Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Day Two

Mablevi Tribe
Fresh off victory in the first challenge, Mablevi was totally excited and began to gel really well. All 8 of the guys really get a long great, and some of them began to worry about who they would vote off if they lost a challenge. This worry did not hamper their time together as they partied all last night. During day two they went fishing, and Dirks and Barry began to really show some skill, catching 4 large fish, which they cooked up over a fire. There were really no worries at the Mablevi camp.

Takiyah Tribe
Fresh off their defeat in the first challenge, Takiyah were very down on themselves, taking their early disadvantage pretty hard. Taking it the hardest was Pitman, whose best friend was voted out at the first Tribal Council. Its not that he was bitter, it is just that he no longer knew where he stood with the tribe. Silas confronted the tribe in a calm manner to let them know that they can’t afford to lose another challenge early. This message seemed to affect the tribe in a good way, because they really worked hard throughout the second day, and got a lot of work done.

Runako Tribe
The atmosphere at the Runako camp was weird during the second day. There was a whole lot of strategy going on which included each member of the tribe. Feen, Jones and Ryan were off for a long time talking about who they needed to vote off first. In their tentative alliance, Cowin, Hackett and Damien approached Pat to try and lure him to their threesome. Ryan also approached Cowin to try and understand his complicated relationship with Hackett and Damien. Clarke, while feeling close with Feeney and Ryan, wasn’t included in any of these conversations.

Immunity Challenge
Members of each tribe will go head to head against eachother to try and knock eachother off of platforms suspended over water. Since Takiyah is short one man, they get to choose who sits out from Mablevi and Runako. They choose to sit out Gerry and Cowin. After two times through all members, the two tribes with the most knockoffs win immunity.
The Challenge: Wylie KO Wilson, Jones KO Graham, Dirks KO Damien, Silas KO Barry, Pitman KO Pat, Ryan KO Trotman, Clements KO Binny, Feen KO Trevor, Cameron KO Hackett, Clarke KO Wells and Micah, Binnington KO Clements, Micah KO Pat, Jones KO Wilson, Trotman KO Ryan, Cameron KO Silas, Trevor KO Hackett, Barry KO Graham, Wylie KO Damien, Feen KO Wells, Pitman KO Dirks and Clarke.

Mablevi: 6
Takiyah: 8
Runako: 6

Tie-Break: Cameron KO Feen

Runako before Tribal Council

Because of all the strategizing earlier in the day, most of the tribe members knew where they stood going into Tribal Council. One person who wasn’t sure was Clarke who hadn’t had much of a chance to talk with his Tyndale people. The Pickering guys seemed to be on edge because they weren’t sure whether or not they were going home on day two. Their talks with Pat hadn’t been too successful, and they hadn’t got a definite decision out of him.

The Vote
1st Vote: Pat
2nd Vote: Pat
3rd Vote: Damien
4th Vote: Damien
5th Vote: Damien
6th Vote: Pat
7th Vote: Pat
And the second person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is…Pat Sutherland

Sorry Pat... you are a hilarious and smart guy, but unfortunately on a very physically oriented tribe...

Next time on Survivor Hamilton... The losing tribe experiences a fight between two castaways which results in one of them going home.


At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat seems like a logical choice to vote out... if I was on that tribe he'd be first to go too.

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey pat i don't know you at all but it sucks that ur gone already i wasn't a big fan of our team losing the challenge and wish that our full team could still be together still.

to the rest of the tribe, keep your heads up guys cause we still got a good team and are gonna make the challenges hard for the other teams.

p.s. hamilton im pretty sure the team would have put me in the challenge wince it has to do somewhat with fighting. my team would have seen how big i am and my strength and put me out there against the strongest of the other teams and we would have got more points and wouldnt have voted off pat.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Cowin, Takikah, because they were short-handed, got to decide who sat out from your tribe

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry mike i wasn't reading it right i thought wrong, my bad. well good call to the other teams for choosing me then.

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Mike said...

the walkoff


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