Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Week Four

Kichanga Tribe

After two straight weeks of avoiding Tribal Council, the members of Kichanga decided they deserved a party. So Binny and Elliott went out on the water to catch a load of fish, Hackett and Damien attempted to bury the hatchet as they built a fire together, and the rest of the tribe went out to try and find some fruit. When they all came together it was time to dance. Binny took off his shirt and began to dance around the fire, chanting weird sounds, and made up words, while Hackett played drums (sticks and stumps) They were all so happy, that they danced into the night, with reckless abandon for the challenge they had coming up the next morning. Kyle took this time to talk to Tyler and Lauren about strategy for the rest of the game. Damien decided that he was going to try and hook up with the camp guys (Binny, Scott and Elliott) because it would be in his best interest to try and make some sort of alliance.

Margani Tribe

After two straight weeks of attending Tribal Council, Margani was emotionally drained. They did not know what they would do if they had to go to Tribal Council again. They had voted off Siobhan and James, but voting out Dirks next would not be so easy because the tribe needed his speed and smarts for their future challenges. So it was up to the alliance of 7 to include Dirks. Although you can’t have an alliance with all the members of the tribe, the alliance wanted Dirks to feel comfortable, because odds were they were not going to vote him out next. This all meant that people were going to have to start making mini alliances within their group. New alliance were a sure thing, and nobody wanted to be left out. The church people, Chelsea, Greg and Jill, were very tight, and Cam had sort of fallen out of favour with them. But he was the strongest person in the tribe, so he had to be included somewhere. The guys who had been on the outside looking in, Steve, Matt and Jones, were now the centres of attention as they entered free agency.

Hartolo Tribe

Clements spent the morning fishing with Cowin and Pitman. The three of them discussed plans for the rest of the game, as well as which of the remaining girls was the prettiest. Graham, German and Millar decided to cook some food and really got into some strategy as well. Up to this point, Pitman had really been calling the shots, and it wasn’t necessarily taking them to a bad place, but they wanted to have some control in the game as well. Cait and Tyla who helped vote out Michelle the last time they were at Tribal Council decided to explain to Laura why they did what they did, and it came out that both Tyla and Cait had made agreements with Pitman and Cowin. Laura didn’t like that one bit, and decided to figure out a way to get the girls back on her side.

Breema Tribe

The tribe had been shocked when Gerry didn’t show up to the last Tribal Council and was eliminated. It wasn’t a secret that the tribe had decided to vote Mandy out, and about that she was so confused. Mandy had not been weak in the challenges, she had not gotten in any fights or arguments. She just could not figure out why they had wanted to vote her out. All that being said, it was now time for Mandy to convince Breema that they should keep her around. She was just as qualified in the mental challenges as any of the other people in the tribe, and she was definitely more athletic than both of the other girls. Micah had been shocked when Gerry didn’t show up, because he had been his main ally. Barry, Trotman and Jord who had also wanted to get rid of Mandy, didn’t know exactly what to do now. They would have to win this challenge, or it seemed that Mandy would be going home.

Immunity Challenge

This weeks immunity challenge is kinda complicated so I will try to be brief. I will also make use of the point form method for its ease and understandability.
- Every tribe member except one will stand on a small pole out in the water
- The other tribe member will shoot water balloons with a slingshot out for their tribemates to catch
- The object of the game is for each tribe to catch as many water balloons as possible in 15 minutes
- The slingshot people will also be able to shoot harder at the other tribes’ people to knock them off their poles
- If you fall of your pole you are eliminated from competition

The attribute weightings are as follows:

Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Problem-Solving: 0%
Strategizing: 60%
Teamwork: 40%

One member from each of Kichanga and Hartolo will have to sit out. The other tribes choose to sit out Elliott from Kichanga and Cowin from Hartolo. For each tribe, the shooters will be Hackett from Kichanga, Jones from Margani, German from Hartolo and Silas from Breema.

I will only tell you, for the sake of time, what the results are at the end of the game.

Final Results

People left on their poles: Damien, Lauren, Steve, Jill, Greg, Graham, Cait, Micah, Trotman, Mandy, Fournie.

Kichanga: 5 balloons caught
Margani: 7 balloons caught
Hartolo: 4 balloons caught
Breema: 10 balloons caught

So Margani and Breema win Immunity, while Kichanga and Hartolo will have to go to Tribal Council this week.

