Survivor Hamilton Two

A unique reality show where my friends vote eachother out with hopes of becoming the ultimate Survivor.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Week Eleven

Kichagani Tribe

Whatever Cowin had planned last week had not worked out for him. So now it was time to pack up his pride and talk to Kyle about some sort of alliance. Chelsea had been in an alliance with Kyle, but because she had first been in an alliance with Jill, she felt bad for betraying her. Both Cowin and Chelsea had to prove their worth. But strategy began to subside as the night sky quickly filled with clouds. The wind picked up and began shifting the tribe’s shelter. Suddenly thunder and lighting struck almost simultaneously, with the lighting striking somewhere in the woods behind the camp. Mandy and Scott rushed to hold down the shelter as the winds almost lifted it off the ground. As Cowin and Kyle ran to grab their makeshift fishing gear from the beach the rain began to pour down. Again the sky lit up with forks of lightning, and the thunder clapped just overhead. Micah and Chelsea tried to grab all the food they could, but the wind knocked Chelsea right off her feet and head first into a tree. Micah stopped where he was to lift her and take into the shelter which was being tied down.

Margolo Tribe

The waves crashed up on the beach buckling Jord’s legs as he was swept off shore by the undertow. German rushed to the rescue, and with the flashing lighting, and the pouring rain, he looked like a glittering angel to Jord, who was fighting furiously against the waves. Meanwhile, the water from the rain and the waves was filling the campsite and ruining all their food. The wind continued to howl and pull the trees almost to the ground. Elliott was whacked by a branch that broke off of a tree, and Steve hurried to his aid, yelling for Beckie to help. Together they woke Elliott (who was unconscious) and tried to get him under their ramshackle refuge. When there was no lighting, they couldn’t see anything as the night was pitch black, and the lighting blinded them when it flashed. German and Jord hurried out of the water to the shelter, and together with Steve, Elliott and Beckie they all huddled together under their slowly deteriorating shelter.

The Harteema Gang

The water was already up to Lauren’s waist as she struggled to stay on her feet. The wind didn’t help, as it tried to overturn her upped half and pull it under the water. Luckily, Chris got to her, hoisted her in the air and carried her to a tree, where she could brace herself against the wind. Harteema’s shelter was already gone, taken by the waves, and the tribe was trying to get into trees to keep from getting swept away as well. Wells, Dirks and Cait got into trees alright, but Trotman was still a ways away from any tree, and struggling mightily to get to where they were. Finally Trotman got to a tree, but at the same time, that tree was knocked down by the wind, and crashed into the tree that held Tyler and Cait. As they plunged into the water, the tree landed on top of Tyler, holding him down. Lifeguard Chris Pitman jumped into the water, and dove down the try and pull Tyler out. Dirks jumped down to help, and soon Tyler was pulled out, but the whole group was exhausted. It would be a long night.

Immunity Challenge

I know everyone is tired from the storm last night, but its time to compete. This challenge will be primarily a puzzle challenge, but will contain aspects of speed, strength and teamwork. Each tribe has a puzzle to put together, but the pieces are spread throughout the jungle, some in trees, and some in the mud and such. The pieces are also 50 lbs each. There are ten pieces per puzzle, and once all the pieces are brought back, the tribe members will take turns placing a piece until all ten pieces are in place. The first tribe to complete their puzzle wins immunity.

The attribute weightings are as follows:

Speed: 20%
Strength: 20%
PS: 40%
Strategizing: 0%
Teamwork: 20%

As only five contestants will participate in this challenge, Kichagani must sit out one member. They choose to sit out Chelsea. Since Harteema has two extra members and they can’t sit out someone who already sat out, they choose Cait to sit out. Their other member who has to sit out will be chosen by Kichagani and Margolo. They choose Dirks to sit out.

So with all five members of each of the three tribes at the starting line, the challenge begins! All the players rush out, with Cowin, German and Pitman being the first to bring back a piece. Each tribe member had to bring back two pieces in challenge. Scott, Kyle, Steve, Elliott and Tyler were the next few to bring their pieces back. Soon Kichagani and Margolo were almost done bringing in their pieces, with Lauren holding Harteema back a little in this section. Finally, Margolo and Kichagani were starting their puzzles at essentially the same time.

