Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Day Twenty

Suratoni Tribe
Well things weren’t going exactly the way Cowin had planned when he returned to Suratoni. He had wanted to get rid of Damien right away, but because of the crazy immunity challenge Pitman, part of the Bash Brothers, went home instead. Cameron began talking with Cowin very early in the day about what their plan was going to be. They felt that they still had Wilson on their side, but Cowin knew that Trotman may have already joined up with Silas and Dirks. That would make 3 against 3. This problem is further intensified with the fact that Damien would be the tie-breaker. It was commonly decided that they needed to get Trotman on their side.
Dirks knew that he and Silas were actually gaining an upper hand on the Pickering guys. They had been very lucky that Pitman went home, and now with Trotman leaning towards them and Damien wanting to get rid of Cowin all over again, things were turning out fantastically. They knew however that they would need to solidify Trotman’s vote before Cowin and Cameron tried. Damien and Silas went fishing together on this day. Damien told Silas that he felt very offended by Cowin and that he knew Cowin would stop at nothing to get rid of him. Silas sympathized with Damien and told him that he should vote with Dirks and himself because they may have Trotman and that would be 4-3. Damien began to get a little excited about the prospect of seeing Cowin go home again.
When Cowin finally found Trotman (he had been off in the woods) Dirks was already with him. Cowin told Trotman that he needed to talk to him, but Trotman said he was busy. Dirks’ purpose of talking with Trotman was to let him know honestly that they would take Trotman to the final 3, but at that point it would be every man for himself. Trotman figured that he would only go to the final 4 with Cameron, Cowin and Wilson and then he would get voted off.
Cowin didn’t get a chance to talk with Trotman.

Immunity Challenge
This immunity will be a straight up poker tournament. The person who ends up with all the chips wins immunity.

In the first hand, Cowin goes all in and gets Damien to call. Unfortunately for Damien, Cowin had a full house to Damien’s three of a kind. Damien is eliminated. A little later, Silas goes in against Wilson and Wilson is eliminated. Cameron and Dirks are both eliminated in the same hand by Silas. That left Trotman, Cowin and Silas. Cowin and Trotman go all in and Cowin comes out of top. Trotman is eliminated. Silas had a very small chip lead over Cowin. In the first hand of the final two, Cowin doubles up because Silas bluffs at a wrong time. Silas barely had any chips, and after winning a couple consecutive hands, Cowin takes him out in the next hand. So Silas is eliminated and Cowin wins immunity.

Suratoni before Tribal Council
So Cowin knew that he really needed to win this immunity challenge. If he would not be able to sway Trotman then he would have been voted out a second time. He was finally able to get Trotman alone but things didn’t go as planned. Trotman didn’t really want to talk and Cowin began to get a little angry. He asked Trotman how he could even consider stabbing his friends in the back and Trotman was seriously offended. He told Cowin that this is a game and that he was sure that Cowin would not take him very far. Cowin told him that they would take the Tyndale guys out (after Damien) and then they would both be in the final four. Trotman said it was his decision and that if he was going to make up his mind about this, he needed to do it alone without Cowin berating him. Cowin just walked away because he was pissed. At least he was immune.
Cameron and Wilson asked Cowin how it went and he told them that he didn’t know how Trotman would vote. They considered again who they should vote for, and Cowin pushed the fact that he wanted to get rid of Damien. They weren’t convinced, but they told him that they prolly had an advantage because Silas and Damien wouldn’t make an alliance. They still needed Trotman, but they would worry about it more after Damien was gone.

Tribal Council
1st Vote: Damien
2nd Vote: Cameron
3rd Vote: Damien
4th Vote: Damien
5th Vote: Cameron
6th Vote: Cameron
And with the seventh and final vote, the eighteenth person voted out of Survivor Hamilton is… Cameron Hodge.


At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... crazy stuff. this is getting real tense. your doing a great job michael.

At 12:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cam buddy sorry to see u go, wish it was cowin but what can u do. i doubt cowin will win immunity again. hes done next round for sure.

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cam it's sad to see you go. i was hoping we could be in the final four together but doesn't look that way anymore.

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

listen to damien now. this guy is so cocky hahahahaha. if you weren't as cocky and didnt have such a big mouth people would actually like you on the island hahahaha. well people did like you (graham) cause hes like 4 years younger hahahahaha. wel making fun of damien was fun and all but good luck to the rest of you guys. looking forward to some good times ahead

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love all the write ups that mikes doing now cause i'm hardcore involved in everything thats going on. you for sure hear more about me on the island then anyone else. its wierd because all i would be doing on the island is trying to get rid of damien. i don't care about winning at all, i just care about getting damien off the island.

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ryan i'm blushing


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