Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Week Fifteen

We shall start with this last week’s Tribal Council.

Kimartoleema before Tribal Council

In the days leading up to the first Tribal Council of the merge, everyone was obviously nervous. That is, everyone except Kyle and Scott. They both won immunity, and it couldn’t have happened at a better time, as now they felt that they had a chance to put their stamp on the rest of the game. They knew that they had to take this opportunity to eliminate a leader from one of the other two main alliances. That meant that the two best people to vote out would be Chris or German. But the fact that this was a unique Tribal Council, and Chris and German were both in the same pool of contestants, only one of them could get voted out. Chris had a particular dilemma because there was no one in his group of contestants that he wanted to vote out. All of the people were his friends, so he decided to be honest and tell Elliott that he would be voting for him. That didn’t sit very well with Elliott and German.

The other group of contestants was just as prickly, because there was no one who was clearly the best person to vote out. Steve was close with German and Elliott, Dirks was somebody that a lot of people were courting to get him in their alliances. That left Jord, who was not being seen as a serious threat at this point, and Mandy who Kyle had taken under his wing. Either way, one of those four people is going home tonight. With twelve people in a tribe all wanting their own ways, this was bound to be an exciting Tribal Council.

Athletic Challenge Tribal Council

1st Vote: Elliott
2nd Vote: Silas
3rd Vote: Chris
4th Vote: Elliott
5th Vote: Elliott
6th Vote: Chris
7th Vote: Chris
8th Vote: Chris
9th Vote: Elliott
10th Vote: Elliott
11th Vote: Chris
So with one more vote on the way, both Elliott and Chris have five votes against.
12th Vote: Chris
So Chris Pitman is the 1st person voted out of Kimartoleema and the 29th voted out of Survivor Hamilton Two.

Intellectual Challenge Tribal Council

1st Vote: Jord
2nd Vote: Jord
3rd Vote: Mandy
4th Vote: Mandy
5th Vote: Mandy
6th Vote: Mandy
7th Vote: Jord
8th Vote: Mandy
9th Vote: Jord
10th Vote: Mandy
11th Vote: Jord
12th Vote: Jord
So after all 12 votes have been cast, there is a tie between Jord Wilson and Mandy Maurice. I hate to do this, but because of lack of time in our Survivor Schedule, there will be no revote. I have no choice but to randomly choose one person to be eliminated.

So the 2nd person voted out of Kimartoleema and the 30th out of Survivor Hamilton Two is…
Mandy Maurice

So one week into the merge, there has already been a lot of controversy concerning this vote. Chris had not received one vote against in any of his previous Tribal Councils, but 6 was all he needed to be sent home. Mandy was a surprise to me to get this far. She was able to lay low, and even after she was almost eliminated in the 4th week, she made it very far. I will be sad to see them go.

Week Fifteen of Survivor Hamilton Two is right now.

Week Fifteen

Kimartoleema Tribe

Immediately after Chris and Mandy left the game, some people, mainly Elliott couldn’t keep the smile from their faces. Elliott knew that Chris was going to vote for him, so he switched gears and worked to get Chris voted out instead. But he had now solidified his alliance with German, as well as some sort of partnership with Kyle and Scott. Those two were not very happy that Mandy had been voted out. She was going to be one more vote on their side throughout the merge, but now they had to figure something else out. Tyler, Silas and Dirks were very unhappy that Chris got voted out. He was one of their alliance, as they all came into the merge from the same tribe. It was now very possible that they would all split up and join new alliances. Cowin in the mean time had no alliance. He was friends with Jord, but seeing as everyone tried to vote Jord out last week, he was beginning to think that maybe Jord wasn’t the best choice of alliance.

Immunity Challenge

This week’s immunity challenge will be a series of four events. The three worst people in the first challenge will be eliminated from the series. The three worst from the second event will be eliminated. Two more people will be eliminated after the third event. That will leave two people to compete for this week’s immunity.

First Event: Co-Operative Strategy
Each contestant will take turns paired with all the other contestants. They will work together to steal items attached to a rope that each pair pulls behind them. So while trying to steal other pair’s items, the teams must try and protect their ropes. The pairs will split what they steal, and then partner up with another contestant. I know this probably doesn’t make any sense, but just bare with me.
Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 50%
Co-op: 50%

Eliminated: Cowin, Scott, Dirks
Remaining: Kyle, Silas, Tyler, Elliott, Steve, Jord, German

Second Event: Strategic Puzzles
Each contestant must fit their puzzle pieces in a hanging frame. Once a contestant finished their puzzle, they can begin shooting small rocks at the other contestants puzzles, which will knock pieces out, but not break them. The last three people still working on their puzzles will be eliminated.
Speed: 0%
Strength: 0%
Prob-Solv: 50%
Strategy: 50%
Co-Op: 0%

Kyle finishes his puzzle with ease, and begins shooting rocks to slow people down, specifically German. Silas finishes right after and begins doing the same. Steve then finishes, and right after him, Elliott does as well.

Eliminated: German, Jord, Tyler
Remaining: Kyle, Silas, Elliott, Steve

Third Event: Heavy Puzzle
Each contestant must retrieve and put together puzzle pieces. The problem is they are very heavy.
Speed: 0%
Strength: 50%
Prob-Solv: 50%
Strategy: 0%
Co-Op: 0%

Kyle, Elliott and Steve are neck and neck, while Silas is beginning to have trouble with the heavy pieces. Steve is the first to finish his puzzle, and right before Kyle finishes his, Elliott places his last piece.

Eliminated: Silas, Kyle
Remaining: Steve, Elliott

Fourth Event: Obstacle Course
An old fashioned obstacle course.
Speed: 50%
Strength: 50%
Prob-Solv: 0%
Strategy: 0%
Co-Op: 0%

In the obstacle course, Elliott takes an early lead due to his quickness, and Steve is never able to catch up. That means that after all four events, the winner of this week’s Immunity necklace is Elliott Delaunay!

This Week’s Tribal Council

So we are starting this week with voting only one person out. All ten of you must vote, but you CANNOT vote for Elliott. Anyone else is fair game. You must all vote by the normal time, Wednesday night at 11:59 as I will be posting the Tribal Council on Thursday. Good luck, and post or email any questions.


At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well there goes the last girl so we're down to a big sausage fest hahahah.... we'll miss you mandy

mike man ur games getting so interesting man im liking the way ur doin this one man good job bud

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Mand said...

yyyaaaahhh...ill miss you boys too cowin.

thanks for the run mikey...went longer than i expected.

goodnight and goodluck.

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLY %*$&m that was a sick week of SH2! WOW.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger steve said...

wowee, congrats Chris good run, and to mandy for being the longest lasting girl.

nice win in the end elliot; you sneaking around with your quickness :).

this is too fun right now. there is so much happening.

good job.

- steve

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Peter German said...

Wow !!! SH2!!! Big ups for mike.

Big ups for the everyone that made it this far. THis game MAY be using too much of my time.



At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, I thought you determind that the person with the least amount of comments would be getting the boot in the event of a tie. Or did Mandy have less comments then Jord anyways?


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well another great week and 2 gone...crazy. Chris u had a wicked run and all were with u till u went after elliot. It seems to be anyone who starts beef with elliot goes home. And james is still beefin' him and as far as i can see the closest he's getting to the island is his constant coments on getting back.


At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

james is a fool, always has been always will be. But I'll bring you back james if I win that right, just because every court needs it's jester

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is seriously intense.

Best of luck to all you boys!!


At 4:22 PM, Blogger Elliott said...



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