Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Day Four

Mablevi Tribe
The morning started with Trotman apologizing for getting in a fight the day earlier, and thanking the whole tribe for keeping him in. This mostly went over well, because he was honest in his belief that he could have just as easily been voted out as Gerry. Wells and Dirks began to get a little worried, because the Tyndale guys are now outnumbered in Mablevi, and Clements doesn’t care enough about the game to join any sort of alliance. For the time being though, they feel safe because they know they are athletic, and the rest of the tribe wouldn’t want to vote them off this early.

Takiyah Tribe
When the guys woke up early in the morning at the Takiyah camp, someone was missing. They looked all around the campsite, but they could not find Graham. They figured that he would not have gone too far, but it was really weird because he left no note, nor told anyone where he was going. When he finally returned, he came walking out of the woods with a pet monkey named Nicaragua. He soon became the Takiyah mascot, and this monkey definitely livened up the Takiyah tribe, and gave them a new sense of happiness in the game.

Runako Tribe
Very early in the morning, as Cowin was fishing, Ryan swam out to him, and they began the day with a little strategy. Ryan told Cowin that he wanted to stick with Feen until the merge, but that he was willing to go against any of the other guys and cause some panic within Runako. Cowin, all for causing panic, told Ryan that they should probably vote Damien off the next chance they get, while Ryan was more for voting Clarke off. While making no decisions, they left the water with a better idea of how to eff up the tribe.

Immunity Challenge
This is a head-to-head challenge, where there is an obstacle course involving strength, speed and smarts which needs to be completed by each member. What will happen, is members from each of two tribes will go head-to-head in the obstacle course. Anything goes. First one to the finish wins a point for their tribe. Each tribe member will race twice.

Micah d Cameron, Damien d Graham, Dirks d Ryan, Barry d Binny, Hackett d Pitman, Jones d Trotman, Wylie d Wilson, Clarke d Trevor, Wells d Feen, Silas d Clements and Cowin
Mablevi: 3
Takiyah: 3
Runako: 4
Dirks d Micah, Trevor d Cowin, Damien d Clements, Wilson d Graham, Clarke d Binny, Trotman d Ryan, Wylie d Wells, Silas d Jones, Feen d Cameron, Barry d Pitman and Hackett
Mablevi: 7
Takiyah: 6
Runako: 7

Takiyah before Tribal Council
So despite Nicaragua the monkey, Takiyah still lost the immunity challenge. This was a very hard loss to swallow because they had so much confidence going into this challenge, which was shattered by the ugly face of defeat. The guys who felt the most vulnerable going into tribal council were Graham and Micah, who have so far not done too well in the challenges. Binnington also felt like his time may have come, but Trevor reassured him it is not his time. We will soon find out.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Micah
2nd vote: Graham
3rd vote: Micah
4th vote: Graham
5th vote: Micah
6th vote: Graham
That’s three votes Micah and three votes Graham
The fourth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Graham Hamilton

Next time on Survivor Hamilton… The tribes are shaken up as tribemates are switched over to the other tribes.


At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww poor graham sorry to see you go big guy.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but graham at least a part of you is left on the island and the team will remember you through the money

also ryan it's to get to you know more and talk about strategies with you lol

p.s. mike i wouldn't try to make panic on the island but i would try to vote damien off since i dont like him doing well in any sort of game

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i meant monkey not money

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

latz graham. Some people just arn't meant for watching a game they can't influence. you just happen to be one of those people. No ones perfect.

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahem... michael- where are the fearless girls in this one? oh well- i too was sorry to see graham go so early on... better luck next time. i've got my bets on the final four, but with you calling the shots, hamilton... who knows...

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Mike said...

as I said earlier... the reason there are no girls in this games is twofold. First, I don't know enough girls. Secondly, I could never presume to know what a girl would ever think or do.

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, the switch...i'm loving it. This is like the highlight of my summer.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ryan man you're a joke but you know what i hope we do get to the finals.

mike this is a blast man i can't wait to see what the next day has in store

silas its good to hear from you again and i'm glad you in the same boat as i am man.


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