Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Week One Tribal Council

Kichanga before Tribal Council

Leading up to the first Tribal Council of Survivor Hamilton Two, the mood at Kichanga was not a very light and peaceful one. People were stressed, because they didn’t want to be the first contestant voted out… nobody did. It was also very apparent that there were people who had strong wills and a focus on winning the game, and that there were a few people who didn’t really have the motivation to make good things happen. Lindsay Eby for example spent lots of time around the fire with different people at different times, like Beckie, Hackett, Binny and Damien, but they never really talked strategy. The guys like Kyle, Scott, Tyler and Elliott thrived on talking strategy. While there was not a set alliance per say, there was mostly a general consensus on who should be voted out first. The majority of the group knew there would be some votes for random people, but they trusted that they would get their way.

Kichanga Tribal Council
1st Vote: Kyle
2nd Vote: Eby
3rd Vote: Eby
4th Vote: Eby
5th Vote: Damien
6th Vote: Eby
7th Vote: Binny
8th Vote: Eby
9th Vote: Eby
10th Vote: Eby

So that means, the first person voted out of Kichanga, and Survivor Hamilton two is… Lindsay Eby.

Breema before Tribal Council

Unlike Kichanga, everybody in Breema engaged in talks. Some people like Micah, Pat and Gerry were slower to get started, but in the end everybody wanted a piece of that action. While some were focused on increasing their average speed and strength, others, like Pat and Micah, who maybe lacked some of those skills didn’t really think it was a good idea. People in the tribe seemed to be listening to Silas first and foremost, as he was athletic, and people trusted him. For the most part there seemed to be a consensus of who should go, and they went to voting.

Breema Tribal Council
1st Vote: Nathalie
2nd Vote: Pat
3rd Vote: Nathalie
4th Vote: Nathalie
5th Vote: Pat
6th Vote: Pat
7th Vote: Pat
8th Vote: Pat
9th Vote: Pat
10th Vote: Pat

So, with seven votes against, it appears Pat Sutherland is the first person voted out of Breema, and the second person voted out of Survivor Hamilton Two.

Next time on Survivor Hamilton… Kichanga and Breema attempt to even the score, and Kichanga attempts to get to the bottom of who voted for who…

So post a comment bidding Eby and Pat a fond farewell. I will miss them.


At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My student number is 20249195.

At 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linds, I am really going to miss your company in the tribe. I wish you a lot more success in Calgary than in this survivor game. Have a great time!

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sure someone will be looking at a post with your name and/or picture on it when we are down to the final four.

heres to you

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoy Calgary linds.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger CHIC-HANDSOME said...

good picture

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will miss you!
The OC

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those pictures with the rede 'x' through them look so sad... almost as though when you get voted off YOU DIE!!!

:( I'm sad. ha ha ha


At 4:08 PM, Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

Let's just say that it's no coincidence that "Lindsay" and "Lose Immediately" both start with the letter L. But don't let this get you down Linds, you're moving to Calgary and I've heard they don't even have internet access there; so it's not as if you're missing much

With lots of metaphorical hugs,


At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its Pat, it's Pat it's Pat it's's's Pat.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well that was an interesting vote! srry linds i didn't want u to go! whos gonna give me tupperwear when i need it now, like common im screwed now lol. buh bye linds


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