Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Week Sixteen Tribal Council

Kim Tribe before Tribal Council

Well needless to say it has been a stressful and busy week for three of the remaining nine contestants. The team of Steve, Cowin and Elliott lost the immunity challenge this week, and as such only one of the three of them could be voted out. The other six were sitting pretty, with all the power in their hands. Steve had never felt this vulnerable before. Since the beginning of the game his charm and personality had gotten him into early alliances which had always protected him. Now no alliance could save him, and he had to try and convince people to vote against Cowin. Because Steve and Elliott were still essentially in the same alliance, they knew they had to try and get as many of the six to vote against Cowin as possible. Elliott had not had an easy run to get to the merge. He was almost voted out of his original tribe, and very recently he was almost voted out over Chris. He wasn’t ready to go, so he had to convince people to vote Cowin. It was not as if Cowin would go easy however. He coasted through his first tribe, but since then every week has been a test, and he didn’t want to lose this time.

The six were not sure what to do. Kyle and Scott had to recognize the threat brought by Elliott and Steve staying together, but at least everyone knew (or thought they did) what those two guys were about. No one knew what Cowin was up to, so he was more of a loose cannon. German was in the same alliance with Elliott and Steve, so he was feeling that it would not be the most trustworthy thing to vote against one of them. The only one of the three that Jord knew was Cowin, and they were pretty good friends, so it was highly likely that he would vote against either Steve or Elliott. As camp was a pretty stressful place Silas and Dirks decided to get away from it all. So they took their boat out to fish. It was a beautiful day, and they weren’t going to let all the strategy ruin it for them.

Kim Tribal Council

Well I hate to do this so late in the game, especially when it was just an interesting vote layout, but it seems that there will be no vote this week. And that is because even on Week 16, someone missed Tribal Council. Actually, for the first time its two people. Guess who they are? Okay, I will tell you… it’s the skinny fishermen Silas Pedro Esq. and Nathan Dirks. But since I don’t want to eliminate both of them, I decided to randomly eliminate one of them.

And just so there is no doubt about my random methods, I wrote each name on slips of paper, shuffled them and put each in one hand. I had my room mate Adam Clarke pick one of my hands with Tyler Wells as a witness. The hand that Adam picked sheltered the name of the contestant that will be eliminated this week.

So the 4th person eliminated from the Kim tribe and the 32nd person eliminated from Survivor Hamilton Two is…

Nathan Dirks

And again, Survivor surprises us all. For being such a strategic lightweight, Dirks lasted way longer than I thought he would. Heck at the end there he even began to strategize a fair bit, to make his way to the final. He was the runner up of SH1, and he should be very proud of how far he came in this game.

On a side note, recently I began to think that Dirks would probably win this thing. That is the same thing I thought about Tyler last week. I guess I gotta stop making predictions.

This weekend on Week Seventeen of Survivor Hamilton Two… the week you have all been waiting for.


At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man the sucks... even though i could have been one of the few voted out it still sucks.... i feel its a brutal way to lose the game just cuz of not voting.... anyways im safe for another week atleast

mike wut twists do u have in store for the next week?

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The week we have all been waiting for eh"? You all know what that means.......JAMES IS COMING BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Elliott said...

James stop predicting,
You've just made it impossible for me to win, since no one will want to let James be right.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger steve said...

ahaha, everyone has funny things to say this week. cowin, maybe it was a bit dissapointing, but i say HEY take the stress off baby, none of us had to go?

he's like cancer? never going away? thats horrible! but funny nonetheless.

and what is the week that we have all been waiting for? i thought we all waited for every week? well maybe not *all* of us, apparentely at least.

i love how james has had such a big impact on this game ever since he got VOTED out.

he prolly had more trouble impacting the game when he was IN!


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you called Elliott a cancer.....that's got to be up there in the "Top Ten Things You Do Not Want To Be Called in You life".......but I am a little curious...what kind of cancer do you think he is James? One that is going to metastisize quickly (spread and take every over) or one that with a little bit of well planned treatment will shrivel up and die and never be heard of (but often talked about) again?


At 12:03 AM, Blogger Elliott said...

The kind of Cancer, that creates a tumour in your brain, after being struck by lighting, and with all the increase in tumour brain cells, it increases your brain power to the point where you can read a novel or dictionary like a flip book, learn a language from just hearing it and move things with you mind.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Mike said...

metastisize eh scott? thats a big word. i'm glad you gave us its definition in brackets, cause words like that put me to sleep

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahah.....James, you make me smile everytime you comment. To bad your smooth words could not keep you around a little longer, but I'm glad your still around to make us all Laugh! You win the "Best Commentor Award For SH2"!


At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dirks dirks dirks what have u done. Wasnt it enough that ur partner didnt show up and got sent home u had to do it as well. Altho i feel like we r talking this all out on him when it wasnt just u who didnt show up u just had the bad luck of u both. I have my own perdictions but since well everytime we call a winner he goes home next. James i kinda wonder y u went for his balls first for the cancer but hey thats all u. Scotty im with mike with i had no idea how to pronounce the word u used let alone know what it ment. But well what would we do without u big guy.


P.S if the surprise is what we r all thinkin can i just know y it would be james and not anyone else. Just a question

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if the "what we have all been waiting for" is going to be the fact that the winner of the next immunity will get to bring back a person of their choice it is more then likey going to be James being brought back....only because then we would simply vote him back off and really no body left in the tribe stands to gain or lose anything. However, if James is to win immunity after he is brought back in well hey, that would be something now wouldn't it? Personally, I don't think it will be James but someone who is going to help the person who brings them back win or at least survive a little longer. Thus, it may even be you Matty, only time will tell.


At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Scott i appriciate the boost of confidence. I dont want to assume that we even know what it is that is happening because well we all know mike makes likes to add the twists so we shall see.


At 3:27 PM, Blogger steve said...

anyone else notice a decided lack of the week we have all been waiting for? i think mike meant, the week that you will all be waiting for.



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