Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Week Twenty-Two

Kim Tribe

Well we are all the way down to the final four. Even though all four remaining castaways began this game on the same tribe, some have taken very different roads to the final four. Matt Binnington started the game feeling pretty good about his chances in the Kichanga Tribe. He knew lots of people in his tribe, and he saw no reasons why he couldn’t go deep in the game. But unfortunately for him, his friendships with Elliott and Scott did not help him, and he was voted out in week six by an alliance led by Kyle.
Instead of joining with his friend Binny from camp, Scott Heidman decided to make an alliance with Kyle Pitman. They didn’t really know eachother, but they saw in eachother strengths which could help them get far. Turns out it was the right decision as their alliance cut through their first tribe, their new tribe after the switch, and lo and behold they are both still in the game at the final four. While Scott has only received two votes against this whole game (both last week), Kyle has had many close calls. He has had to vote out his friends to keep himself around, but each choice he made seems to be the right one as he has strategically dominated this game. That is not to take anything away from Scott’s game, because for being dominant in the challenges, Scott has had the ability to lay low, and I believe that is what has gotten him to this point.
Elliott Delaunay, like Kyle has had a very difficult time getting to the final four. Getting through to the switch almost didn’t happen, but Elliott did some quick thinking and was able to ally with Kyle and Scott and gain their semi-trust. During the switch, he was put in a tribe with his close friend German, and Elliott easily made it through to the merge. In the first Tribal Council however, Elliott was almost voted out, and he has had to work very hard to keep himself around while all his allies from his last tribe were systematically eliminated. He won a very important challenge later in the game, and was given the opportunity to bring someone back to the game. He decided to bring someone back who he could trust, and chose Binny. The two have formed a strong pairing, and look to get to the final three together.

Immunity Challenge

This is the second last immunity challenge. It will consist of three different challenges each using two attributes evenly. The loser of each challenge will be eliminated, and the winners will go through to the next round. The winner in the third challenge will win the immunity challenge.

First Contest

Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 50%
Strategy: 50%
Co-op: 0%

Eliminated: Scott
Moving on: Kyle, Elliott, Binny

Its too bad that this challenge was the first, because Scott would have taken the next two rounds had he snuck through this one.

Second Contest

Speed: 50%
Strength: 50%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 0%
Co-op: 0%

Eliminated: Binny
Moving on: Elliott, Kyle

Well this sets up the ultimate rivalry between Elliott and Kyle. These two have been both allies and rivals throughout this game, and now we have a chance to separate the two of them.

Third Contest

Speed: 0%
Strength: 50%
Prob-Solv: 50%
Strategy: 0%
Co-op: 0%

Also you should know that this is a tie, and therefore I will have my trusty sidekick Tyler pick a hand to determine the winner. And the winner of the second last immunity challenge in Survivor Hamilton Two is…

Kyle Pitman

This Week’s Vote

I realize I am posting this late, but I would like to have this Tribal Council posted by Saturday night. Remember you can't vote for Kyle. There are only four of you so I suppose it shouldn’t take too long to determine who you are voting for. If there is indeed a tie, I will give you two more days to revote (Monday), and if it is still a tie, I will add up previous votes against and I will post the Tribal Council on the same time I post Week Twenty-Three.

Good luck boys.


At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle wins again eh. DAMN! not anything against u kyle i just feel like my choice for winner is now about to be take out. Oh well i suppose thats how the game works. But aside from that i hope that ur having good exams and best of luck voting all.


At 10:56 AM, Blogger steve said...

man elliot, thats 3 weeks in a row you have tied to win the immunity and been taken out by a chance pick.

you definitely got the system on your side next week, have to! that is if you can squeak through this one.

- steve

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

mike's playing with a corcked bat

At 11:11 PM, Blogger steve said...

mike always plays with a corked bat

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I now have figured out what makes me so mad about this game sometimes. Even with this elaborate attributes system nothing ever gets left up to chance Mike. No one unexpectedly wins a challenge because it's always the person who supposedly should. That's pretty bogus, I wouldn't mind losing so much if I felt like I would sometime get the oppurtunity to win.

Otherwise I am enjoying all this drama...


At 10:36 AM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

I think mike's bat has extra power though because the cork is soaked. He has a whole team of elite cork soakers to soak his cork on a daily basis.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Elliott said...


At 7:49 PM, Blogger steve said...

yeah matt of the lowercase t's.

there should be some unpredictability factor, every challenge gets assigned a rating for 'unpredictability' as well.

or maybe 'what the hell?' factor, or 'who saw that coming?' factor anyway on to my point.

so each challenge gets this value (obviously too late now) and then mike randomly assigns 1 person each week a rating of 10 in 'susceptability to crazy stuff benefiting you, and you alone' then we take that into account, and sometimes unpredictability is like 0.2% and doesn't make a difference, but sometimes out of the blue its like 40% and mr. chance wins it.

next year mike! .. next year!

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Mike said...

i dont know what you guys are talking about. Elliott's lost three weeks in a row to chance

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya that is true...but that was only cause of voting. I agree i have been thinking about that for a bit...not this "what the hell factor" asn Stevo calls it but i was thinking once it gets down to a sertain amount of ppl the only way the same person wont win is when mike writes it so he cant win. and even tho we dont want this mr. blank to win its not fair to them when we write a week so one perpusly doesnt win. So i agree we need a third party ot influence the game some how. I dont know if that all made sence to u all but those r my thoughts.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Ya I really dont understand. I never purposefully write a week so that someone can't win. I have no idea what you are talking about.


At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok fair by no means saying ur rigging the game or ever had...i was just wondering.


At 11:10 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

I told you mike's playing with a corked batt.


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