Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Week Eighteen Tribal Council

Kim Tribe before Tribal Council

I can honestly say that with the exception of some early Margani Tribal struggles, this week’s strategizing has been the most intense. For weeks I have waited for the game to blow wide open and this could be the week. Silas won immunity, and with it, the chance to make another person immune as well. This was posing as a problem for Silas. He had to weigh his two options. He could save someone who he knew was going to be voted for, but didn’t really care about. Or he could just give it to someone who he would need later in the game as an ally. Silas was struggling with the decision, and everyone else in the tribe was nervous as well. It was funny though. Every time Silas tried to talk to someone about possible strategies involving the double immunity, they never got back to him, or skirted around the topic. He was having a hard time getting straight answers out of people, and he thought that was strange considering he could give one of them immunity.

A storm was brewing up in the sky to match the atmosphere in camp. No one knew who eachother would be voting for and some people were very scared to be potentially going home. Ever since the merge Kyle has been worried that each week could be his last, and he knew this week was no different. Cowin had felt pretty good in this tribe for the last couple of weeks, but not this one. He knew he was as vulnerable as anyone else, and for all anyone was talking to him, it could very well be him going home. Who knew what Binny was thinking. He got voted out, and it was almost as if he forgot how to play the game. He never talked to anyone, never even showed his face around camp. The guys didn’t know if they wanted to keep him around, but at least no one saw his as a legitimate threat at this point. Elliott wasn’t sure what to do. He had a small alliance with Steve, but there were some big guns like Cowin and Kyle who were getting nervous. Was this his chance to vote one of them out? Or should he try to ally with them? He may have the chance today, but would he have it later? Steve and Jord, like everyone else had no clue what was going on. They didn’t know who their alliances would be voting for, and they were worried about making a wrong choice. And everyone was wondering… Where is Scott?

Tribal Council

So as I mentioned before, Silas firstly has the honour of bestowing Immunity on one other castaway. He must choose after the votes are tallied, but before they are counted. So after everyone went up to vote, I asked Silas to tell the seven other castaways who he chose to be immune. So Silas got up and told everyone that the person he chose to give Immunity to is…

So any votes against Cowin will not be counted. Whoever has the next highest amount of votes will be eliminated.

The Votes:

1st Vote: Cowin
2nd Vote: Binny
3rd Vote: Steve
4th Vote: Cowin
5th Vote: Steve
6th Vote: Steve
7th Vote: Steve
8th Vote: Steve

So that means with five votes against, the 6th person voted out of the Kim Tribe, and the 34th person voted out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
the last remaining member of the original Margani Tribe...
Steve Edwards.

Oh man Steve I am sad. This is the most emotional vote for me yet. You guys have no idea how many times Steve would start talking to me over msn late at night worried that he would be voted out in the morning. He showed as much devotion and love for this game as anyone who ever played, ad I am thankful that he got to be a part of it. Good luck in your future ventures Steve.

This weekend on Survivor Hamilton Two… the final seven struggle through a very tough physical and mental challenge, and tensions continue to run high as no one person has control over this tribe.


At 12:06 AM, Blogger Elliott said...

My alliance, my alliance it has fallen to pieces! James your damn predictions brought this upon me!


At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

STEVO no!!!! You were my perdiction. See i kept it quite so u wouldnt go home. Im sorry bud i wanted u to take it. Ohh well good luck elliot.


At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve so sorry to see you go this week. It was a tough week of strategising that went down the the very last few minutes. it was a great treat playing the game with you .

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...


Congrats on getting this far in the game.

Mike, this getting too intense and is consuming my life. The only viable solution that I see is giving me immunity for a week. That would help my stress level go down. I'm sure you understand.

Thanks in advance,


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

steve man im really sorry to see you go man cuz like mike said u were into this game and thats honestly really cool of u and shows ur character... i wish it could have been another way but the game got really intense and things got nuts... but know that you made the game u love so much that much more excited and put up a good fight in the end to get rid of me

At 10:14 AM, Blogger steve said...


thanks everyone for their comments, and for your vote of confidence.

its alright, last night was a crazy night of communication and failed communication all around. going in a blaze of strategical fire is how i always wanted to go.

plus now as i sit here at work listening to Paul Simon sing with African tribal choirs on my iPod, its with joy that i look back on my time in Survivor Hamilton.

Naught would I have done different, except for maybe not vote out james, wait scratch that! haha

I will stick around and cheer for my sleepers (sorry to ruin your pick MaTT).

Lemme say though, from my perspective I had alot of close calls, so I was glad to make it to the 'elite eight' so to speak, keeping with current events.

Thanks to Mike for all his hard work, and hilarious creativity. however, let the record show that you typed with 5 votes against me this week, but i only counted 4.

Anyway, good going to the 7 left and I will stick around on the commenting and see you all at the reunion episode, aka Mike's party

- steve

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya mike screwed up on the votes lol wut a bumb... come on mike

love the fare well speech steve it broke my heart

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


I'm sorry to see you head off but just take comfort in the fact you'll most likely be facing me in the MYW fantasy hockey finals and that I feel like you're around all the time because your identical twin goes to my church.

I'm not even kidding, he's your doppelganger.


At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was five votes against you steve. check the site.....guess the tears that were filling your eyes skewed your vision.

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was five votes against you steve. check the site.....guess the tears that were filling your eyes skewed your vision.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

Hey James,

Here's an interesting piece of trivia for you. When Tyler got voted out, Elliott didn't vote for Peter... Silas did. It's astounding that you can be wrong even when you don't make a prediction.

At 11:18 PM, Blogger steve said...

one of the votes changed? hahaha people are retroactively voting against me??

thats funny matt, my doppelganger eh?

and i will definitely be facing you in the fantasy finals, although i'm kinda of scared, but everyone cheers for the underdog around march madness time!

i am george mason, i am george mason (for the lack of an exciting underdog this year). think like an underdog.

- stePHen

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...


The problem is George Mason eventually got beaten. NC State under Jim Valvano or Villanova in 1985 would be good choices over Mason.


At 4:10 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

How was it foolish for Silas to vote alone? He is still in the game isn't he?

He didn't want to vote for Tyler, and he didn't want to vote for me, so he voted for who he wanted to vote for, and guess what? It worked, and he is still in the game. Seems pretty "un-foolish" to me.

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont usually say things about ppls stragy because of the same reason kyles expressed im not in the game any more so i keep my comments about those such things to myself. But one thing u said kyle is that silas is still in the game cause he voted for german but of course he is! Why in hell would he vote for himself. Now that would be foolish. Almost as foolish as not showing up to tribal counsell.


At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont usually say things about ppls stragy because of the same reason kyles expressed im not in the game any more so i keep my comments about those such things to myself. But one thing u said kyle is that silas is still in the game cause he voted for german but of course he is! Why in hell would he vote for himself. Now that would be foolish. Almost as foolish as not showing up to tribal counsell.


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly! Jamsy if we just joined forces earlier things would have ended much differently for us.


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont think i have ever seen anyone type

eeny meeny miny moo


or to quote you "iniminimanimo "

thats funny, i thought it was like some kind of tribal decision making dance, but then i was like, wait it looks like those 3 layer squares

wait it sounds like eeny meeny miny mo and then i got it

nice spelling though


hehehe, i love it

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

you guys are all over the map. We aren't talking about that vote. We're talking about the vote where Silas voted for peter. How did you get on a completely different wavelength when you're the one who started this whole thing by saying elliott shouldn't have voted for peter. then i said that elliott didnt vote for peter, silas did.

of course silas was lucky when he won the "coin flip". That's how you stay in the game... a combination of luck, skill, and strategy.


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