Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Week One

So here it is, the first day of Survivor Hamilton Two. I can say that I am completely amazed with the level of response I have received from you guys, and I will make sure that this is a completely exciting and fair experience. Each weekend for the next 20ish weeks I will post Tribal happenings, as well as the challenge (of which today is the first.) After my post, I will email those people whose tribes lost the challenge, and therefore must vote somebody out. For three days I will compile everybody’s votes, and then on Thursdays, I will post who got voted out, as well as what you can expect from Survivor next week. To tell me who you want to vote off, all you have to do is respond to my email with the name of who you want to vote off. If that is too much work for you, you can also message me on msn, or call me (647 401 5703) If you don’t send me a response within the three days, I will eliminate you. That’s just a warning. Without further ado, Survivor Two…

The forty contestants landed on the Island of Tahiti on small crash boats with the 100 degree sun blazing down on them. They were immediately split up into four tribes. Here is what each tribe did.

Kichanga Tribe

After meeting each other at their new camp, the members of Kichanga started right away attempting to build a shelter. The problems begun immediately however with more than one contestant trying to retain a leadership role. Both Scott Heidman and Kyle Pitman thought they knew how best to build a shelter, while others like Damien and Elliott didn’t really try to help much. Those two began strategizing immediately. Soon however, Scott and Kyle figured out how to work together, and a potential problem was resolved. Lauren Ria Pragg didn’t previously know anyone in her tribe other than Tyler Wells, so she mostly talked with him while they were building their shelter. Beckie Moss and Lindsay Eby knew each other quite well and hung out to the side while the boys attempted to make a living space. Andrew Hackett, who has had problems in the past with Damien didn’t bother talking to him, and stuck with Matt Binnington who knew almost everybody in the tribe. Matty was happy with his tribe, because of all the friendships he didn’t have to start from scratch.

Margani Tribe

It turned out that Margani, like Kichanga, had no shortage of leadership, but unlike Kichanga, Margani knew how to work together. Their new home construction was going quite smoothly under the leadership of Nathan Dirks and Mike Jones. Their tribemates were not complaining that they were being told what to do, because the faster they got this shelter completed, the quicker they could really get to know eachother. Building a strong team atmosphere was very important. Jill Hamilton went around encouraging her teammates, which she saw as integral to team building. Matt Hinton and Cam Hodge were the work horses for bringing logs and branches for this home, while James Lee, Chelsea and Siobhan worked on making a fire. Greg Beurling decided to go search for some fresh water. Steve Edwards decided to join him. Why not start making friends right away?

Hartolo Tribe

Chris Pitman was ecstatic about his tribe. He basically knew every single person, a couple of which, like Peter German, Geoff Millar and Andrew Cowin, he was very good friends with. While Tyla Leonard knew most of the guys, she didn’t spend her time with them right away, as she focused on the girls in her tribe, Michelle, Laura and Cait. This tribe, unlike the other three, has four girls, so they knew that they could make more of an impact in their tribe than the girls on the other tribes. They didn’t want to make an alliance however. It was much too early. As they were building their shelter, Peter German definitely took on the leadership role, but the other guys were okay with that, because they just wanted to get their work done so that they could relax. Chris Clements knew a few people in this tribe, but he felt a little alienated because guys like Pitman, German, Millar and Cowin were immediately close. Andrew Cowin took Graham Hamilton under his wing right away. Graham had already worked at camp with Pitman, and more closely with Millar and German, so Cowin wanted to know if their Pickering ties still held strong. Tyla also spent some time with the guys she knew so well, Cowin, Pitman and Graham.

Breema Tribe

Pat Sutherland and Micah George could not believe that the creators put them on the same team again, and even after being told that it was completely random they were still skeptical. This time however they felt that they had a good things going on with friends like 6”8 Gerry Kroezen and the smaller if no less intelligent Silas Pedro Esq. Breema has a highly intelligent trio of girls in Mandy Maurice, Nathalie Hainaut and Amanda Fournie, but those three decided to wait a little while before making any moves. For the most part all three girls knew a couple of guys in the game, and they felt confident in their friendships. Jord Wilson and Bryant Trotman knew eachother as well as knowing Mike Barry so they were confident in their team as well. When it came to setting up camp, Silas took the leadership reigns, but people like Gerry, Fournie, and Nathalie really stepped up as well. Teamwork was a huge strength in this tribe, but so was strategizing and scheming. It would be interesting to see what happens.

