Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Day Seventeen

Suratoni Tribe
The Tyndale guys were beginning to worry a little bit, because they had just lost Ryan and Jones back-to-back. They were now at a 6-3 disadvantage if Pitman stayed with Cameron. There was never a more important time for Dirks and Silas to get one of the Pickering guys on their side. They knew that Cameron and Wilson wouldn’t stab eachother in the back, and Wylie was pretty close to the Bash Brothers. This is why they had been confronting Trotman before, and it is why they confronted him again today. This time they were able to get him to listen for longer. They told him that if it came down to Trotman, Cameron, Wilson and Wylie, Trotman would be the first to go. He began to understand that they were probably right. He asked them if they were going to include Clarke in this little alliance. They were not sure yet.
While Dirks and Silas were chatting with Trotman, Damien went to talk to Cameron again, but this time Wilson was there too. He asked them if they were angry with them, and if so was there anything he could do to change their minds. Wilson told him that he wasn’t at all angry, but if he lied about voting Cowin off, then he would be angry. Cameron agreed whole-heartedly. Damien began to stir the sand with his feet, looking down the whole time. They both looked at him, knowing what was coming. Damien began to tell them that Cowin was already angry at him for no reason, and that he knew that if Cowin didn’t get voted out, he would be the next to go. Wilson told him that they understand why he needed to get rid of Cowin, but that he shouldn’t have lied about it, and if he wanted to vote with the Tyndale guys, he should have prolly stuck with them instead of playing both sides. Cameron just walked away.

Immunity Challenge
All nine members of Suratoni will be randomly split into three groups of three. One member from each group will compete in a speed challenge, followed by another person in a strength challenge, and then a puzzle smarts challenge. A win is worth 2 points, second place is worth 1 point, and a loss is worth nothing. All the members of the top two teams will be immune. The three members who lose will be the only ones up for elimination at tribal council. They will not vote. Only the six immune members will vote.
The teams are as follows: Team One: Cameron, Silas, Damien. Team Two: Clarke, Trotman, Wilson. Team Three: Dirks, Wylie, Pitman.

Speed Challenge: 1st: Dirks, 2nd: Clarke, 3rd: Damien
Strength Challenge: 1st: Cameron, 2nd: Pitman, 3rd: Trotman
Puzzle Challenge: 1st: Silas, 2nd: Wylie, 3rd: Wilson

Team One: 4 points
Team Two: 1 point
Team Three: 4 points

Immune: Damien, Cameron, Silas, Dirks, Pitman, Wylie
Unimmune: Clarke, Trotman, Wilson

Suratoni Before Tribal Council
Yet another unexpected event messed up the members of Suratoni. It was beginning to seem to them that they couldn’t predict anything that was going to happen in the game. So either Clarke, Trotman or Wilson was going home tonight. Those three were all pretty worried, because they were not sure who would get the most votes. Dirks and Silas were not sure whether or not they should stick with Trotman, because he may be the biggest threat of the three up for elimination. Wylie and Cameron were sure they didn’t want to vote Wilson off, and they knew that Trotman may be planning something. Damien was just very excited to still be in the game. Pitman still didn’t know where he stood within the tribe, but he would be sure to try and talk to Cameron again before it was time to vote.

Tribal Council
1st vote: Clarke
2nd vote: Wilson
3rd vote: Clarke
4th vote: Wilson
5th vote: Clarke
And with the sixth and final vote, the sixteenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Adam Clarke


At 5:12 PM, Blogger Mike said...

And the Testosterhome is survived by Dirks

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I totally didn't see that one coming. Mike and his crazy plot twists.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, mikey, i surely am excited to still be in the game Looks like it's gonna come down to the pickering guys.

At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... this is so twisted. They should start doing crazy twists like this in TV survivor to make it more interesting! Your doing a great job Mike. Go DIRKS!


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