Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week Fourteen

Kimartoleema Tribe

At the beginning of the day the four remaining members of each of the Kichagani, Margolo and Harteema tribes all gathered in the new Kimartoleema camp site. Many people had not met each other before so there were quite a few introductions. It was a tense situation because everyone wanted to show that they were nice and trustworthy. Any type of small mistake could lead to an early exit, so everyone was a little nervous. It was nice for some people to be back with their old tribemates from before the switch. Cowin was happy to see Chris and German. Dirks and Steve reunited as the only two from the original Margani Tribe. Silas got the meet up with Mandy and Jord. And the four remaining members of the original Kichanga, Kyle, Scott, Tyler and Elliott got to share some time together.

It was a crowded camp, but in everyone’s minds, they knew that it would slowly be getting less crowded. Not much strategy happened in the first day, for two reasons. The first was that no one wanted to be seen as too much of a strategic threat. They were meeting a whole bunch of new people, and they didn’t want to turn anybody off from the start. The second reason that not much strategizing occurred was that many people came from the three tribes with new alliances that would be hard to break.

Mandy had essentially relied on Scott and Kyle to keep her around, so it seemed unlikely that she would turn on them from the start. German, Elliott and Steve had a good thing going in Margolo, and by keeping Jord around, they may have secured a fourth member in their alliance. But it was the four from Harteema: Silas, Dirks, Tyler and Chris who were the closest. Cowin had been kept around by Kyle and Scott, and he knew that it may be with them that he was the safest.

Immunity Challenge

As you probably already know, the challenges from this point on are going to be different than the team challenges before. The remaining contestants will now be fighting for individual immunity. The person who wins the immunity challenge will be the only person immune, which means that one of the losers of the challenge will be voted out at Tribal Council.

The first challenge for the newly merged tribe, however, will be slightly different. This week there are two different challenges. Each contestant will have to choose which challenge to compete in. That means that there will be two winners of Immunity this week. One challenge will be mostly Athletic, while the other will be mostly Intellectual. At this point each person has picked which challenge they want to compete in, and we will begin with the athletic challenge.

The Athletic Challenge

The attributes are as follows:

Speed: 40%
Strength: 40%
Prob-Solv: 20%
Strategy: 0%
Co-op: 0%

The contestants for the Athletic challenge are: Scott, Cowin, German, Elliott, Silas, Chris and Tyler. The challenge is essentially an obstacle course involving running, climbing and a maze. All contestants will enter the course at the same time. The first person to successfully traverse the maze will win Immunity.

So all seven contestants are at the starting line, and the challenge begins!

Silas and Scott take an early lead through the mostly speed section, jumping over fences, crawling under logs, and climbing ropes. German, Tyler and Elliott are still right behind however. Chris and Cowin begin to fall a little behind. As they progress through the mostly strength phase, Silas has a hard time moving the heavy objects out of the way, and guys like Cowin and German begin to close the gap on Scott.

As they begin to enter the maze, German, Cowin and Scott are all together trying to outsmart one another. Tyler and Silas are right behind them, with Elliott right there as well. Chris is the last to enter the maze, but gets lucky and makes some time on the other guys.

As German and Scott turn a corner, they see the opening and the finish line, and at the same time they bolt towards the exit. They push and shove, but in the end it is Scott who pulls away from German. And that means that winner of the first immunity challenge is Scott Heidman!

The Intellectual Challenge

The attribute weightings are as follows:

Speed: 20%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 40%
Strategy: 40%
Co-op: 0%

The contestants for the Intellectual Challenge are: Jord, Steve, Kyle, Mandy and Dirks. This challenge is a puzzle challenge. Each player must retrieve their puzzle pieces which are hidden in the sand. There are ten pieces to each of the five puzzles. Each contestant’s puzzle is exactly the same, so they are looking for the same pieces, though there are five of each of the ten pieces in the sand. The first contestant to put together the puzzle wins immunity.

So the challenge begins and all five contestants rush to gather their pieces. Jord seems to be finding his pieces the quickest, but doesn’t take the time to bury pieces he already has again. Kyle and Steve upon finding a piece they already have, bury it deeper in the sand so it will be harder for someone else to find. Jord is the first to find his pieces, followed closely by Dirks and Kyle. Steve is right behind them, while Mandy was having a hard time finding all her pieces.

At the stage where they were putting their complicated puzzles together, it was anybody’s game. Dirks, Steve, Jord and Kyle were all neck and neck. Once Mandy found all her pieces, she was motoring through the puzzle as well. But all of a sudden one person finished they puzzle. So the second winner of Immunity this week is Kyle Pitman!

Next Weekend’s Tribal Council

This will be a unique Tribal Council. Since two people (Kyle and Scott) have Immunity, there will also be two people voted out next weekend. These are the rules for the vote. You must all vote by Saturday the 24th. You will each vote for TWO people. One person must be a loser from the Athletic challenge, and one person must be from the intellectual challenge.

So you must all vote for ONE OF:

And you must all vote for ONE OF:

So I will be expecting 24 votes total in my email inbox by this upcoming Saturday.

Good Luck Guys.


At 11:29 AM, Blogger steve said...

2 people voted out? this is pretty scary, the lists of names to vote from are getting smaller and smaller.

THat was a fun week though, good challenges. surprise surprise, Scott one the athletic challenge, haha, congratulations. Mike though you have to describe what kind of wacky object represents the state of immunity, you should make it like a capital one card, you could get sponsorships

... and those capital one card holders are always immune to outside effects!

- steve

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow mike good job... thats a crazy idea and kind of cool cuz everyones gotta be surprised... two ppl goin already whod of thought it so early in the new tribe... do you got more of theses ideas in ur head?

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im voting for james both times

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Mike said...

cowin, I have many more such ideas.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Peter German said...

Whoa... THE HEAT IS ON!!!

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am definitly pumped to see where this goes. The week was great congrats scotty and Kyle. Thats pretty huge to members of an alliance winning ammunity together. Kinda scary for the rest of u i guess....Best of luck sucking up. But either then that i am so excited to see whos out. When is the posting i kinda got confused by mikes explaination of the votes. Is it still gonna be on the weekend? Have a wicked week to u all...good luck on mid terms if thats this week if not have a break reading week to u all.


At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also i am in total agreance with steveo and the capital onbne card.


At 12:03 PM, Blogger one time only said...

My question is, when we get to the point of the game where the immunity winner gets to choose someone to bring back AND gets to pick someone to go home, is it possible for that person to bring back james, and then send him packing again at the same time?

yours in creative scheming,


At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see we r still incouraging James....thats to bad.


At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see we r still incouraging James....thats to bad.


At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would bring you back James, but then you would be on your own and I can't promise what would happen! Hahaha, despite all of the chatter, your comments have been one of the highlights of this thing. Keep'em coming!


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhh the suspence!

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

goodbye to all.


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