physical attributes, but just not enough teamwork. Binny had really average scores in the three attributes used, which doesn’t fairly show how amazing he is in the other two. This was just not the right challenge for Lauren who could just not keep up in that water. Kyle was able to keep up, but with his bad knee in the water, his speed was just not enough.

(Margani): Nothing seems to work for Margani. Their highest averages lay in strategy and problem-solving, so an athletic challenge is not good for them. Again, Dirks did well, but not good enough. Hinton and Jones were strong enough, and Steve had good enough teamwork, but overall it was not enough to compete with the other tribes. Greg, like Graham in Hartolo does not have the size and Chelsea and Jill do not have the athleticism for a challenge like this.

So here are all the people who have to vote:



Please vote by Wednesday night at 11:59! Last week I got some votes in the morning after; you guys were lucky I was out until the morning.


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry margani!! Hopefully there'll be SOME challenege i can eventually be an asset in!! I've been working out, so hopefully it will pay off eventually!! lol

OK - so now to the tough part.

OH! and GOOD JOB MARGANI BOYS! You carried us well!! lol


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yesssssss!!!!! we are so good at those kind of games im so glad we didnt have to do a problem solving challenge.... thanks mike ill give you the money tomorrow ;)

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dammit binny, you didnt even make it halfway! You call this giving it your best! Team decision: You dont get any rice desert tonight, after your rice dinner and you have to perform by the fire tonight, so we dont wallow in our loss.


At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, i feel like we have had soo many of these darn physical challenges. There has to be a stretch of mental challenges coming up margani. we were pretty close to coming through in this one.

but its alright, i'm sure we'll figure this out. on a side note, reading elliot's post made me think that rice pudding would be amazing.

i say we found some vanilla and milk and stuff in the forest buried int he ground and we made some nice rice pudding for desert tonight to console ourselves.

and we got some raisins off the trees, or i guess vines, but you know what i mean.

- steve

... and cinnamon

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

apparently my knee is bad... news to me. oh wait... i remember... i hurt it 9 months ago and then played 60 games this summer.

Dirks has girly hair. Still.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

Man, Virtual internet-reality-show based Binnington hasn't seemed to reflect real-life based Binnington thus far. Alright Hamilton, you and your fancy hair should come out to Kingston and I'll show you just how "average" my physical attributes really are...

I just threw down the metaphorical gauntlet,


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Mike said...

alright binny, here's what you need to consider. look at the guys in your tribe who made it farther than you. Are scott and elliott stronger and faster than you? yes they are. you are very good at the other ones. But you didn't lose the challenge for your tribe, there were just some people who were better.

kyle, of the people who made it farther than you, they never had knee problems. thats all.


At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed that I like Mike more and more as things go well for Breema, maybe it's just my imagination. Great stuff Breema, we really pulled together on this one too. Clap it up buddies.

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way Mike, how's the whole Cops and Robbers thing coming along? Is it going to continue once Survivor is done? Do the robbers make a a cool several thousand dollars or do the cops use some excessive force and bag the guys again? No pressure, but I'm just wondering what's going on with it.

At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am strong.

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Probably the best post to check out at work" - Silas TImes

"Amazing...Spectacular...Grilled Cheese, yum" - The Daily Silas Star

"A must read/watch/liten/smell/taste...allencompassingly sensual" - New Silas Times

"Dirks still has girly hair" - Kyle Pitman

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job mikeull.

i look forward to future siwmming. i might even learn to like fishes.

i enjoy you... annnnnd yo game.

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am strong

At 2:18 AM, Blogger Mike said...

I have noticed recently that people either complain or just dont agree with some of the decisions I have made regarding immunity challenges.

i told you guys that I have a system which mathematically determines who would win in each challenge based on the attributes I have assigned each person, and the weightings of those attributes in the challenges.

That being said, while Beckie may not be as fast or strong at Binny, her teamwork is perfect, therefore because teamwork is weighted at 40%, she has a higher total and therefore lasts longer than Binny.

That is how I do each challenge. So if the challenge was weighted with higher PS and Strategy Binny would kill most people in the game. Its just how I have decided to do things and I am happy with how things have gone so far.

Two tribes are more athletic, and two are smarter, deal with it.

And as far as me manipulating who wins, or God forbid who gets voted out, there is no way I would do that. Does anybody think that I would go to all the trouble of setting this whole thing up just so I could rig the results? come on.

And on me "influencing" the game. If somebody has a question regarding what they should do I WILL give them some advice. It in no way reveals other peoples' plans, but only sheds light on what the tribe's needs are, and who best meets those needs.

All this information is laid out both under each contestants' picture, and in the "Keys to Victory" sections. If your tribe is bad at teamwork, and that is why you are losing challenges, obvously I am going to recommend to somebody that they try to keep the people around who have good teamwork.

Is that manipulating? not at all. It is only restating what is already there.

If any of you have a problem with the way the game is running you can quit. I have no problem with that.

At 2:37 AM, Blogger Mike said...

just something short to add:

the challenges are done mathematically, but I add storylines after the math has already determined who wins and who loses.

So if Kyle drops out because of his "bad knee", it is really because as far as those speed, strength and teamwork go, the people who outlasted him have higher numbers.

I just try to make it more interesting.

That is all.

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love ya mike. Im sorry if we made u feel like we didnt 1. want to be here or 2. unapriciated. We just love ur game so much some times it sucks when ur tribe loses week after week. hopfully we will be able to vent in the right ways next time and not at u. Cause thats not fair either. And to jamsey...stop crying. Ur gone. Get over it.

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cam = voted off the island
james = voted off the island

all this = no more say in the tribe

:) love ya,

- stevers

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say good work on the game so far and can't wait to see how this thing turns out? Question many people will be left in each tribe before there will be a merge?

Scott H

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Mike said...

hey scotty,
most likely there will only be 12 people total at the time of the merge. so i spose that means 3 a tribe. a long time away eh?


At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

12 people?!

that's nuts... but so exciting!!

GOooooooooo margani!



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