Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Week Four Tribal Council

Kichanga before Tribal Council

The first tribal council had seen a fairly unanimous elimination of Lindsay Eby. Three weeks later it was time again for Kichanga to hit up the Tribal Council. Damien spent the last couple days talking to everyone he could and trying to make some sort of alliances. He was exceptional at strategizing, and if given the chance he could be a serious asset to the tribe. He just had to make that known to the rest of the tribe. Kyle spent some time talking with Scott, Elliott and Binny about their plans going further in the game to try and see if he could join up with them for the time being. Tyler and Lauren also talked with Kyle, and there was potential for a very big alliance. That left Beckie and Hackett who for all intents and purposes hadn’t attempted to make any alliances up to this point. They didn’t realize that if they took the time to make some connections they could go far in the game.

Kichanga Tribal Council
1st Vote: Binny
2nd Vote: Damien
3rd Vote: Damien
4th Vote: Lauren
5th Vote: Damien
6th Vote: Damien
7th Vote: Damien
8th Vote: Damien
9th Vote: Damien

So therefore, the second person voted out of Kichanga, and the seventh person eliminated from Survivor Hamilton Two is Damien Lorfice.

Hartolo before Tribal Council

Hartolo was the only tribe to start with four girls, and after one tribal council that number had been limited to three. If Chris Pitman had anything to say about it, the number would be lessened yet again this week. Graham, Millar and German also talked about it, and they looked at the possible people to vote out and made their decision based on who was weaker for the tribe. Cait and Tyla listened quietly while the boys talked. They didn’t make any suggestions because they didn’t want to come off as assuming, or powerful at this point in the game. Cowin didn’t even really pay attention to anything this week. He knew that he wouldn’t be voted off this week, so he had nothing to worry about. Clements knew that it could be his time, so he picked up the pace with his personal skills, as well as showing his team that he was very good at both problem-solving and teamwork. Both skills sorely lacking in Hartolo.

Hartolo Tribal Council
1st Vote: Laura
2nd Vote: Laura
3rd Vote: German
4th Vote: Laura
5th Vote: Laura
6th Vote: Laura
7th Vote: Laura
8th Vote: Laura
9th Vote: Laura

So Laura Graham is the second person voted out of Hartolo, and the eighth person eliminated from Survivor Hamilton Two.

So Damien I truly am sorry that you went so early. I really was looking forward to seeing what you would do in this game. Laura, I know that you are going away soon, so good on ya for kind of forfeiting. I hope you have a good time.

This weekend on Survivor Hamilton Two… it’s my birthday and I’m gonna give myself a present… muahaha.


At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the tribe members get to benefit from your present to yourself at all???

And Damien - I was hoping to one day be allied with you - but alas, that shant happen. :(

Best of luck to you Damien - and you too Lauren... even thought I don't know you all that well.

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. that was from me...

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ONE MORE - sorry..I meant LAURA.

my bad!

okay - no more messages from me.


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its my birthday too.
can i have a present mikeUll?

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sorry its over.. theres so much more that i wanted theres so much more that i needed. good luck to everyone who is a good person. ps my bday is on the 26th one day after mikeys!! have a great weekend mike and enjoy your 21bday in the Loo! take er ezy and can my tribe members tell me why i got voted out? was it just mearly alliances or what cause i felt i had played fairly strong in the game. thanx Damien :)

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Damien had stuck around a bit longer. Its always "entertaining" to see what happens with him. I am excited for the so called present.


At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you already Laura!! least I'll see you in the halls for now...

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha we did not James..YOU got ganged up on..Laura gracefully bowed out.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahaa . REspect

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on we did not gang up on u was just how the votes turned out....umm cough cough akward silence....But i still got nothing but love for u. And to damien and laura im sorry to see u guys go i know i didnt really get to see to much of but our times at the challanges will always be in my heart.


At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!! damien is no longer in this game... thank you so much mike and everyone that voted him out lol.... but mike ur making me out to be this cocky guy that thinks i rule this game.. come on mike im a kind heart human being.

as for the present im pretty excited and mike u better be excited for the present im getting u... its gonna blow your mind!

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's my birthday on the 29th. can i get a gift too?

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps. Happy Birthday Mike! and Pitman! and damien!

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha you're one to talk about doing what other people you voted off pretty quick eh??;) Sooo now it's time for you to shake it off..and feel the love. James? Just breath.

and Remember...Pitman is your friend..he would never tell me to say mean things about you. haha

At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamesyyyy calm down.
you lose at eevrything.. madden this.. what next. i cant wait to see you next and beat you with the damn raiders.

anyways see you at the game tomarow hollllllla.


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