Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Week Two Tribal Council

Hartolo before Tribal Council

Going into their first Tribal Council, the members of Hartolo didn’t really know what to expect. They knew that they should try to get rid of their weakest member, but how would they go about it? Pitman and Cowin decided that they would get to decide who it would be, and they took to telling their friends who to vote off. They started by talking to German, Millar and Graham. It was painfully obvious that these five guys were close, and that if anyone was going to stand against them, it would have to be in one unified attack. And the boys even were able to contact some of the girls, make some promises and make some progress. Things seemed the be going the way of the boys.

Hartolo Tribal Council
1st Vote: Cowin
2nd Vote: Cowin
3rd Vote: Michelle
4th Vote: German
5th Vote: Michelle
6th Vote: Michelle
7th Vote: Michelle
8th Vote: Michelle
9th Vote: Michelle
10th Vote: Michelle

So with seven out of ten votes against, Michelle Whiting-Hodgson is the first person voted out of Hartolo, and the third out of Survivor Hamilton Two.

Margani before Tribal Council

No tribe in Survivor Hamilton history has even been so split before. From the beginning there were definite factions, but some people began talking to both sides and switching over from one side to the other, and vice versa. One side had begun with Jill, Cam, Greg and Chelsea, but had attempted to get to know the other people and maybe make some more friends. The other side had begun with Dirks, James and Siobhan but had done the same thing. The people who had not started in a certain alliance now had the tough decisions of who to side with. While the people who begun the alliances had to decide whether or not they wanted to stay with their current allies, or make new ones. It would definitely be interesting.

Margani Tribal Council
1st Vote: Siobhan
2nd Vote: Siobhan
3rd Vote: Siobhan
4th Vote: Greg
5th Vote: Siobhan
6th Vote: Greg
7th Vote: Greg
8th Vote: Siobhan
9th Vote: Greg
10th Vote: Greg

Well I’m not sure how well all of you count, but it appears we have a tie. Both Greg Beurling and Siobhan Wilson have received five votes against, which means we have a predicament don’t we? Here’s how we are going to resolve this situation:

Between now and Saturday/Sunday when I post the third week of Survivor Hamilton Two I need everyone from Margani EXCEPT Greg and Siobhan to re-vote. You can ONLY vote for either Greg or Siobhan. Whoever gets the most votes against in these next couple days will be eliminated and I will post it at the beginning of the next week. If you don’t vote, I just will not take your vote into account. You will not be eliminated if you don’t vote, but remember whoever gets the most votes against between Greg and Siobhan will be eliminated. If during the weekend it is still a tie, I will randomly eliminate one of them. You probably don’t want it to go that far.

For now, I will give you guys a little more information about Greg and Siobhan.

Greg Beurling:

Besides Dirks, Greg is one of the fastest members of Margani. While he is not the fastest or strongest, he helps your athletics averages more than Siobhan does. Greg also has exceptional strategizing skills, which will keep your average very high.

Siobhan Wilson:

Siobhan’s main addition to your tribe is very good teamwork. With her, your teamwork remains high in comparison to the other tribes. Also, compared to the other women in your tribe, Siobhan is very athletic, and can be an asset in that area.

Both Greg and Siobhan have definite strengths in your tribe, and when you vote one out, some averages will go down, while others will go up. It is up to you to decide. If I could offer one more piece of advice... alliances don't matter if you can't win challenges. Make sure you stay loyal, while giving your tribe the best chance to win that you can. If you feel that going against your alliance is the better choice, then be honest and tell them, because you don't want to be sorry later when your tribe can't stop losing.

These people should probably vote within the next couple days:

But for now, post to wish Michelle happy trails in life apart from Survivor.


At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O michelle,
its been fun. at least you can go home now though and watch monday night football. we wouldnt have any of that on an island. Go Colts GO.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, that was a shocker, in the words of probst. clearly margani has some trust issues. hahaha

- stevers

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't like voting the first time -nevermind having to do it again!


At 3:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously this is ridiculous


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Mike said...

hey michelle i'm sorry that you had to go this early. i know you would have been one of the few that would stick around to the bitter end. your devotion to these things makes it worthwhile.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang i hate seeing ppl goin from my tribe.... best wishes to you michelle, its been fun.... now to the tribe left lets kick some ass!

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its michelle, it's michelle it's michelle it's's's michelle.

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont vote off greg

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy trails michelle. I hope you are doing well. See you soon.


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