Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Week Five

Kichanga Tribe

Upon hearing that there would be a surprise this week, the members of Kichanga were slightly happy after coming back from tribal council. They could already feel their teamwork getting a little better with the ousting of Damien, even if it was at the cost of a lessening of strategizing. While Lauren and Binny attempted to figure out which one of them Damien voted for, some of the other people in the tribe decided to go for a nice swim in the ocean. Beckie, Scott, Tyler and Elliott went for a little dip to cool off in the hot afternoon sun. While that was going on, Kyle approached Hackett to try and figure out what his strengths were in the tribe. It became blatantly obvious that Hackett’s main strength was teamwork, and that the tribe had taken a positive step in the right direction with voting Damien off, and if they got rid of Hackett they would be in the same situation. Kyle took this time off from the rest of the tribe to figure out just what everyone brought to the tribe. They had the most overall athletic tribe based mostly on the attributes of Scott, Tyler, Elliott and Beckie. Kyle and Binny really contributed mostly in the puzzle challenges, while Lauren and Hackett were great at teamwork. Lauren was also great at puzzles, while Hackett was also fast and strategic. Each person brought their own unique aspect to Kichanga, it would be hard to vote someone else out.

Margani Tribe

Their week off was nice, but now Margani knew that they would have to focus on winning again. After what they went through together, some members of the tribe like Jill, Steve and Chelsea were not about to let things get carried away again. They had a good tribe, and they should be winning from here on. Margani really did have a nice balance of all the attributes. Speed, their worst was really only led by Dirks, with Greg and Jones also helping out. Strength was slightly better with Cam, Jones and Hinton. After the physical attributes, people contributed pretty evenly to the other three aspects, problem-solving, strategizing and teamwork. Steve contributed in all three of those areas. Jill, apart from being very strong, was also strong in those three areas, especially teamwork. Chelsea led the way with her exceptional problem-solving skills, as well strategizing. This team was poised on the brink of a big move up the standings, and they knew it. If only they had any idea what this week’s challenge would bring, and what this surprise would be.

Hartolo Tribe

Things were going as planned for the boys of Mini-Yo-We plus Cowin. Two girls gone, two left. But it had begun to develop into an interesting situation. Cowin and Pitman had become pretty close with Tyla and Cait. Pitty had become so exceptionally close with Cait that they went on frequent swims that sometimes resulted in some face to face action. All these connections left Clements on the outskirts. But Clements had a lot to offer. Besides being perfect at teamwork, Clements was also a good problem solver and quick on his feet. But like the other tribes, each person in Hartolo supplied much needed attributes. Cowin and Pitman supplied strength as well as strategizing. German, Graham and Cait were spread fairly evenly through all the categories. Tyla and Millar really contributed teamwork as well. Each category was there prominently except from problem-solving. Hartolo was by far the worst tribe in that category, and they would need to improve it if they wanted to win challenges.

Breema Tribe

As you may or may not have noticed, I’m using this week to tell you guys who is really contributing what in the challenges. I will not try to mask it any longer in talks of swimming and strategy and foreplay. Silas is far and away the leader of this tribe with extraordinary speed and strategizing skills. Barry, Jord and Trotman all gave this tribe its physical identity which the rest of the tribe sorely lacked. Nathalie, Mandy and Fournie all had really good problem solving and strategizing. That only left Micah who had very good strategy and teamwork.

Immunity Challenge

And now for my special Birthday surprise to myself:

Because I have a busy weekend, and it will take me too long to do all this challenge planning stuff I have decided not to have an immunity challenge this week.

So instead, ALL FOUR tribes will be heading to Tribal Council this week. That means that I should have 32 votes in my email inbox by the time Thursday rolls around.

Keep in mind what I said about each person in each tribe and what they bring to the table. If your tribe has a weakness, take this week to try and fix it.

Happy voting.


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE'RE ALL GOING?! That's insane - but happy birthday Mike, as contestants in Survivor Hamilton, our gift will be to overload your inbox with votes!!

This should be an interesting vote because no one has let a team down or brought a team up in the challenge! Hmmmm - who to vote for?? IT'S A TOUGHY!!

Happy Birthday mike!


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA YES! Face to Face action lol

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i voting for james again

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am the man.
chris pitman

At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike what r u doin to us....This is going to bring mayhem. I am so excited to see where this goes.

But in all seriousness i would like us all to raise our glass to mike on his birthday. Have a good one big guy.

Margani what can i say....Were the best.


At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike was too busy kissing.

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so was i.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. nah we were just talkin real close up.

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And pitty gets shot down



At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha im loving how there's some action goin on in our tribe.. ya pitman and cait!

sheesh mike every tribes going, you're nuts man... i didnt see that coming... but its a good idea

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's somethin else you're not gunna see comin this week cowin....
just kidding?

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

somthing else people didnt see coming?
James lee gets voted off again probobly.

At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow James gets bashed almost every second post...He off the island and he's still the most talked about. Good on ya bud


At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe he'll get a career in television now cuz of a few episodes where he was on survivor...

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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