Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Day Fifteen

Suratoni Tribe
Tribe life was rocked as Cowin was voted out last night. Half of the tribe didn’t expect it at all, while the other half was reluctant to vote him out. Most of the guys liked Cowin a bunch, but the Tyndale guys knew that the Pickering guys could easily unite around Cowin, and they needed to stop that.
The Pickering guys were furious because they knew that they should have had a numbers advantage going into Tribal council, but they still lost. Cameron in particular was adamant about finding out who the traitor was, and squishing him. In Cameron’s mind however, there wasn’t much debate about who it was.
Damien took Trotman aside and told him that they should stick together because they were probably outcasts out of the Pickering guys. Trotman couldn’t find any trust in Damien and asked him flat-out if he was the one who voted against Cowin. Damien said that it wasn’t him, and that it must have been someone else, but he basically pointed to Pitman. He asked Trotman how he could trust Pitman after just meeting him.
From there, Trotman talked to Wilson, Wylie and Cameron about the fact that they needed to consider that it could have been Pitman, and not Damien. The guys were having a hard time believing that.
Most of the Tyndale guys were pretty excited though after taking this small victory. The “leader” of the Pickering guys was now out, and they felt that the number advantage lied with them now.

Immunity Challenge
There will be an eating challenge. A LOT of fish. The final three people to finish are eliminated. Those who finish early will get to wait for the final people before starting the next challenge, which happens to be a horrible obstacle course. The final 3 people to finish will be eliminated. The final 6 will have to carry 20 buckets filled with rocks 50 metres. The two who finish the quickest will go on to best of five trivial pursuit trivia. The winner wins immunity.

Eating A LOT of Fish
Taking an early lead are Clarke, Pitman, Jones, Trotman, Wylie, Silas. Falling behind are Dirks, Wilson, Cameron, Ryan and Damien. Those with the early leads all finish while, finishing right after is Cameron and Damien.
ELIMINATED: Dirks, Wilson, Ryan

Obstacle Course
Taking the lead is Wylie, Jones, Silas and Trotman, while Cameron, Clarke, Pitman and Damien begin to fall behind. The early lead guys all finish followed by Clarke.
ELIMATED: Cameron, Pitman, Damien

Heavy Buckets
The first two to finish with the heavy buckets are Wylie and Jones.
ELIMINATED: Silas, Clarke, Trotman

1st Question: Jones
2nd Question: Wylie
3rd Question: Wylie
4th Question: Jones
5th Question: Jones

Immunity goes to Jones!

Suratoni before Tribal Council
Since both Damien and now Pitman were seen as outcasts in the tribe, neither side had their full numbers. No one really knew who to trust. The Pickering guys knew who the biggest threats were out of the Tyndale guys (Ryan and Silas.) But they didn’t know who was really on their side. Pitman was being very stubborn with both the Tyndale guys and the Pickering guys because he said that it wasn’t him that voted Cowin out, while the Tyndale guys didn’t know if they could trust him either, because he was in an alliance with the Pickering guys, and still could be.
Pitman maintained that he didn’t vote for Cowin, and told Cameron that he still wanted to stick with the Bash Brothers. Damien began to really talk to each of the Pickering guys alone. He told them all that it wasn’t him, and that he wanted to be part of an alliance with them, but they never gave him a chance. Wilson and Trotman began to believe him, and told Cameron that he should as well.
Ryan confronted Damien about what they had talked about before. Ryan wanted to know if he could get Damien to vote their way, which was leaning towards either Cameron or Wylie. Damien told Ryan that he was all for voting Cameron out, and that he was only playing the Pickering guys. Ryan wasn’t convinced, but he would still need the vote.
Pitman spent a lot of time by himself, because he knew that neither tribe trusted him. He didn’t know now whether to stick with his original alliance, or try to go back to the Tyndale guys.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Cameron
2nd vote: Cameron
3rd vote: Ryan
4th vote: Ryan
5th vote: Ryan
6th vote: Ryan
7th vote: Cameron
8th vote: Ryan
9th vote: Cameron
10th vote: Cameron
That’s five votes Cameron, five votes Ryan.
The eleventh vote and the fourteenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is Ryan Mateulewicz.


At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really didn't think Ryan would be the one to go. Sorry Ryan. Better luck next time ;) Please don't strangle Mike. I kinda like him and want him to stick around a little longer. Thanx.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

It seems that the tribe felt that ryan needed a further study in group dynamics, so they sent him home to consult with his local library.

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is this lindsay gurl talking this smack??? what u got against me??? wat did i do to u??? whatever just another person on my back...

At 3:10 AM, Blogger Mike said...

I need to clear something up.

Damien is one of my best friends, and I won't tolerate anymore making fun of him or "I can't believe he's not gone yet." This is a fictional game, and he may be a good guy or a bad guy in the game, but it doesn't always mirror real life. There is nothing redeeming about putting somebody else down. Nothing.

nuf said... enjoy the rest of the game.


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