Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Day Nineteen

Suratoni Tribe
Very early in the morning, the Tribe was awoken by Cowin screaming to annoy them. Cameron, Wilson, Trotman, Pitman and Silas went over to talk to him right away. Dirks stayed in bed, while Damien snuck off into the forest. Cowin told them all what he had been doing for 5 days. He chilled, ate a lot and tried and failed to pick up a female production worker. He asked if Damien was still around pretty early too, and they told him he was. Cowin was very annoyed at this, because he obviously couldn’t understand how Damien was still in the game. Wilson wanted to stick up for Damien, but Pitman began talking about how Damien lied to everyone, and also played a big part in voting Ryan out. Wilson tried again to tell Cowin about how Damien later came forward of his own free will to tell Cameron and himself what he had done. It didn’t matter though, because Cowin still wanted to vote Damien out right away.
Damien came back later in the day, and Cowin ignored him. He just wouldn’t talk to Damien at all. That suited Damien just fine as he didn’t really have anything to say to Cowin either. Trotman and Wilson were the ones who spent the most time with Damien. They didn’t really talk strategy with Damien because they didn’t trust him. Whenever he tried to talk about who they wanted to vote out of anything like that, they just remembered other things they had to do and walked away. Damien was totally being left out of the loop.
Meanwhile, Silas got the chance to talk to Cowin by himself. Cowin, liking Silas talked to him about all the things he wanted to do after voting Damien out. (which was the first priority) He told Silas that his loyalties were with the Bash Brothers and probably Wilson. Silas told him that he and Dirks really wanted to have Cowin on their side, to go to the final 3, where it would be anyone’s game. Silas also told Cowin that Trotman had been thinking about stabbing the Pickering guys in the back; That really made Cowin think. He went and talked with the Bash Brothers right away.

Immunity Challenge
Today, the immunity challenge will be a little different. Because the number 8 goes so well with tournaments, we will be having another tournament. This tournament will be very different. Each round will be a different type of challenge. The first being speed/obstacle course, the second being a strength challenge, and the third being 3 trivia questions. The thing that is different is that the losers of each round will be going on to the next round. The winners will be safe. The loser of the two in the final round will be immediately eliminated from Survivor Hamilton. There will be no Tribal Council tonight. The brackets will be chosen randomly. Remember, winning is everything. Lose three times and you will be going home.

First Round: Obstacle Course
Trotman beats Cowin, Damien beats Wilson, Dirks beats Pitman, Silas beats Cameron.
Trotman, Damien, Dirks, Silas IMMUNE

Second Round: Strength
Cowin beats Wilson, Cameron beats Pitman
Cowin, Cameron IMMUNE

Final Round: Trivia Questions
Question One: Wilson correct, Pitman incorrect
Question Two: Wilson correct, Pitman correct
Question Three: Wilson corrent, Pitman incorrect

So without further ado, Christopher Pitman is the seventeenth person eliminated from Survivor Hamilton.

Next time on Survivor Hamilton… The castaways light it up in a poker competition, and tempers flare between two members of Suratoni.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mikey i got so scared when i was reading but then i saw the immunity challange and i had a sigh of relief... everyday that passes is a miracle in my books

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Wow, pitman is gone...that was a surprise Hamilton. Keep it comin'

At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nooooooooooooo pitman i liked that guy

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mike i don't like how u are making out to be like an annoying guy who likes to yell and wake everyone up. the annoying one on the island is damien and hes the one that would wake everyone up for sure.

but i do like how u were saying i was picking up a female on the island thats jokes. good job

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey wilson you got to show off your smarts on the island.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Mike said...

6 comments just isn't enough... make it 7

At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am going to be on a reality dating show next. mmmmm

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Mike said...



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