Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Day Twenty-Two

Suratoni Tribe
Well Cowin got his wish in the ousting of Damien. He could not have been more pleased by the fact that he single-handedly defeated Damien in a head-to-head challenge. Now the overall outlook of the game had improved as well. With Trotman obviously voting on their side again, Wilson, Cowin and Trotman were (in Cowin’s eyes) a shoe-in for the final three.
Trotman also felt better about himself. He still felt bad about voting Cameron off, but with the elimination of Damien, things were picking up. He had pretty much showed Silas and Dirks that he was no longer voting with them, and he felt at home with Wilson and Cowin.
Wilson was having a pretty good time overall. He had laid pretty low, and hasn’t been seen as a threat whatsoever. Wilson felt very confident however that he could make it very far, and even to the finals no matter who he was with.
Dirks was a little worried. He knew that with Damien gone, and Trotman back with the Pickering guys, him and Silas were not in good shape. They were going to have to get very lucky in the next few challenges.
Silas was still very confident though. He knew that things would not be all fun and games much longer for the Pickering guys. They were going to have troubles, and Silas wanted to be the one to instigate those problems.

Immunity Challenge
This challenge is just a puzzle challenge. A bunch of pieces are floating in the water. Each castaway has their own colour. They must swim out and get their pieces, and then put them together on the beach. Something that is a little different about this immunity challenge is that the winner will be immune as normal, but he will also get to choose someone else to be immune with him. So two castaways will be immune tonight.

The challenge begins and Silas, Dirks and Cowin are on to early leads. Wilson is catching up, while Trotman is falling behind. Silas pulls his hamstring, so he sits out a little while massaging his thigh. Dirks and Cowin were the first to retrieve all the pieces, and they were neck and neck putting the puzzle together. Cowin thinks he has his finished, but he is mistaken. Wilson is really flying through his puzzle. But before he can finish, Dirks completes his puzzle. Dirks is immune. He doesn’t have to reveal who he chooses to be immune with him until tribal council.

Suratoni before Tribal Council
The Pickering guys felt very empty heading into tribal council. They had the advantage, but now they knew Dirks was going to choose Silas to be immune as well. That meant that either Trotman, Cowin or Wilson would be going home. Trotman felt very vulnerable because he had betrayed Cowin and Wilson before, and they might take that into account. He also knew that Cowin wanted Wilson to win, and would try to take Wilson into the finals. Cowin also knew that it could certainly be him going home. He was certainly a threat, but would the Tyndale guys take this opportunity to eliminate Wilson before it is too late?

Tribal Council
First things first, Dirks does the expected and chooses Silas to be immune.
1st Vote: Cowin
2nd Vote: Trotman
3rd Vote: Cowin
4th Vote: Trotman
That is two votes Cowin, two votes Trotman…
And with the fifth and final vote, the twentieth person eliminated from Survivor Hamilton… for the second time, Andrew Cowin


At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey im fine with that mike... my perdiction was for wilson to win the whole thing and i think he can do it still.

At 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damien i bet ur happy im off now but i got further then you and that was my goal in the game. now that im 100% satisfied i have the chance to try to pick up some of the females on the island helping out. wish me luck guys.

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

question for you mike... when it comes down to the final 2 are you gonna do the votes for the people or are you gonna talk to ppl and see who they want to win?

At 4:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

females on the island helping out?
sorry man ive already made love to all of them several times over.

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya remember when i was out for the 5 days or whenever, i tried picking up some production chicks and was not successful at all. well i feel lucky this time and it will happen.

to the anonymous write:

you wish buddy, you were probably drunk and thought they were the females but sorry man they weren't. hahahahahahahaha thats funny

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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