Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Week Three Tribal Council

Margani before Tribal Council

Last week, Margani's Tribal Council led to a tie. There was then a revote, and thanks to one contestant not voting, Siobhan was eliminated 4 votes to 3. This week, Margani would be looking to avoid such a controversial outcome. The "winning" alliance last week, consisted primarily of Jill, Chelsea, Greg and Cam. They had however been talking to guys like Steve, Jones and Matt. That made seven, but as the vote was tied 5-5, you can see where the problems began. Now that Siobhan was outta there, the alliance decided it was time to take a stranglehold on the Tribe. They would most certainly have a numbers advantage this week, so it should be a piece of cake. James and Dirks, however, would not surrender so easily. They had tried to eliminate Greg in week 2, and now it was time to start getting those crossover guys back on their side. James, believing he still had sway in the tribe, promised guys like Matt and Steve to come over to their side. He said that he would probably be able to get Jones and maybe Cam, so they would have an alliance. Steve and Matt listened, but were not sure it was a good idea.

Margani Tribal Council
1st Vote: Chelsea
2nd Vote: James
3rd Vote: James
4th Vote: Chelsea
5th Vote: James
6th Vote: James
7th Vote: James
8th Vote: James
9th Vote: James

So with 7 of 9 votes, James Lee is the second person voted out of Margani, and the fifth contestant eliminated from Surivor Hamilton Two.

Breema before Tribal Council

After winning immunity in the second week, Breema had enjoyed a break from Tribal Council. But that break was over. One of the problems that Margani had was that the tribe was split in two halves. Breema does not have this problem. Breema's problem is that every contestant is playing eachother. It is very dangerous in Breema to try and make plans, because 9 seconds after you open your mouth, the whole tribe knows what you are planning. Micah didn't care if people knew what he was planning, because it wasn't very dastardly. He just wanted everyone to trust him, so he spent a lot of time nodding his head and agreeing with everybody. Jord, Trotman and Barry began to plan on how to make it to the end, and talked to Silas and Nathalie to see what they wanted, and who they wanted to join with. Fournie didn't like people trying to recruit Silas, and pulled him away to talk to him about what the girls wanted to do. Gerry spent a lot of time alone before Tribal Council. He didn't like all the strategizing too much, and had a hard time respecting those that go behind others' backs. The girls suggested voting one of the boys out, but Silas in particular thought that was a very bad idea. Nathalie, Silas and Fournie made a decision, maybe it was time to get rid of the third girl, Mandy.

Breema Tribal Council

So here's the problem... as of 11:59 last night, I was still waiting on one contestant's vote. Unfortunately, as per the rules, this person is eliminated. So the second person eliminated from Breema, and the sixth from Survivor Hamilton Two is...
Gerry Kroezen

So I have yet another piece of advice. If you are going to be pretty busy midweek, please just email me with your vote right after you read the Immunity Challenge. Even if your vote ends up being a random one, at least you won't be eliminated if you forget on Wednesday. You can always change it, any time up until I get all the votes. (which is usually Wed. evening sometime)

So, Gerry, I'm sorry that I had to vote you out. I said that I would in the email, so I guess you knew what would happen. Thanks for asking to be a part of this though, I really appreciate it. James Lee... I guess you weren't expecting that eh?

Guys post comments about these two guys' gameplay, and also I am tinkering with a new tie-break method based on who posts the most comments. Its just my way of rewarding those who are more devoted.

This weekend on Survivor Hamilton Two... finally a challenge based on Problem-Solving and Strategizing. Breema deals with the unexpected turn of events at their Tribal Council, and Kichanga parties a little too hard while celebrating two wins in a row.


At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well James - I'm sad to see you go, but at the same time - I'd rather it be you than me (oh c'mon, you know you'd say the same)!! I think it's obvious who I voted for - but regardless, this tribe will miss you. best of luck getting back to the real world and off the island.

As per the rest of margani - let's get our game faces on and win some challenges! WOOHOO!

chels :)

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well sorry it went down like that i am. But no hard feelings i hope u know i got love for u. But ya like chels said lets get er done Margani.


P.S Chris i could hear james in ur post. so funny

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you go there Gerry, hope you have fun offa the island though. However it sounds like good news for Breema coming up, we'll rock the challenge when it comes to using the ol grey matter.


At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yooooooooooooo, james man, it had to go down that way. too bad, but like matt said i still love you.



At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must say I am looking forward to the Party at Kichanga Tribe, we do deserve it after our two victory's!!! This tribal council was a good reminder to stay in the game and keep voting. Excellent job so far Mike!

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tough week with our second loss in a row but I think that we are more then ready to win next week.


At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha James, I even voted for you!



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