The Immunity Challenge

The first immunity challenge is a team obstacle course. It will contain running, climbing, balancing, swimming… you know, the works. The challenge is that all ten members of each team will be tied together in a line. This course will test each tribes’ speed, strength and problem-solving, but most of all it will test teamwork. After deciding the order in which all the contestants would be tied together in, the challenge begun.

Kichanga, with all their speed begun with an early lead, slowly pulling away from the other tribes. Breema was falling behind, because they were not as fast as the other two tribes. Hartolo and Margani were in a dead heat for second. Remember, the first two to finish win immunity. The last two must go to Tribal Council.

When each tribe began the climbing stage, their teamwork was tested, as some contestants were weaker in climbing, and needed help from their team. This section really slowed down Kichanga, as they begun to get tangled up in their rope. It only got worse as the faster members, Heidman and Elliott tried to climb faster. Hartolo and Margani really caught up to Kichanga, but Breema was still behind as their athletic ability was not up to par.

In the other sections, Kichanga, Hartolo and Margani stayed in a close race for first, with Breema in last. As they approached the finish line, Kichanga’s faster members were pulling their slower members too fast, and Lauren and Eby were tripped up. Margani crossed the finish line, followed by Hartolo, Margani and Breema. Breema lost because the tribe was simply not athletic enough. Kichanga, while being by far the fastest tribe, lost because too many people are trying to be the leader, so their teamwork is in question. This means that Margani and Hartolo win immunity, and Kichanga and Breema are going to the first tribal council on Thursday night.

The attribute rankings below each name in the tribe links show how much of the contestant's skills are located in which area. While you guys will want to eliminate those people who lost you the challenge, you must also be aware that everyone is very strong in at least one area, and in other challenges those areas will be weigthed more heavily. Take everything into account.

These are the people who must email, message or call me between now and Thursday:

Kichanga Tribe:

Breema Tribe:



At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let's celebrate by catching lots of fish and having a scrumtrulecent dinner!!!



At 1:56 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

Let the games begin!! Solid start to the game Mike. I'm digging the new strategic format.

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will now flirt with girls on the beach.
exxxcellent mike ull, excellent.

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first place in week 1

and the weeks to come.

margani knows how its done.

we have class and looks to boot.

now we'll go back and have a hoot.


glad i dont have to vote during midterms

- steve

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIG WIN ! ! ! AND a big rhyme to boot ! ! ! Good job team, lets keep it up.


At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job Hartolo!!! Such good teamwork. Let's go celebrate!!!


At 10:46 PM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

Alright Team,

Let's pick up the slack, literally. Tripping over a rope, I mean come on...


At 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright guys/gals all we have to do is work as team i know some of have problems with that im willing to admit that sometimes i can get frustrated but as the weeks pass and we move forward i know we will just get stronger and a true leader will emerge and lead us to the merge. lol no pun intended! anywayz see u at trible council :(

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice going margani that was some good team work. this is a strong tribe and im pumped to see how far we go.


At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BREEMA!!!!. oh thats dissapointing. but someone has to loose right? lol. its all good, we'll get you guys with our brains in the next one.

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i know is my team is the bomb and im am very excited for the rest of this game....

At 12:08 AM, Blogger C.D. Clements said...

Please note:

"Chris Clements knew a few people in this tribe, but he felt a little alienated because guys like Pitman, German, Millar and Cowin were immediately close"

I feel I am friends with at least a few of these people. I am sure the rest are reasonable individuals as well.

Hope we win.

-C.D. Clements.

At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting antsy!!!!! What's GOING TO HAPPEN?!?!?
Man, I'm glad Margani isn't going to Tribal Council! I'm going to hate this anticipation every week!!!


At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously... is it thursday yet????

FOUR MORE SLEEPS (in the dirt)!!



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