Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Week Twenty-One Tribal Council

Kim Tribe before Tribal Council

Well today the final five would become the final four. After today 90% of the castaways will have been eliminated. After dominating the strategic element of the game for so many weeks, Kyle finally won his first immunity challenge and it couldn’t have come at a better time. After Cowin was immune for 5 weeks in a row, Kyle finally took the crown form him, and now things were looking dicey for one Andrew Cowin. Kyle and Scott would most definitely be voting together this week, as would Elliott and Binny. So either the four of them voted out their biggest threat in Cowin, or someone would decide to take Cowin to the final three.
Cowin wanted to talk to Elliott and Binny. He had a little vendetta against Kyle ever since he had a hand in voting out ALL of Cowin’s allies. That would be Hackett, Graham, Jill and Jord. Kyle has done a number on Cowin’s friends, and even though Kyle was immune this week, Cowin would be looking to vote out Scott. That would take away Kyle’s only ally, and probably spell the end for Kyle’s regime. So if Cowin can’t get Elliott’s vote, it looks like he will be the one to go this week.

Tribal Council

1st Vote: Cowin
2nd Vote: Cowin
3rd Vote: Scott
4th Vote: Scott

So after 4 of the 5 votes, we currently have a tie between Scott and Cowin. But unfortunately for one, there is 1 more vote to come. So with the 5th vote against, the 9th person voted out of the Kim Tribe and the 37th person voted out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…

Andrew Cowin

Hey Cowin I’m sorry your run is over. You made it much farther than I thought you would. Congrats on being 5th, and I’m happy that you ended up taking this game so seriously and put so much into the strategy part.

So we are down to our final four. I don’t know if any of you have noticed yet, but all 4 of the remaining castaways are from the original Kichanga Tribe. Kyle, Scott, Elliott and Binny have been through a lot, but now the game is reaching its end. One of these four will end up the final Survivor.


At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

frig sucks that im gone but its all good.. im just glad i got this far and that the game was focused around me near the end

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

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At 1:55 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

Don't F*** with Kichanga.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well down to 4 of u guys eh. I like the math...and i checked 90% r gone. Nice calculating mike but in all seriousness i am excitied to see who wins immunity this week. It will decide quite a bit. Best of luck to u 4. I just about cheered on 2 of u but we all know of the curse of james and i dont want to hinder anyone.


At 9:27 PM, Blogger steve said...

go elliot

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


this is ridik....

elliott's gonna win next week's immunity... hehe....

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

- James


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