Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Week Twelve Tribal Council

Margolo Tribe before Tribal Council

So Margolo just realized that it was going to be the first of the three new tribes to be down to four people. But they still had one more person to vote out before they got to that point. German, Elliott and Steve were still the main alliance in the tribe, but Elliott had a connection to Beckie as they came over from Kichanga together. Jord was the last person in the tribe who didn’t have a connection to German and Elliott, and he was pretty much convinced that he was going this week. It would be either him or Beckie, and Jord wasn’t feeling good about it. Beckie on the other hand had been getting more and more distant this week. She had almost resigned herself to not making the merge, which was silly because she was close with Elliott. She knew that the opportunity to only have guys left in the tribe may be too much to overcome. Both Beckie and Jord were not feeling confident.

Margolo at Tribal Council

Well here it is, and again, one person didn't vote. So the 4th person eliminated from Margolo, and the 25th from Survivor Hamilton Two is...

Beckie Moss

The Harteema Gang before Tribal Council

So the all star team lost two in a row. The tribe was not feeling so good about their last loss. They felt that they should have won it, but it just didn’t happen. Tyler and Silas were feeling a lot of pressure because Dirks and Pitman had already said goodbye to their partners, and it seemed that Lauren and Trotman were next in line. Trotman knew that he had been killing the challenges, so he had that in his corner, but Lauren had no such encouragement. One of the last three girls in the game, she knew that her time was running out that that’s why she was so unhappy when the tribe lost the last challenge. So Silas talked to Dirks to see if they could not vote out Trotman this week, while Lauren talked to Tyler to try and get rid of Trotman. It could be a close vote.

The Harteema Gang at Tribal Council

1st Vote: Trotman
2nd Vote: Trotman
3rd Vote: Tyler
4th Vote: Lauren
5th Vote: Lauren
So with one last vote on the way, Trotman and Lauren each have two votes against. So with the sixth and final vote, the 3rd person voted out of Harteema and the 26th person eliminated from Survivor Hamilton Two is…

Lauren Ria Pragg

Here is an interesting stat: of the 13 girls that started the game, 8 girls made the tribe switch. that means that of the 16 people vote out before the switch, only 5 were girls.

Since the switch, of the 10 people to get voted out so far, 7 of them including this week's votes have been girls. So that leaves only Mandy Maurice as the last girl remaining, against 13 guys. Good luck Mandy.

To both Beckie and Lauren, you two impressed me the most out of anyone in this game so far. You easily could have been both voted out right after Eby in weeks two and three, but you guys made it all the way to week twelve. You were both strategic, and you are the biggest surprises to this point. I'm only sorry that you guys couldn't have made it a few weeks longer. People should really comment this week because these two girls worked hard.

This weekend on SH2 Week Lucky Thirteen... Mandy struggles with the knowledge that she is the last girl standing. Margolo realizes this next challenge is a must win. Harteema focusses hard because they dont want to make it three losses in a row.


At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, those are quite the stats. Don't worry Mandy, being the only girl left means that nobody has the heart to vote you out. Nobody wants to be that heartless...hopefully


At 12:23 AM, Blogger Peter German said...

What's with my tribe and not voting... its like the freaking mob where people just have 'accidents'

At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well speaking from experience sometimes stuff just comes up and u cant make it. like i loved this game but stuff happends u know and so i know how much it sucks to go that way too.

ok ok enough of the mushy stuff. Wow one girl left. lets see how this turns out. and i donno if i agree that no one is that heartless i know a few ppl on the island that wouldnt think twice about voting her out just cause shes a girl.

Ohh mike i was wondering is there anyway we can set somthing up for the contestants to watch the superbowl. Pitty needs to see this game...just a thought. k so ive waisted enough space so im out.


At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, that was funny peter, 'accidents'. i laughed at that, its true though, but now with us 4 left, we wont even have to vote, cus we will win.

congrats to lauren and beckie, mike seemed to be really rooting for ya, so you must have done something right. if mike says something is so, something must be so.

in other news mike, you are lazy, did you even do your worklast night?

and in still other news, i played madden 2007 on the wii last night, and it was just about unbelievable i beat the pats 21-17 with the steelers, and lemme just tell you, this is by far the sickest game for running the ball in terms of gameplay i have ever played.

it is so delicious.

congrats again lauren and beckie.

margolo to the final 4.

- steve

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn accidents, thats 4 people from my tribes who have forgotten to vote! well at least our tribe has the fewest votes against.

Matt- Your right stuff does get in the way I mean just this week I almost forgot to vote because I was playing Halo 2 straight since sunday.

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im gonna have to ask for a cut of that too for my naming rights in this game. but holy crap. margolo=4.intense. i think our tribe as a whole in this game has our priorities a little mixed up come every wednesday night, showdown time.

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jordan ^

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's coming down to the wire!

Best of Luck to everyone left!


At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone else check up to see if anyones wrote anything new more then once a day or is it just me?

Like i just need to see how far along the obsessed train i am.



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