Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Day Eight

Mablevi Tribe
Mablevi began the day, Wells and Dirks confronted Trotman about the fact that they voted Feen out. They figured that the physical and intellectual presence of Feen will be missed, and now they probably won’t win another challenge. Binny and Wilson began to worry that Trotman would go over to the Tyndale guys’ side and vote them out. Day eight was filled with worries about the immunity challenge.

Takiyah Tribe
Fresh after their overwhelming victory the day before, Takiyah was partying. They believed that were pretty much unstoppable going into the next challenge, and probably the next few after that as well. Pitman, Cowin and Cameron began to get pretty tight, and they started calling themselves the Bash Brothers. Trevor thought it was pretty gay. Either way, the whole tribe was very confident.

Runako Tribe
After the flood, Runako had a lot of work to do. There wasn’t a lot of arguments on day eight, because everyone was so busy fixing the campsite, and trying to warm up. While most of the guys were fixing the shelter, Barry was in charge of building a gigantic fire to heat everyone up. While leaning over the fire, a gust of wind blew smoke into his face, and Barry fainted falling face first into the fire. While his hat covered the majority of his face, his hands were buried in the embers. He woke immediately, screamed and ran to the ocean. Everyone dropped what they were doing immediately to help Barry with anything they could do. Because he was burned so bad, the Survivor Hamilton staff called in a helicopter to airlift Barry off of the island. It would be the end of his game. Because we here at Survivor Hamilton are very interested in sticking to schedule, there will be no immunity challenge today.

I’m sorry Barry… It could have happened to anybody.


At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwww barry man that sucks so much. well at least the fire didn't get that face of urs and just your hands. i was looking forward to maybe joining you in the merge but for now man i hope you get well soon and the burns aren't bad.

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to let cowin and pittman know I am glad to be considered a bash brother. The bond between brothers is a strong one, especially when all together we probably have a 700 pound bond. We should take this as far as possible.

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and P.S. if trevor really thinks that the bash brothers are gay, we should squish him.

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some time on my hands so I have done some thinking. With my tribe being the way it is we are pretty set for any immunity challenge that is coming our way. If we push hard I think we can bring the five of us into the merge (even Trev although he might be brought in squished). If we do that, then it is us five easy in the final. After that who knows but I think we can make it.

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone gets voted off the isalnd for hurting their knee because of an unfortunate coconut accident, this whole game is ridiculous.

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

trevor man im a big fan of you and you being on my tribe man but cam is right, cameron, pitman and i could probably crush you. thats huge just think of like 700 punds on top of like 160 pounds. WOW!! lol

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and to cam: ya i think bash brothers are a good name for us. good job to mike for coming up with that name

At 3:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, this survivor day was the equivalent of a 30 min, flashback, sitcom episode; Somthing you don't want to watch but grit your teeth and sit through anyway. i'm a fan Mike but you need to work less hours if it is getting in the way of your posting performance.

PS i want my $2 you owe me. i'll bring your book back on tuesday.


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