Keys to Victory (Defeat)

Margani: This tribe did well almost solely based on the hard work of Jones and Steve. Jones was able to knock many other contestants off their platforms, while Steve caught 5 of their 7 balloons. Dirks went for a balloon out of his reach and fell early, while the rest of the tribe did a very good job playing smart. This team was built for this type of challenge and probably proved many critics wrong by winning this challenge.

Breema: Again, this challenge was perfect for a tribe like Breema. It didn’t involve a lot of athletic ability, but it involved playing smart and guys like Micah, Trotman and Silas did a great job, as did Mandy and Fournie. There really wasn’t a weak link in this challenge, but if someone had to be chosen… Barry fell off pretty early pulling a Dirks, and Nathalie also fell quite soon after the game started.

(Kichanga): While Hackett’s accuracy and strategizing was never in question, the poor showing by his teammates was. Hackett and Damien were really the only people on the tribe who made an impact. All of Tyler, Binny, Kyle, Beckie and Heidman fell off very early stretching to reach for balloons or getting knocked off by the other tribes’ shooters. Their lack of communication really hurt their results.

(Hartolo): A game like this involving some finesse was lost on Hartolo. While Graham and Cait did all the catching, Millar and Pitman fell off super early, and the rest of the team was not far behind. It was a terrible showing by Hartolo and one which exploited their lack of teamwork as well. They have the skills, but they need to be refined if Hartolo is not going to keep losing the challenges that don’t involve athleticism.

So here we are again. This week as I said before, Kichanga and Hartolo must vote. Please vote promptly because I don’t want to have to eliminate someone I like I had to do with Gerry last week. These are the people who have to vote:





At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

teamwork eh?
whaaaaaaat. yoooooooo

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

also mike...
did we decide which of the remaining girls is the hottest?

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Mike said...

its up to you three... not me

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

easy choice.

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...'d obviously be the hottest girl...

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear mike: next week we're winning.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I will touch on the above discussion.

Tribal Council here we come, Yikes! Lets just remember the attributes we need to have a variety of and vote wisely tribe.

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sexual chocolateeee

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree lauren.
we are the best and will probobly never lose another challange. and our tribe has the hottest girls.

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again we won the REAL challenge, we showed so much spirit jumping and diving for every balloon, once again I visualize heidman as doing a two foot tackle on his balloon. And this also gives me another chance to vote for James.


At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i used once again, one too many times

At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"woop woop" as they used to say (I'm just not really sure who "they" were... or why they would say woop... but they did...apparently)

ANYWAY - congrats, lets rejoice in the IMMUNITY!!
sweet action!


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice going Marganin big win. Steveo and Mike Jones good on ya guys. Lets get another guys now that we've got out of our little slump lets show em who we r.


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

strong comeback win margani, you know we're gonna kill it in these challenges. Good job team, nice shooting jonesy. ahaha Jonesy, has anyone seen dreamcatcher?

JONESY! funny movie, eat it duddertz.

glad to finally not have to vote,

- stevers

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not that the duddertz eating it part was funny.

just memorable.


At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps Mike i loved the joke about the values of point form.

made me laugh alot.

good writing you whack

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ada get back on the horse team, it feels nice for someone else to get stressed out with voting.


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Mike said...

stevo... "I Duddits!"

At 1:17 AM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

Bummer about taking a spill catching water balloons. In the scenario running through my head constantly I envision Geoff and Chris being nailed simultaneously in the package by huge balloons. They then cry while secretly wishing they were as tough as me.

Yep, that's about right.

Matt (the coolest one)

At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unrealistic! i am a baseball player, i'd be tracking those flyballs down like Vernon Wells. AH well.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwww i wish i took part in the game.. come on mike hook a brother up i would do so good in the game... neways its all good im positive that my team will bounce back from this and put up a great next day... lets go team lol

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont get it..

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Mike said...

were they parrot fish?

if not i dont get it

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

K first off Matt what do u mean the coolest one. Is that some sort of crack at me. Cause my mother finds me quite coll i will have u know. Secondly i didnt get it at first either....but then it hit me. Pirch is a fish....thats y it smells fishy. Brilliant i say

MaTT(the attractivest one)


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