Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Lucky (for some) Week Thirteen

Kichagani Tribe

After winning immunity last week Kichagani was enjoying their nice little break from Tribal Council. Cowin was especially enjoying the break because he felt that if they lost the challenge he wouldn’t still be here. Through the grapevine, Mandy discovered today that both Lauren and Beckie were voted out, and that she was the last girl left in SH2. She was both happy to have that honour, considering she would have been eliminated in Week Three if Gerry had voted, and sad that many of her friends were gone from the game. Kyle was feeling really good about his game so far. After all the strategy that has happened so far in the game, he finally felt comfortable with his position. A lot of that comfort stemmed from his partner. Scott had also done his fair share of strategy in the game. It’s not like Kyle did everything himself, Scott had been a huge part of it all. Micah was another person who could have been voted out early, but is still in. He was glad to come to a tribe ruled by someone he knew in Kyle, but also knew that at some point he would have to make this game his own. He had not had to be too strategic himself to this point, but his time was coming, and Micah wanted to go deeper into the game. Kyle would have to listen to everyone’s promises, and choose who he trusted to stay true to him later in the game.

Margolo Tribe

Last week they went from 5 to 4, and this week they could go from 4 to 3. That would be a bad thing. It would be specifically terrible for Jord if they lost this week. German, Elliott and Steve were in a three person alliance, that Jord was not technically a part of, so he would be next to go. Basically, the three-way alliance was more focused on what they could manage after the merge into one tribe (whenever that happens) because even if they did lose, Jord would be next to go, and the odds were very good that the three of them were making it to the final tribe.

The Harteema Gang

This tribe has lost the last two immunity challenges, after being very successful in the first three. Trotman in particular was getting very concerned. He wasn’t sure exactly how strong the alliance of Dirks, Silas, Chris and Tyler was, but the last three people to get voted out were each of their partners, so if the trend continued, either Silas or Trotman would be voted out if they lost. That was why he needed to try and convince the other guys that he was more trustworthy and one or more of them. Also, he would never forget that he won SH1 over Dirks in the final, and it was possible that Dirks would want to take Trotman to the final to exact his revenge. But the tribe was feeling pretty good about its 5 strong men who could do “anything.”

Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week is both a swimming and a puzzle challenge. Starting on the beach, each tribe will send out one person at a time to swim out into the water, and dive down and retrieve a puzzle piece in a weighted bag at ocean floor. Swimmers will have goggles, so they can get a good look. Once all 8 pieces are brought back, the team can start putting the puzzle together. One piece of information that is important is that the swimmer instead of swimming directly back to the beach with their piece can grab another tribe’s bag and move it farther away, making it more difficult to find. That is where strategy will come in. You will lose time, but the other tribes could lose more time. Each contestant can only have one bag in their hands at a time.

The attribute weightings are as follows:

Speed: 20%
Strength: 0%
Problem-Solving: 40%
Strategizing: 20%
Teamwork: 20%

One person has to sit out of both Kichagani and Harteema. They choose to sit out Mandy and Chris respectively. So, once everyone is in place, The Challenge Begins!!!

Scott, German and Dirks were the first three people in the water with Dirks bringing back his piece right away, and both German and Scott spending a little time moving some other bags around. And that was the way it went for a time. Kichagani and Margolo spent loads of time hiding and moving bags, while Harteema attempted to find and just bring their bags back. Ultimately, Harteema was the first to bring back all eight of their bags, but they only had a slight lead over Margolo, and an even slighter lead over Kichagani.

So with all tribes putting their puzzles together, Harteema began to slow down a bit, having some troubles. And while Kichagani was keeping their pace, Margolo was really speeding through it. As they were all placing their final pieces, both Kichagani and Harteema placed their pieces at the exact same time. But unfortunately for them, Margolo placed it only a second before, and Margolo Wins Immunity! Which means that this week Kichagani and Harteema are going to Tribal Council.

Keys to Victory (defeat):

Margolo Tribe: All four members were perfect.

Kichagani Tribe: Sitting out Mandy was probably a good idea, seeing as she may not have been great at all the deep swimming, but Micah struggled in this challenge, where Cowin, Scott and Kyle were very good.

Harteema Gang: Nathan and Silas were quite good in this challenge. Chris was probably a good idea to sit out cause he hates fish, but Trotman and Tyler were a bit slow in this challenge altogether. Everyone could have done better though, except for maybe Dirks.