For Kichagani, Kyle, Cowin and Mandy were breezing through their puzzle, while for Margolo, German, Steve and Jord were killing it. Harteema was beginning to catch up with Lauren, Silas and Tyler picking up the slack. But it was Margolo that was beginning to pull away, being two pieces ahead. Their teamwork was great, and it was showing as quickly, Elliott placed the last piece in place and their puzzle was completed!

That means that Margolo wins their first Immunity, while Kichagani and Harteema must go to Tribal Council this week.

Keys to Victory (defeat):

Margolo Tribe: They really picked up the pace this week, and put together a tight challenge. As a team Margolo was exceptional, with each person knowing their part and getting it done. Beckie, German and Elliott were very good at collecting the pieces, while Steve and Jord were money at putting the puzzle together. Well done Margolo.

Kichagani Tribe: Sitting out Chelsea was probably a good choice, but there were still a couple people who didn’t do as well as they would have liked. Cowin, Kyle and Scott did very well in this challenge, but Mandy just wasn’t physical enough for this challenge, while Micah struggled a bit in the PS aspect of the challenge. It was close, but as a tribe, their teamwork is just too terrible. Probably has something to do with all the stress in the tribe.

Harteema Gang: Cait was as good a choice as any to sit out, but the other tribes choosing Dirks to sit out was a fantastic choice. He would have been very good in this challenge, but it wasn’t to be. Tyler picked up the slack however and was the best out of anyone in the game on this challenge. Chris and Trotman were good at getting the pieces, while Silas and Lauren were amazing at putting the puzzle together, the tribe just wasn’t made for a challenge like this. Weaknesses were exposed.

So these are the people who must vote by Wednesday night at 11:59 pm:

Kichagani Tribe:

Harteema Gang:



At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i get to comment first do i. Well it was a hard night for u all. I hope chelsea, Elliot and tyler all recover quickly from ur injuries. Well i like that the only way they can beat Harteema is by sitting out superman. Well u gotta do what u gotta do i suppose good luck former tribe in the up coming tribal council. Hope u all have a great weekend.


P.S. German can u be my gaurdian angle next?

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh GERMAN, my angel.
how did it feel to clasp me out of my certain death to the bottom of davie jones' locker? i owe you one man. maybe even two.

At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now German is an angel eh? The man can do nothing wrong! Ahh well, keep on trucking German you may just have this thing already won!


At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yesss indeed we finally won a challenge, and a good challenge it was for us! yeay for not voting.

as for the storm, thats what pulled us together.

i'd like to merge as well.

i think more important than his angelnesss was his glittering body. ahahaha

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

after some fine tuning we've got the gears of change already in motion.. I can feel the ushering in of a new era, with Peter as our leader and saviour, I believe its time to start adopting the increasingly popular way of thinking.. What would Peter German Do?

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see callin out Chris has got me no bout...Peter German.

Naw i couldn't do that. Its not a good idea to take on an angle. they have some real serious back up.

Ok it's back to me and u jamesy. And im not to sure how to play squash but how bout a wrestling match. I call being the undertaker.


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

German's an angel....not an "angle" there Matty boy

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i donno he's pretty acute

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Mike said...

ahahahahahahahahaha.... steve no way that was an original one liner...if it was, you take the cake as the funniest guy. tell me you didnt learn that in elementary school when you were studying spelling.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you mean not original, of course thats original, can i have a pie instead of cake though, too dry for me.

unless you get that sassy sass waitress, she might be able to convince me to have cake.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Peter German said...

Oh you guys, making me blush all the time. You're all-right. I'm glad we don't have to vote anyone out this week. It seems like its been forever since we've had a week off. Congrats Margolo!!! We came through in the clutch.

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like we angered the Hamilton Gods this time for voting off his mother. Ouch I knew we were gonna pay for that one.


At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True....what can i say i spell like a 3 year old child.


P.S. Stevo ur pretty damn acute urself.


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