Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Week Eleven Tribal Council

Kichagani before Tribal Council

Going into their second Tribal Council in a row, Kichagani was not feeling very good. The storm had decimated the campsite and even though the stress of Tribal Council was looming, the tribe needed to fix up the camp. Cowin spent most of the day carrying huge logs on his back to try and make a new structure. Kyle and Scott worked on taking down the old shelter, while Chelsea and Mandy tried to salvage what food they could. Micah was sent to gather fresh water. Because of all the rain, there should be loads of water out in the jungle, and it was Micah’s job to locate it. Throughout the day however, strategy was talked about. Kyle and Scott spent a lot of time thinking of who would be best to vote out, considering they don’t want to lose any more challenges, but they also don’t want to be betrayed. Chelsea talked with Mandy about her tactics so far and in the future, and Mandy told her that she was just going with the flow, making her choices as they came. Micah spent a great deal of time on his own today, not really worrying about the vote. He had been slowly realizing that no matter how much he worried, some unexpected things were bound to happen. Cowin on the other hand, was worrying. He knew he had a lot to offer, and he wasn’t ready to go home yet. He knew there was a good chance that he was going to be voted out next, but he wasn’t ready. He loved SH2, and he didn’t want to go.

Kichagani Tribal Council

1st Vote: Chelsea
2nd Vote: Micah
3rd Vote: Chelsea
4th Vote: Chelsea
5th Vote: Chelsea
6th Vote: Chelsea

So with five votes against, the 3rd person voted out of Kichagani, and the 23rd out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
Chelsea McDermott

The Harteema Gang before Tribal Council

Going into just their second TC as a tribe, Harteema was stunned to lose last week. They felt very confident in their abilities in the challenges, but this time it wasn’t to be. The people who felt the most vulnerable were Lauren and Cait. This tribe was dominated by the boys, and even though Lauren and Cait had been great, they thought the boys would think that the tribe would get even better if they were minus a couple girls. The guys weren’t sure however what would be the best choice. Dirks had already lost his partner, Hinton, so he knew that he had to vote out somebody else’s partner. But none of Silas, Chris, Trotman or Tyler really wanted to vote against their partners. Both Trotman and Silas had been killing the challenges recently, so they should be safe. Tyler has had a tight alliance with Lauren the whole game so far, and he didn’t want to back out of it now. Chris and Cait had met because of this game, but have been tight since the beginning. He didn’t want to vote against her, but maybe it would be necessary at this point. People weren’t sure who it was going to be, but it had to be somebody.

The Harteema Gang at Tribal Council

1st Vote: Trotman
2nd Vote: Cait
3rd Vote: Silas
4th Vote: Cait
5th Vote: Cait
6th Vote: Cait
7th Vote: Cait

So with five votes against, the 2nd person voted out of Harteema, and the 24th person voted out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
Cait Waring

Well, another two people out, and we are getting closer and closer to the merge. An interesting note: five of the last six people eliminated have been girls. So the girls who are left, Becky, Mandy and Lauren should maybe be getting nervous.

This weekend on SH2... the tribes begin to rebuild from the storm/flood, but food is hard to come by and the challenge is tougher than any yet.


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll miss you all!
And I'm sad to go!!

BUT it's been a fun ride - and probably best that i go now.. I should probably have my head checked out after getting blown into a tree! owie!


At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if my creeping around facebook serves me correctly - there is ONE girl in each tribe left!



At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woops - I meant Survivor... not facebook. Seriously.. that thing gets addictive!

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha creeping and facebook do normally go together... by chels. Thank goodness we weren't invovled this week. Lets keep it that way.

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

noooooooooooo.... not cait!!!!!!!! Sorry to see you go... :( Adios!

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Mike said...

lotsa comments by the girls, where are my boys at?

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I love SH2, also I love the person who come up with SH2.This has saved me precious pronunciation seconds. This whole SH2 phenomenon, as the kids are calling it, has increased my heart rate to levels only experienced in Tyndale floor hockey playoff games and watching delicious muffins bake in the oven. Can’t wait until the merge but till then, play smart, play safe, and keep fit body breakers.

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hamilton i think it's time for a new look. Update some of those pics and let all the world see how handsome you've become

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyndale playoff floor hockey IS exciting eh si? specially when im a goalie and you and dirks are reffing. mmmmm ;)

ahh..good memories of when i flip out and destroy things. mmmmmmm

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Mike said...

silas, if you want to see more pictures of just how handsome I have become, you may want to consider joining facebook, cause i have a gazillion on there.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow week after week i sit in this chair and read the post and my heart gets going. Like i mean going. As if i was in the game still. Mike i love it. Its amazing...and the new name u have adapted SH2....good thinking...make'in hip for the new era. This is gonna be huge. But on a more serious note chelsea it is very sad to see u go. U were a great tribe mate and cait i didnt really know u but u were also a great tribe mate.


At 1:14 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Hinton buddy, you make me smile every time you comment. you are a true asset to this game, and I hope you will join SH3 whenever it happen.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

I'm back, I'm back

What did I miss?

I really think that after the storm SH2 should adopt some sort of Swiss Family Robinson storyline, you know like makinga gigantic treehouse while awaiting rescue from a huge ocean liner.

Or Not


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like tough times are ahead for our tribe. Things are getting tighter and tighter. It would be nice to have the merge about now. Or at least for our tribe to win non stop, either way is fine with me.


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Peter German said...

Have you ever considered trying to pitch this game to yahoo or something? I'm sure there are tons of people out there that would be all about getting in on a game like this. You'd be sharing the joy of SH2 with the world. They would already have the infrastructure to host it. And this is a brilliant game.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes to swiss family robinson, what was the doctor's name? and the cutie girl?

but i donno, you would have to allow people to join it over yeahoo in groups cus if you didn't know at least a group of the people, half of the intensity/hilarity would be gone.

- steve

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Mike said...

ya german, i've thought of some good ways to do that. Really anyone could be in the game, all they would need to do would be pick their own stats, and then i pick the challenges and they vote eachother off. For SH3 i am gonna try and get a real webspace to make it easier to understand for people just checking it out.


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