So here are the people that must vote by 11:59pm on Wednesday night:

Kichagani Tribe:

Harteema Gang:


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter, good stratagy
also does anyone read your video gaming blog? Because I did

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

perfect, thats what we are, good show margolo.

perfect ... i like the sound of that,

unfortunately no one was perfect last night for the colts or the bears, except maybe devin hester, mmm..

i am really reallly excited for the merge.

really excited.

- steve

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Peter German said...


But anyways, Good show boys. The superbowl was friggin brutal. Rex Grossman will go down in history as the worst quarterback in superbowl history. Its amazing the game was as close as it was, because the bears had NOTHING going on.

I can't wait to see what happens next week on... SURVIVOR HAMILTON

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rex grossman for MVP, for throwing the 10th interception that led to a touch down.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Mand said...

I can't believe that I'm the last girl. I can't believe that I'm still in this game. wicked.

no telling what the future holds however...

-- go colts. (that's for you Chris!)

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dirksy im glad ur still killin the challenges. I knew i picked u for a reason. Altho i didnt work out for me so much. but ya nice going Margolo...looks like u guys r coming back. But ur no match for harteema. Have a wicked week boys and girl.


And ya say as much as u want about the game but Manning deserved it and for that i was happy.

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manning should not have gotten MVP, it should have either been Rhodes or Addai. Secondly, I will admit Manning is a great pivot and I guess for SOME it was nice to see him get the monkey off of his back, however you would think that having the ball for 25 min and 32 seconds during the entire first half they (I mean Manning) would have been able to do more then throw a touchdown and an interception. I know Rex played bad, and the only reason the Bears got to the big game was on the back of Urlacher and the Bears Big D...and maybe the Colts should have won, but I would just like to underline where the credit should be hats off to the Colts defense for stopping Mr. Jones, to Addai and Rhodes for finding the holes in the Bears D, and most of to Mr. Dungy who's even tempered and Fatherly style of coaching finally payed off..because it was they who won the game for the colts, NOT the pivot who whined and complained every time he turned the ball over or when his kick return team allowed a touchdown on the opening kick off, or whenever one of his WR's dropped a pass. And if you don't believe me Manning Fans, watch the game again (because I am sure you taped it) and see how much more of a big baby your precious Manning is, then an MVP.

A bears Fan...aka, Soctt

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about that, it's my birthday today and I apprently forgot how to spell my's Scott, not Soctt!

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Happy Birthday Scotty

At 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. shut the hell up scott.
2. i told you the bears had nothing we ate thjem for breakfast.
3. maning was the OBVIOUS choice. DR> played well. but you dont get the mvp for that kinf of proformance. did you not listen after? maning changed the plays due to what he saaw. he gave rhodes the ball...only becauseo f the coveage. AND HE MARCHED up and down that feild time and time again man. he was clutch. there was no arguement. COLTS RULE. thats all.

At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris im with u on the manning train, but truth be told manning did not win the mvp for the game last night. we all know that he wasnt playing like manning normally does, but come on he was so terrified to turn out like Dan Marino that he had some jidders. Urlacher would have won had the bears won so calm urself scotty the bears have another 22 years to give it another go.


But i think that this page is reserved for some sort of survial gam or somthing...manybe we need to end the sports talk...cause we all know once scotty gets into a rant there really isnt much stopping him.

At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday scott....i hope it was a good day.


At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, yeah Matty I can go on sometimes...anyways thanks for the b-day wish's gentleman and can't wait to see how the rest of this game turns out! Keep up the good work Mike, oh and yeah I am with everybody else on you getting copy rights to this thing, I bet you with the right people backing it, you could turn a nice little profit! Anyway, back to the books!


At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rhodes? haha hell no james. 22 carries still. and scored a TD from the ONE yard line. big deal. thats not mvp material. manning is the only reason they are there... and he IS the team. )look back tot he pats gaem)

is it any surprise that anyone who knows football dosent debate this? no one says it in a newspaper, no one said it on tv, and know one i know who plays footballs would say that. a QB who throws for 247 yard and a massive td pass in a superbowl will ALWAYS win MVP thats just how it is. he played great and disected that d like a surgennnnnnnn.

either way i dont care he got his mvp and his ring.

as for survivor... i will win.
thats all.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant spell and have bad grammer.
back to my homework.

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second you on the poor spelling and grammer, but that is all.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to confess, I wrote the Rex Grossman comment that lead to talk of the MVP
Most likely no one will read this today and know the truth since Mike will no doubt soon be posting this weeks tribal council.... exciting.


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