Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Week Eighteen

Kim Tribe

Last week saw one of the more dominant immunity performers ousted, and replaced by one contestant who never really did hit his stride in the team immunity challenges. German had to say goodbye, but today was a happy day for one Matthew Binnington. After being voted out of his original tribe in week 6 by the Kyle alliance, Matt was back, and he was refreshed. It was also a good tribe to be joining because there were no people remaining in the game that he didn’t know prior to joining the show. His friendships didn’t help him in his original tribe, but things could be different now if he wasn’t seen as a threat. While Elliott did get to bring in one new ally, he lost his main confidant, and would now have to rely on his secondary alliances like Steve and Jord. Cowin, after eliminating German was happy to have one of his old friends back in the game, and this new development could possibly help get him farther than he expected. Kyle and Scott were happy to see German go, but they were still in the minority, and would have some work to do if they wanted to secure a spot in the final four. Silas was happy. He didn’t have to make promises, or tell lies. He was content to just play the game, not really involve himself in any alliances and just have a good time. He got to the final four in SH1, maybe he could repeat that success here.

Immunity Challenge

The number eight goes really well with tournaments, so I decided to do another one here. This time, there will be three rounds of tournament, with half of the contestants with the worst score being eliminated each time. The winner of the tournament will be immune, and as an added bonus (this is prolly the last time I am changing anything up) will also get to pick one other person to be immune as well. He will not have to say who he picks until the deadline for votes comes. Right before you guys read the votes, I will say who is immune. If the person with the most votes against is chosen to be immune, the person with the next amount of votes against will be voted out. Here we go…

First Round:
Speed: 50%
Strength: 50%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 0%
Co-op: 0%

Eliminated: Kyle, Steve, Jord, Binny
Remaining: Scott, Cowin, Elliott, Silas

Second Round:
Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 50%
Co-op: 50%

Eliminated: Cowin, Scott
Remaining: Elliott, Silas

Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 50%
Strategy: 50%
Co-op: 0%

So the final round of the tournament is Silas against Elliott. And after a hard fought battle, the winner of Immunity this week is…
Silas Pedro Esq

So I expect everyone to have their vote in by Wednesday night at 11:59pm. The only person you CANNOT vote for is Silas. And as for Silas, you must give me your vote, as well as who you choose to also be immune this week by the same time.

Good luck guys. We are nearing the end.


At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mike man ur the craziest man lol... the whole immunity thing is a good idea tho it puts another twist on the game whcih everyone enjoys or hates lol... i suck at cooperating, i should of kept it higher i guess

anyways good luck to all this week and lets hear some more jokes about james lol

At 7:10 PM, Blogger steve said...

ahaha, man, eliminated first round. I suck at speeding.

fun week though, i feel there is too much to keep track of in my mind.

i once beat james by a large margin with the saints in rushing attack madden 2007 on the wii.

and no matter what he tells you, he didn't crush me 8 other times in 2 on 2.

no matter what ...

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YA Binny. glad your back in it. but just because your already in 1st for our basketball pool, dont think it can happen twice. haha

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Peter German said...

My email accounts have slowed down so much since i got voted out... Feel free to keep on sending me e-cards even though i'm not in the game anymore.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Peter German said...

check out

I appreciate it Elliott.

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Chesterfield McFisticuffs III said...

Is it safe to say that James' prediction that he won't make any more predictions is going to turn out like every other prediction he has made? Wrong?

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well thats not a good sign when Mikey takes someones comment away. But great week. Binny lost first round of his first challange back. Doesnt look like he's puttin up to much of a fight. And Silas winning out of left feild. No one saw that coming. Well we shall see what happends at tribal counsell i guess.


At 4:43 PM, Blogger Mike said...

naw the comment was removed by the author. i would never do that unless it was profanity filled. hey guys I hope that there is some sign of Binny soon eh. This is getting worrisome.

On a sidenote, I made an event in Facebook for a Suvivor Gettogether at the end of April. If you are not on facebook but you read this, you might as well email me and I will give you all the info.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

Hey Hey,

I'm here, alive, and well aware of my rejoining of the game. So don't lose faith in me just yet.


At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well im glad to hear that you know that your back Matty. And let me say hello and im glad ur back. It adds some needed akward humor. Hope all the best at tribal counsell.


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