Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Day One

Before I get started I want you guys to know a few things. Firstly, I sincerely hope that I don’t offend any of you by what happens in this game. If you are voted out first that doesn’t mean that I think you suck, or I don’t like you. It could happen for a number of reasons. The first reason could be that you randomly ended up on a tribe with the type of people you wouldn’t mesh with very well. Also, some of those people may already be very tight, and would vote someone like you off. You also need to know that many of the things that happen in this game are random. If I’m not totally sure who would get voted out, I will pick a couple of the most likely candidates, and choose randomly. I will however make it seem, through an elaborate story-line that there was a reason that person was voted out. If any of you guys have a problem with the goings-on in Survivor Hamilton, I encourage you to e-mail me with it, and I will give you a detailed reason for your exit from the game. To win this game, you need to be (in my eyes) competitive, easy to get along with, and very lucky, because some decisions WILL be chance. Good luck to all of you, and keep posted. Comment too. I like that.

Day 1

Mablevi Tribe
Setting up camp was not a problem for Mablevi because all of the guys cooperated very well with eachother, each man doing his own fair share. Gerry Kroezen was the first to show leadership on day 1. Without being pushy, he delegated jobs to his tribe members. Some guys were a little bothered (Wells and Trotman), but they were glad that someone stepped up, because no one else seemed ready. There seemed to be a little bit of division in the tribe with Dirks, Wells and Clements off to themselves, and Hodge, Wilson and Trotman also working together. It didn’t seem very harmful though, as Mablevi was having a good time as a whole.

Takiyah Tribe
Very early, Silas emerged as a leader for Takiyah. He used the map to successfully guide his tribemates to the camp, and immediately began working to set up some sort of shelter. Micah and Wylie joined in right away, but most of the others took a little rest before joining in the work. Once everyone began working though, the atmosphere cooled down a little, and they were able to get some work done. Besides Pitman and Millar, Takiyah seems like a tribe of individuals. There aren’t really any alliances so far, and it seems that this tribe will strive to eliminate the weakest links right away.

Runako Tribe
Right away there was some squabbling between Cowin, Hackett and Damien. This really stopped these 3 from getting the work done that they should have and the 5 from Tyndale carried the workload in the beginning. But when the Tyndaliens needed a break, Cowin, Hackett and Damien stepped up and did more for the campsite than the others had in half the time. This teamwork really seemed to help the 3 from Pickering get along better… well a little better. Feeney and Matulewicz really began to go aside and talk right away about who the threats were, but it was decided that at this point they need to focus on winning challenges.

The First Challenge
The way the challenges will work is that the 1st and 2nd place tribes will not have to vote anyone off, while the losing tribe will be heading to tribal council.
The challenge is a team obstacle course that goes as follows: the first part is a race where each member of the tribe is attached to a rope, and they must complete a boot camp type course as a tribe. The second part is a puzzle with the pieces placed throughout a forest, and as a tribe (still tied up) they must retrieve the pieces and put the puzzle together. Then as a tribe (still tied up) they must swim out to a buoy, retrieve it, and return to the beach. The first two tribes to reach the beach win.

Ready… Set… GO!

The Mablevi Tribe had an early lead through the obstacle course, with Millar and Pat holding Takiyah and Runako up through the running and climbing portions. But each of those tribes caught up a little through the puzzle portion, with Pat excelling in putting the puzzle together. Through the first two sections the standings were as follows: 1st Mablevi, 2nd Runako, and 3rd Takiyah.
Each tribe held their own in the swimming section with, Runako gaining considerable ground.
The Beach: 1st Mablevi
2nd Runako
3rd Takiyah

Takiyah Tribe before Tribal Council
It was commonly decided that Silas, Wylie, Trevor and Pitman would be safe because Takiyah can not afford to lose another challenge early in the game. Graham, being 3 years younger than the second youngest castaway seemed very nervous heading into tribal council, while Micah didn’t seem to care that much. He told his tribemates that he wouldn’t be offended if they voted him off, because he knew it would be a tough decision early. Binnington spoke off to the side with Trevor and Wylie to secure his safety, while Millar and Pitman tried to think of ways to keep Millar around.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Micah
2nd vote: Millar
3rd vote: Pitman
4th vote: Trevor
5th vote: Millar
6th vote: Micah
7th vote: Millar
And the first person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is…
Geoffrey Millar

Sorry Beta, someone had to be first to go... I'm really sad now... Good luck in your future.


At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Millar is a good guy man... I'm sad to see him go, but I know that there is gonna be some serious dessention in Tekiyah now.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know how the mablevi tribe could possible win the first challenge with cameron in such bad shape. maybe if the team was strong enough to drag cameron along the beach and if that was it and they actually did drag him then you know what they did totally desevre to win. congrats on the first win i guess guys and we'll get you next time.

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bye Geoff!! We'll be stronger without him anyway!

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Mike said...

i'm pretending that cameron is in working order

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey now, I think that Micah guy learned his lesson from the first survivor and won't be telling his tribe mates that he won't care about being voted off. I should know because I'm him. GO Micah!

I'll miss ya Geoff.
I'm saluting you as I type this. It's very hard to type with one hand.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do any comments i make in this section affect the outcome of the game?


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